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UL Careers Service Career Development Module Mature Graduates and the Workplace.

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Presentation on theme: "UL Careers Service Career Development Module Mature Graduates and the Workplace."— Presentation transcript:

1 UL Careers Service Career Development Module Mature Graduates and the Workplace

2 UL Careers Service Overview of Module Mature Graduates and the Workplace Skills and Interests A Career Investigation CVs and Covering Letters Application forms Interviews

3 UL Careers Service Two Assignments A Career Investigation (500 words) Due….. CV & Cover Letter Due:…… Graded on a pass/fail basis

4 UL Careers Service Mature Graduates and the Workplace 4 groups (10 min discussion) A & B Why are some employers reluctant to employ older graduates? C & D What are the advantages/positive qualities of being an older student and future employee?

5 UL Careers Service What Do Mature Students Have To Offer? Communication skills Time management DeterminationAdaptability Common Sense Worldly wisdom StaminaAmbition Life experience Goal settingAbility to work unsupervised Self motivation Self disciplinePersistance Flexibility People skills

6 UL Careers Service Mature Reflections - A survey of the career experiences of mature graduates, UL, 1998- 2002 Summary: 60 mature graduates surveyed in 2003 Employment details of mature graduates compare very favourably with those of younger graduates. 85% employed 73% full time 12% part time Salary levels decent: more than a third earning in excess of €33,000 in June 2003 89% thought their degree was relevant to their job Almost half had gone on to further study after their degree

7 UL Careers Service Mature Reflections - cont Experience of the job search process Two thirds thought that maturity was an advantage when entering the jobs market Only 3% said they experienced discrimination based on their age 83% considered their degree made them more employable Personal contacts proved to be the most important source of job vacancies Report available on UL website at

8 UL Careers Service Next week How Employable are you? –What skills do you need to be employable? What careers would suit you? –Career pathfinder- looks at your interests and suggests careers to match them In the meantime, check out the following: Personality websites ( Irish website) ( Irish website) (American website) Temperament Sorter (70 questions, 10 min) (American website) (you’ll need to register, provide email & user name)

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