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Session 1 Hot topics in Space Weather. Space weather of the past weekend.

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Presentation on theme: "Session 1 Hot topics in Space Weather. Space weather of the past weekend."— Presentation transcript:

1 Session 1 Hot topics in Space Weather

2 Space weather of the past weekend

3 The space weather connection throughout the heliosphere Interrelation of the Solar Magnetic Field Structure Changes and Solar Wind Parameters Bilenko, I.A. Sternberg State Astronomical Institute (Russian Federation) Tracking Intense Geomagnetic Storms to the Interplanetary Medium and Solar Source Dasso, S. Magnetic Clouds Seen at Different Locations in the Heliosphere Rodriguez, L.,

4 New instrumentation Utilizing Data from a Science Mission in an Operational Environment - Prospects for STEREO Biesecker, D. PROBA2: ESA's First Space Weather Mission Lawrence, G. German Space Weather Satellite System Bothmer, V. The New Optical Auroral Station on Svalbard: The Kjell Henriksen Observatory Sigernes, F. MuSTAnG - Muon Spaceweather Telescope for Anisotropies at Greifswald Hippler, R & Jansen F.

5 Solar cycle forecasting

6 Forecasting Sunspot Numbers using Low Order Neural Network Dynamo Model Wintoft, P et al Nonlinear Solar Cycles Forecasting: Theory and Perspectives Baranovski, A, et al Solar Cycle 24 and Space Weather Lundstedt, H. et al Predicting Cycle 24 using Various Dynamo-Based Tools Dikpati, M.

7 Cosmic Rays as Element of Space Weather and as Tool using for Forecasting of Dangerous Phenomena Dorman Cosmic Rays in Space Weather Research Chilingarian Solar Proton Events on the Terrestrial Atmosphere Damiani Calibration of the SWENET GPS Based Prototype Service for Monitoring the Ionospheric Irregularities and Scintillations using Scintillation Monitors Valette ISACCO: An Italian Project to Monitor the High Latitudes Ionospheric Scintillations Alfonsi, Global Electron Content and Solar Activity Afraimovich SPECTRE: A Service for Mapping the Ionosphere Status and Applications Jeansou Why we Observe Systematic Effects of Strong geomagnetic Storms on Total Ozone at 50 N but not at 60 N Lastovicka Some Aspects of Biological Effects of Space Weather Breus Non-Linear Analysis of External Forcing on Climate Barlyaeva

8 The hot topic Is there a Cost: Benefit Case for a European Space Weather Service? Chaloner, C.

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