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2003.08.25 SLIDE 1IS246 – FALL 2003 Lecture 01: Introduction IS246 Multimedia Information Prof. Marc Davis UC Berkeley SIMS Monday and Wednesday 3:30.

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2 2003.08.25 SLIDE 1IS246 – FALL 2003 Lecture 01: Introduction IS246 Multimedia Information Prof. Marc Davis UC Berkeley SIMS Monday and Wednesday 3:30 pm – 5:00 pm Fall 2003

3 2003.08.25 SLIDE 2IS246 – FALL 2003 Today’s Agenda Introductions Problem Domain Goals of Course Course Overview Action Items for Next Time

4 2003.08.25 SLIDE 3IS246 – FALL 2003 Today’s Agenda Introductions Problem Domain Goals of Course Course Overview Action Items for Next Time

5 2003.08.25 SLIDE 4IS246 – FALL 2003 Who Am I? Assistant Professor at SIMS (School of Information Management and Systems) Background 1980 – 1984B.A. from Wesleyan University in the College of Letters 1984 – 1987M.A. from the University of Konstanz in Literary Theory and Philosophy 1990 – 1995Ph.D. from MIT Media Laboratory in Media Arts and Sciences 1993 – 1998Member of the Research Staff and Project Coordinator at Interval Research Corporation 1999 – 2002Chairman and CTO of Amova

6 2003.08.25 SLIDE 5IS246 – FALL 2003 Why Am I Here? Creating technology and applications that will enable daily media consumers to become daily media producers Research and teaching in the theory, design, and development of digital media systems for creating and using media metadata to automate media production and reuse

7 2003.08.25 SLIDE 6IS246 – FALL 2003 Student Introductions Who are you? –Name –Undergrad degree and current department –Special areas of expertise and interest Why are you here? –What you want to learn from the course

8 2003.08.25 SLIDE 7IS246 – FALL 2003 Today’s Agenda Introductions Problem Domain Goals of Course Course Overview Action Items for Next Time

9 2003.08.25 SLIDE 8IS246 – FALL 2003 Global Media Network Digital media produced anywhere by anyone accessible to anyone anywhere Today’s media users become tomorrow’s media producers Not 500 Channels — 500,000,000 multimedia Web Sites

10 2003.08.25 SLIDE 9IS246 – FALL 2003 What is the Problem? Today people cannot easily find, edit, share, and reuse media Computers don’t understand media content –Media is opaque and data rich –We lack structured representations Without content representation (metadata), manipulating digital media will remain like word- processing with bitmaps

11 2003.08.25 SLIDE 10IS246 – FALL 2003 Types of Multimedia Data 1D –Audio (speech, music, sound effects, etc.) –MIDI 2D –Photographs –Graphics 3D –Video (2D + Time) –Animation (2D + Time) –Computer graphic models 4D –Computer graphic model animation (3D + Time)

12 2003.08.25 SLIDE 11IS246 – FALL 2003 Moore’s Law for Cameras 2000 Kodak DC40 Nintendo GameBoy Camera $400 $ 40 2002 Kodak DX4900 SiPix StyleCam Blink

13 2003.08.25 SLIDE 12IS246 – FALL 2003 Nokia 3650 Phone

14 2003.08.25 SLIDE 13IS246 – FALL 2003 The Media Problem Vastly more media will be produced Without ways to manage it (metadata creation and use) we lose the advantages of digital media Most current approaches are insufficient and perhaps misguided Great opportunity for innovation and invention Need interdisciplinary approaches to the problem

15 2003.08.25 SLIDE 14IS246 – FALL 2003 Automatic Audio-Video Synchronization Raw Celery Chopping VideoU2 “Numb” AudioUnsynched Numb Celery Music Video Synched Numb Celery Music Video

16 2003.08.25 SLIDE 15IS246 – FALL 2003 Today’s Agenda Introductions Problem Domain Goals of Course Course Overview Action Items for Next Time

17 2003.08.25 SLIDE 16IS246 – FALL 2003 Goals of the Course Acquire theoretical and practical foundations to analyze, design, and produce multimedia information systems –Media theory –Media practice –Current and future media systems and applications Learn to apply media theory to media design Gain further experience in project-based learning and teamwork Develop an enduring framework and methodology for media analysis and design

18 2003.08.25 SLIDE 17IS246 – FALL 2003 What This Course Is Graduate level lecture/seminar/studio in multimedia information Highly interdisciplinary –Information Management and Systems, Computer Science, Electrical Engineering –Film Studies, Cognitive Science, Linguistics –Film Practice, Design, HCI Project-based and team-oriented Requires stretching, commitment, and active participation

19 2003.08.25 SLIDE 18IS246 – FALL 2003 What This Course Is Not Topics –Computer science or engineering course on media signals and systems –Film criticism course –Advanced media production skills course –Media networking, protocols, compression course Methods –Exams

20 2003.08.25 SLIDE 19IS246 – FALL 2003 Who This Course Is For Students from –SIMS –Film Studies –EECS –Law, Business, Journalism, Architecture –Other departments Interested in –Synergizing a variety of disciplinary approaches to a complex, important, and fascinating problem domain that will shape the future of human communication, technology, and culture

21 2003.08.25 SLIDE 20IS246 – FALL 2003 Today’s Agenda Introductions Problem Domain Goals of Course Course Overview Action Items for Next Time

22 2003.08.25 SLIDE 21IS246 – FALL 2003 Course Format Most classes will be lecture/discussion sessions –Lecture ~50 minutes –Discussion ~30 minutes For each class two students will prepare discussion questions and help lead discussion Some classes will be working sessions –Assignment 3 Overview and Ideation –Annotated Storyboard Working Session and Crit –Final Project Overview and Ideation Some classes will be student presentations –Media Production and Theory Presentations –Final Project Presentations

23 2003.08.25 SLIDE 22IS246 – FALL 2003 Course Overview Course phases –Theoretical and practical foundations –Current issues and methods –The future of multimedia Course assignments –Theory application –Using a camcorder –Short media production –Final project

24 2003.08.25 SLIDE 23IS246 – FALL 2003 Course Sessions 01-14 Theoretical and practical foundations –Communications theory and semiotics (Reddy, Iser, Barthes, Saussure) –Formalist media theory (Bordwell, Kuleshov) –Semiotic media theory (Metz, Eco) –Integrating theory and practice (Eisenstein) –Video production overview (Guest: Rachel Strickland) –Audio production overview (Guest: Rachel Strickland) Theory and history of computation (Hillis, Winograd) –Computational media theory (Manovich, Dorai & Venkatesh, Bloch)

25 2003.08.25 SLIDE 24IS246 – FALL 2003 Course Sessions 15-25 Current issues and methods –Metadata for media (Davenport, Davis) –Automated media analysis (Agrain, Jain, Foote) –Multimedia journalism (Guest: Paul Grabowicz) –Media asset management and reuse process (Christel, Dimitrova, Prelinger, Jenkins) –Commercial editing systems (Adobe Premiere) –Commercial media asset management systems (Virage) –Research multimedia systems (FotoFile, Informedia) –Multimedia standards (MPEG-7)

26 2003.08.25 SLIDE 25IS246 – FALL 2003 Course Sessions 26-29 The future of multimedia –Future of multimedia information technology (Bush, McLuhan, Davis, Chang) –Active capture (Davis, Nack, Barry) –Adaptive media (Davis, Stern, Varian) –Final project presentations

27 2003.08.25 SLIDE 26IS246 – FALL 2003 Course Assignments Theory application Using a camcorder: “Object lesson” Short media production –Annotated storyboard and goal statement –Rough edit –Presentation Final project –Team and idea formation –Project proposal –Project design specifications –Project presentation and write-up

28 2003.08.25 SLIDE 27IS246 – FALL 2003 Grading 20% Theory Application Assignment 20% Mini Media Production Project 40% Final Project 20% Class Participation

29 2003.08.25 SLIDE 28IS246 – FALL 2003 SIMS Digital Media Studio Hardware –Terabyte file server –Gigabit Ethernet –2 Mac G4 workstations –2 PC workstations –Various audio/video input options –5 Sony DCR-TRV50 DV camcorders –5 Audio field recording packs –Greenscreen Software –Adobe Premiere –Adobe AfterEffects –Adobe PhotoShop –FinalCut Pro –Media Streams Collaboration tools –Brainstorming area –Wall whiteboards

30 2003.08.25 SLIDE 29IS246 – FALL 2003 IS246 Teaching Team Professor Marc Davis Head TA Ana Ramirez SIMS Studio Manager Jeremy Kashnow Consulting TA Vivien Petras

31 2003.08.25 SLIDE 30IS246 – FALL 2003 Office Hours Marc Davis –Thursdays 2:00 pm – 4:00 pm –And by appointment TAs –TBA

32 2003.08.25 SLIDE 31IS246 – FALL 2003 Today’s Agenda Introductions Problem Domain Goals of Course Course Overview Action Items for Next Time

33 2003.08.25 SLIDE 32IS246 – FALL 2003 Purchase Course Materials Purchase Course Reader at Copy Central on Bancroft after Thursday Purchase Course Textbook –David Bordwell and Kristin Thompson. Film Art: An Introduction. 7 th Edition. McGraw Hill, New York, 2003.

34 2003.08.25 SLIDE 33IS246 – FALL 2003 SIMS/CIS Computer Orientation Fill out SIMS/CIS Account Request Form in class See Roberta Epstein on the second floor of South Hall to get SIMS/CIS orientation

35 2003.08.25 SLIDE 34IS246 – FALL 2003 Readings for Next Time Wednesday 08/27 –Michael Reddy: “The Conduit Metaphor: A Case of Frame Conflict in Our Language about Language” –Wolfgang Iser: “The Reading Process: A Phenomenological Approach” –Roland Barthes: “The Death of the Author” –Roland Barthes: “From Work to Text”

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