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Data Preparation and Description

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1 Data Preparation and Description
Chapter 15 Data Preparation and Description McGraw-Hill/Irwin Business Research Methods, 10e Copyright © 2008 by The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. All Rights Reserved.

2 Learning Objectives Understand . . .
The importance of editing the collected raw data to detect errors and omissions. How coding is used to assign number and other symbols to answers and to categorize responses. The use of content analysis to interpret and summarize open questions.

3 Learning Objectives Understand . . .
Problems with and solutions for “don’t know” responses and handling missing data. The options for data entry and manipulation.

4 PulsePoint: Research Revelation
68 The percent of online consumers who put trust in online consumer recommendations.

5 Research Adjusts for Imperfect Data
“In the future, we’ll stop moaning about the lack of perfect data and start using the good data with much more advanced analytics and data-matching techniques.” Kate Lynch, research director Leo Burnett’s Starcom Media Unit

6 Data Preparation in the Research Process

7 Monitoring Online Survey Data
Online surveys need special editing attention. CfMC provides software and support to research suppliers to prevent interruptions from damaging data .

8 Editing Accurate Consistent Criteria Arranged for simplification
Uniformly entered Complete

9 Field Editing Field editing review Entry gaps identified
Callbacks made Validate results Ad message: Speed without accuracy won’t help the manager choose the right direction.

10 Central Editing Be familiar with instructions
given to interviewers and coders Do not destroy the original entry Make all editing entries identifiable and in standardized form Initial all answers changed or supplied Place initials and date of editing on each instrument completed

11 Sample Codebook

12 Precoding

13 Coding Open-Ended Questions

14 Coding Rules Appropriate to the research problem Exhaustive Categories
should be Mutually exclusive Derived from one classification principle

15 QSR’s XSight software for content analysis.

16 Content Analysis

17 Types of Content Analysis
Syntactical Referential Propositional Thematic

18 Open-Question Coding Locus of Responsibility Mentioned Not Mentioned
A. Company ________________________ B. Customer C. Joint Company-Customer F. Other Locus of Responsibility Frequency (n = 100) A. Management 1. Sales manager 2. Sales process 3. Other 4. No action area identified B. Management 1. Training C. Customer 1. Buying processes 2. Other 3. No action area identified D. Environmental conditions E. Technology F. Other 10 20 7 3 15 12 8 5

19 Handling “Don’t Know” Responses
Question: Do you have a productive relationship with your present salesperson? Years of Purchasing Yes No Don’t Know Less than 1 year 10% 40% 38% 1 – 3 years 30 32 4 years or more 60 Total 100% n = 650 100% n = 150 100% n = 200

20 Data Entry Keyboarding Database Programs Digital/ Barcodes Optical
Recognition Voice recognition

21 Missing Data Listwise Deletion Pairwise Deletion Replacement

22 Key Terms Bar code Codebook Coding Content analysis Data entry
Data field Data file Data preparation Data record Database Don’t know response Editing Missing data Optical character recognition Optical mark recognition Precoding Spreadsheet Voice recognition

23 Describing Data Statistically
Appendix 15a Describing Data Statistically

24 Cumulative Percentage Cumulative Percentage
Frequencies A Unit Sales Increase (%) Frequency Percentage Cumulative Percentage 5 6 7 8 9 Total 1 2 3 11.1 22.2 33.3 100.0 66.7 88.9 100 B Unit Sales Increase (%) Frequency Percentage Cumulative Percentage Origin, foreign (1) 6 7 8 1 2 11.1 22.2 33.3 55.5 Origin, foreign (2) 5 9 Total 100.0 66.6 77.7 88.8

25 Distributions

26 Characteristics of Distributions

27 Measures of Central Tendency
Mean Median Mode

28 Measures of Variability
Variance Quartile deviation Standard deviation Interquartile range Range

29 Summarizing Distribution Shape

30 Symbols _ _ _

31 Key Terms Central tendency Descriptive statistics Deviation scores
Frequency distribution Interquartile range (IQR) Kurtosis Median Mode Normal distribution Quartile deviation (Q) Skewness Standard deviation Standard normal distribution Standard score (Z score) Variability Variance

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