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Multivariate Data Analysis Chapter 10 - Multidimensional Scaling

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Presentation on theme: "Multivariate Data Analysis Chapter 10 - Multidimensional Scaling"— Presentation transcript:

1 Multivariate Data Analysis Chapter 10 - Multidimensional Scaling

2 Chapter 10 What Is Multidimensional Scaling?
A Simplified Look at How Multidimensional Scaling Works Comparing MDS to Other Interdependence Techniques Individual As the Unit of Analysis Lack of a Variate

3 A Decision Framework for Perceptual Mapping
Stage 1: Objectives of Multidimensional Scaling Key Decisions in Setting Objectives Identification of All Relevant Objects to Be Evaluated Similarities Versus Preference Data Aggregate Versus Disaggregate Analysis

4 A Decision Framework for Perceptual Mapping (Cont.)
Stage 2: Research Design of Multidimensional Scaling Selection of Either a Decompositional (Attribute-free) or Compositional (Attribute-based) Approach Decompositional or Attribute-free Approach Compositional or Attribute-based Approach Selecting Between Compositional and Decompositional Techniques Objects: Their Number and Selection Nonmetric Versus Metric Methods Collection of Similarity or Preference Data Similarities Data Comparison of Paired Objects Confusion Data Derived Measures Collecting Preference Data Direct Ranking Paired Comparisons Preference Data Versus Similarity Data

5 A Decision Framework for Perceptual Mapping (Cont.)
Stage 3: Assumptions of Multidimensional Scaling Analysis Stage 4: Deriving the MDS Solution and Assessing Overall Fit Determining an Object's Position in the Perceptual Map Selecting the Dimensionality of the Perceptual Map Incorporating Preferences into Multidimensional Scaling Ideal Points Positioning the Ideal Point Internal Analysis External Analysis Vector Versus Point Representations Summary

6 Decision Framework for Perceptual Mapping (Cont.)
Stage 5: Interpreting the MDS Results Identifying the Dimensions Subjective Procedures Objective Procedures Selecting Between Subjective and Objective Procedures Stage 6: Validating the MDS Results

7 Correspondence Analysis
A Simple Example of Correspondence Analysis Calculating A Measure of Association Creating the Perceptual Map Stage 1: Objectives of Correspondence Analysis Stage 2: Research Design of Correspondence Analysis Stage 3: Assumptions in Correspondence

8 Correspondence Analysis (Cont.)
Stage 4: Deriving the Correspondence Analysis Results and Assessing Overall Fit Stage 5: Interpretation of Results Stage 6: Validation of the Results Overview of Correspondence Analysis

9 Illustration of Multidimensional Scaling and Correspondence Analysis
Stage 1: Objectives of Perceptual Mapping Stage 2: Research Design of the Perceptual Mapping Study Similarity Data Attribute Ratings Preference Evaluations Stage 3: Assumptions in Perceptual Mapping

10 Multidimensional Scaling: Stages 4 and 5
Illustration of Multidimensional Scaling and Correspondence Analysis (Cont.) Multidimensional Scaling: Stages 4 and 5 Stage 4: Deriving the Multidimensional Scaling Results and Assessing Overall Fit Incorporating Preferences in the Perceptual Map Stage 5: Interpretation of the Results Overview of the Decompositional Results

11 Correspondence Analysis: Stages 4 and 5
Illustration of Multidimensional Scaling and Correspondence Analysis (Cont.) Correspondence Analysis: Stages 4 and 5 Stage 4: Deriving the Correspondence Analysis Stage 5: Interpreting the Correspondence Analysis Results An Overview of Correspondence Analysis Stage 6: Validation of the Results A Managerial Overview of the Multidimensional Scaling Results

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