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GOES Users’ Conference III May 10-13, 2004 Broomfield, CO Prepared by Integrated Work Strategies, LLC GOES USERS’ CONFERENCE III: Discussion Highlights.

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Presentation on theme: "GOES Users’ Conference III May 10-13, 2004 Broomfield, CO Prepared by Integrated Work Strategies, LLC GOES USERS’ CONFERENCE III: Discussion Highlights."— Presentation transcript:

1 GOES Users’ Conference III May 10-13, 2004 Broomfield, CO Prepared by Integrated Work Strategies, LLC GOES USERS’ CONFERENCE III: Discussion Highlights Weather Applications Shawn Miller

2 GOES Users’ Conference III May 10-13, 2004 Broomfield, CO Prepared by Integrated Work Strategies, LLC 1) Needs for Data and Product Distribution Flexibility-- Different users have different needs, i.e., resolution, type, spectral and spatial coverage, timeliness, data level. Therefore need to accommodate the various needs. Flexibility-- Different users have different needs, i.e., resolution, type, spectral and spatial coverage, timeliness, data level. Therefore need to accommodate the various needs. Some users need the data ASAP.…All the data Some users need the data ASAP.…All the data Some uses want to select by type, volume (thinning)…. Some uses want to select by type, volume (thinning)…. Data should be made available in a variety forms, i.e., delivery from the satellite (LRIT and/or GRB), direct push, subscription push and pull services, and parse and pull from a point of presence in real-time, near-real-time, and retrospectively, all in user adaptive formats. Data should be made available in a variety forms, i.e., delivery from the satellite (LRIT and/or GRB), direct push, subscription push and pull services, and parse and pull from a point of presence in real-time, near-real-time, and retrospectively, all in user adaptive formats. Users give feedback--quantitative description of lower level data needs. Users give feedback--quantitative description of lower level data needs.

3 GOES Users’ Conference III May 10-13, 2004 Broomfield, CO Prepared by Integrated Work Strategies, LLC 1)Needs for Data and Product Distribution (Continued) Free and open access Free and open access Access to data has to be user-friendly, so one can easily search, parse, and query. Access to data has to be user-friendly, so one can easily search, parse, and query. Metadata should be incorporated with its database, follow international metadata standards (i.e., FGDC), and enable data use independent of external sources. Metadata should be incorporated with its database, follow international metadata standards (i.e., FGDC), and enable data use independent of external sources. Archives should include links to supporting data sets necessary for product fusion. Archives should include links to supporting data sets necessary for product fusion. Strategy for determining hierarchy of data retention by data level or class--How long is it saved?. Strategy for determining hierarchy of data retention by data level or class--How long is it saved?. Record access and distribution data for adjusting archive services. Record access and distribution data for adjusting archive services.

4 GOES Users’ Conference III May 10-13, 2004 Broomfield, CO Prepared by Integrated Work Strategies, LLC 2) User Community Training “Better use of today’s data for tomorrow ”. “Better use of today’s data for tomorrow ”. Build upon Met-8/WMO training and what they have learned. Training is a global issue. Build upon Met-8/WMO training and what they have learned. Training is a global issue. Goal for end-to-end training concepts to ensure proper data utilization is fully exploited. Goal for end-to-end training concepts to ensure proper data utilization is fully exploited. Training for the leaders of the enterprise, i.e., train management in relation to asset capabilities and progression, cost benefits, etc. Training for the leaders of the enterprise, i.e., train management in relation to asset capabilities and progression, cost benefits, etc. Need different levels of training, training for application and utilization tools, and training for developers (research and development). Need different levels of training, training for application and utilization tools, and training for developers (research and development).

5 GOES Users’ Conference III May 10-13, 2004 Broomfield, CO Prepared by Integrated Work Strategies, LLC 2) User Community Training (Continued) Access on-line to training materials. Access on-line to training materials. Conduct workshops. Coverage should extend beyond just weather. Conduct workshops. Coverage should extend beyond just weather. Need to prepare future scientists to replace us in the future Need to prepare future scientists to replace us in the future

6 GOES Users’ Conference III May 10-13, 2004 Broomfield, CO Prepared by Integrated Work Strategies, LLC 3) NOAA/NESDIS Preparation for GOES-R User interfaces should be appropriate to the breadth of data capabilities, i.e., visualization features, interface processing power. This requires more synergy between system developers and users. User interfaces should be appropriate to the breadth of data capabilities, i.e., visualization features, interface processing power. This requires more synergy between system developers and users. Focus on local needs in addition to broad enterprise needs such as regional and global coverage. Focus on local needs in addition to broad enterprise needs such as regional and global coverage. Consider satellite data as a database from which to mine specific artifacts and features. Consider satellite data as a database from which to mine specific artifacts and features. Include quality indicators as part of the data (within the metadata). Include quality indicators as part of the data (within the metadata). Technology transfer provided through information exchange forums as part of the GOES-R planning. Technology transfer provided through information exchange forums as part of the GOES-R planning.

7 GOES Users’ Conference III May 10-13, 2004 Broomfield, CO Prepared by Integrated Work Strategies, LLC 4) GOES-R Risk Reduction “Anything that can go wrong will”. “Anything that can go wrong will”. Need to involve the end user at the local level in and out of the government. Need to involve the end user at the local level in and out of the government. GOES-R data and ground system simulators to prepare for local data handling so there are no surprises in information formats and structures. GOES-R data and ground system simulators to prepare for local data handling so there are no surprises in information formats and structures. How can sufficient data reduction be packaged to support different operational user classes. How can sufficient data reduction be packaged to support different operational user classes. Generate a list potential known risk areas, to be prepared to mitigate Generate a list potential known risk areas, to be prepared to mitigate

8 GOES Users’ Conference III May 10-13, 2004 Broomfield, CO Prepared by Integrated Work Strategies, LLC 5) User Readiness Timeline Sufficient time of overlap and length of time for planning, development, and operational integration. Sufficient time of overlap and length of time for planning, development, and operational integration. Need a mechanism to guide involvement, such as a central location for information for collaboration and development. Need a mechanism to guide involvement, such as a central location for information for collaboration and development. Need to add a timeline for development and integration of algorithms and products, and realistic prototype operations. Need to add a timeline for development and integration of algorithms and products, and realistic prototype operations. Need to show critical program milestones and critical paths as a reference measure. Need to show critical program milestones and critical paths as a reference measure.

9 GOES Users’ Conference III May 10-13, 2004 Broomfield, CO Prepared by Integrated Work Strategies, LLC 5) User Readiness Timeline (Continued) Risk reduction cost experience from Weather Service modernization was 5% for risk reduction, 5% for training. Included scientific use and final interface with end user. Risk reduction cost experience from Weather Service modernization was 5% for risk reduction, 5% for training. Included scientific use and final interface with end user. Real data normally not available until initial satellite checkout, a period TBD months to a year. Need lead time to plan turn-on to support time for funding needs and resource requirements. Real data normally not available until initial satellite checkout, a period TBD months to a year. Need lead time to plan turn-on to support time for funding needs and resource requirements.

10 GOES Users’ Conference III May 10-13, 2004 Broomfield, CO Prepared by Integrated Work Strategies, LLC 6) Other Issues Involvement of user community in any de-scope process in supporting alternative options. Have a “fright night” process for cooperative contingency planning. Involvement of user community in any de-scope process in supporting alternative options. Have a “fright night” process for cooperative contingency planning. A focal point for information, outreach, training, such as similar to the NPOESS program office. A focal point for information, outreach, training, such as similar to the NPOESS program office. Reach out to international community for technique development and science application. Reach out to international community for technique development and science application. Need to document lessons learned beginning with programming planning up to and including program implementation. Need to document lessons learned beginning with programming planning up to and including program implementation. We are discussing GOES-R readiness as an era. We are discussing GOES-R readiness as an era. Need growth plans in other areas (model development, etc.) directly and indirectly related to GOES-R Need growth plans in other areas (model development, etc.) directly and indirectly related to GOES-R Do not give impression that we can do with less. Do not give impression that we can do with less.

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