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Solid Palette Gradient Palette I Gradient Palette II APPLYING THESE COLORS 1.1. 2.2. 3.3. Click on the desired color Click on the paintbrush tool located.

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Presentation on theme: "Solid Palette Gradient Palette I Gradient Palette II APPLYING THESE COLORS 1.1. 2.2. 3.3. Click on the desired color Click on the paintbrush tool located."— Presentation transcript:

1 Solid Palette Gradient Palette I Gradient Palette II APPLYING THESE COLORS 1.1. 2.2. 3.3. Click on the desired color Click on the paintbrush tool located on your toolbar Click on the object you want to colorize Helpful tip: Double click the paintbrush tool to apply color to more than one object at a time. To use or remove these color palettes, go to View/Master/Slide Master Optional logo for your notes/handouts slides Do not use Gradient fills for slides to be used for Webinars The big idea  Idea to code  Be responsive to new requirements  Idea to code  Be responsive to new requirements 'If an error occurred, log it. If Err.Number <> 0 Then Dim Message As String Message = "Unexpected error" & vbComma & " " & CStr(Err.Number) & " was raised." Log.Message Message, TSS_LOG_RESULT_FAIL, Err.Description End If 'Close the datapool If Not dp Is Nothing And UseDP Then dp.Close Set dp = Nothing End If 'Shutdown test data store and log services tms.EndTestServices 'If an error occurred, log it. If Err.Number <> 0 Then Dim Message As String Message = "Unexpected error" & vbComma & " " & CStr(Err.Number) & " was raised." Log.Message Message, TSS_LOG_RESULT_FAIL, Err.Description End If 'Close the datapool If Not dp Is Nothing And UseDP Then dp.Close Set dp = Nothing End If 'Shutdown test data store and log services tms.EndTestServices

2 Solid Palette Gradient Palette I Gradient Palette II APPLYING THESE COLORS 1.1. 2.2. 3.3. Click on the desired color Click on the paintbrush tool located on your toolbar Click on the object you want to colorize Helpful tip: Double click the paintbrush tool to apply color to more than one object at a time. To use or remove these color palettes, go to View/Master/Slide Master Optional logo for your notes/handouts slides Do not use Gradient fills for slides to be used for Webinars So what is the problem?  Who identifies problems in your organisation?  Look for the “problem behind the problem”  Problem analysis techniques  Who identifies problems in your organisation?  Look for the “problem behind the problem”  Problem analysis techniques

3 Solid Palette Gradient Palette I Gradient Palette II APPLYING THESE COLORS 1.1. 2.2. 3.3. Click on the desired color Click on the paintbrush tool located on your toolbar Click on the object you want to colorize Helpful tip: Double click the paintbrush tool to apply color to more than one object at a time. To use or remove these color palettes, go to View/Master/Slide Master Optional logo for your notes/handouts slides Do not use Gradient fills for slides to be used for Webinars Five steps in problem analysis  Gain agreement  Understand the root causes  Identify stakeholders and users  Define the solution system boundary  Identify constraints  Gain agreement  Understand the root causes  Identify stakeholders and users  Define the solution system boundary  Identify constraints

4 Solid Palette Gradient Palette I Gradient Palette II APPLYING THESE COLORS 1.1. 2.2. 3.3. Click on the desired color Click on the paintbrush tool located on your toolbar Click on the object you want to colorize Helpful tip: Double click the paintbrush tool to apply color to more than one object at a time. To use or remove these color palettes, go to View/Master/Slide Master Optional logo for your notes/handouts slides Do not use Gradient fills for slides to be used for Webinars Business modeling: A problem analysis technique Understand the business processes automated by the system System context Who will use the system? Activities to be automated What should the system do? Set of services the system should provide to the users What should the system output to users? Performance goals How fast should the system be? Understand where the system will fit in the deployment environment Understand the business processes automated by the system System context Who will use the system? Activities to be automated What should the system do? Set of services the system should provide to the users What should the system output to users? Performance goals How fast should the system be? Understand where the system will fit in the deployment environment

5 Solid Palette Gradient Palette I Gradient Palette II APPLYING THESE COLORS 1.1. 2.2. 3.3. Click on the desired color Click on the paintbrush tool located on your toolbar Click on the object you want to colorize Helpful tip: Double click the paintbrush tool to apply color to more than one object at a time. To use or remove these color palettes, go to View/Master/Slide Master Optional logo for your notes/handouts slides Do not use Gradient fills for slides to be used for Webinars An approach to root cause analysis Fishbone Diagram What the customer believes to be the problem Customers dissatisfied with our service Banking at night Want something fast Privacy when banking Banking in airports More banking locations Queues are too long

6 Solid Palette Gradient Palette I Gradient Palette II APPLYING THESE COLORS 1.1. 2.2. 3.3. Click on the desired color Click on the paintbrush tool located on your toolbar Click on the object you want to colorize Helpful tip: Double click the paintbrush tool to apply color to more than one object at a time. To use or remove these color palettes, go to View/Master/Slide Master Optional logo for your notes/handouts slides Do not use Gradient fills for slides to be used for Webinars Define solution system boundary: Actors Actor Someone/something outside the system that interacts with the system Example Customer Administrator Billing system Radar Actor

7 Solid Palette Gradient Palette I Gradient Palette II APPLYING THESE COLORS 1.1. 2.2. 3.3. Click on the desired color Click on the paintbrush tool located on your toolbar Click on the object you want to colorize Helpful tip: Double click the paintbrush tool to apply color to more than one object at a time. To use or remove these color palettes, go to View/Master/Slide Master Optional logo for your notes/handouts slides Do not use Gradient fills for slides to be used for Webinars Moving to the solution space Problem Solution Space Problem Space Needs Features Software Requirements Test Procedures DesignUser Docs The Product To Be Built Traceability

8 Solid Palette Gradient Palette I Gradient Palette II APPLYING THESE COLORS 1.1. 2.2. 3.3. Click on the desired color Click on the paintbrush tool located on your toolbar Click on the object you want to colorize Helpful tip: Double click the paintbrush tool to apply color to more than one object at a time. To use or remove these color palettes, go to View/Master/Slide Master Optional logo for your notes/handouts slides Do not use Gradient fills for slides to be used for Webinars Requirements and requirements management  Requirement: A condition or capability to which the system must conform  Requirements management: A systematic approach to:  Eliciting, organizing, and documenting the requirements  Establishing and maintaining agreement between customer/user and project team on the changing requirements  Requirement: A condition or capability to which the system must conform  Requirements management: A systematic approach to:  Eliciting, organizing, and documenting the requirements  Establishing and maintaining agreement between customer/user and project team on the changing requirements

9 Solid Palette Gradient Palette I Gradient Palette II APPLYING THESE COLORS 1.1. 2.2. 3.3. Click on the desired color Click on the paintbrush tool located on your toolbar Click on the object you want to colorize Helpful tip: Double click the paintbrush tool to apply color to more than one object at a time. To use or remove these color palettes, go to View/Master/Slide Master Optional logo for your notes/handouts slides Do not use Gradient fills for slides to be used for Webinars Kinds of requirements Grady, 1992 Components of FURPS+ Functionality Feature Set Capabilities Generality Security Usability Human Factors Aesthetics Consistency Documentation Reliability Frequency/Severity of Failure Recoverability Predictability Accuracy MTBF Performance Speed Efficiency Resource Usage Throughput Response Time Supportability Testability Extensibility Adaptability Maintainability Compatibility Configurability Serviceability Installability Localizability Robustness

10 Solid Palette Gradient Palette I Gradient Palette II APPLYING THESE COLORS 1.1. 2.2. 3.3. Click on the desired color Click on the paintbrush tool located on your toolbar Click on the object you want to colorize Helpful tip: Double click the paintbrush tool to apply color to more than one object at a time. To use or remove these color palettes, go to View/Master/Slide Master Optional logo for your notes/handouts slides Do not use Gradient fills for slides to be used for Webinars How do requirements drive development? Verified by Realized byImplemented by Implementation ModelTest ModelDesign Model Use-Case Model

11 Solid Palette Gradient Palette I Gradient Palette II APPLYING THESE COLORS 1.1. 2.2. 3.3. Click on the desired color Click on the paintbrush tool located on your toolbar Click on the object you want to colorize Helpful tip: Double click the paintbrush tool to apply color to more than one object at a time. To use or remove these color palettes, go to View/Master/Slide Master Optional logo for your notes/handouts slides Do not use Gradient fills for slides to be used for Webinars Requirements management plan Stakeholder Requests Features Supplementary Specifications Actors Use Cases Test

12 Solid Palette Gradient Palette I Gradient Palette II APPLYING THESE COLORS 1.1. 2.2. 3.3. Click on the desired color Click on the paintbrush tool located on your toolbar Click on the object you want to colorize Helpful tip: Double click the paintbrush tool to apply color to more than one object at a time. To use or remove these color palettes, go to View/Master/Slide Master Optional logo for your notes/handouts slides Do not use Gradient fills for slides to be used for Webinars UML model of functional requirements Use-Case-Model Survey - survey description - list of all actors - list of all use cases Use Case 2 Report - brief description - flow of events Use Case 3 Report - brief description - flow of events Actor 1 Use Case 2 Use Case 3 The System Use Case 1 Actor 2Actor 3 Use Case 1 Report - brief description - flow of events

13 Solid Palette Gradient Palette I Gradient Palette II APPLYING THESE COLORS 1.1. 2.2. 3.3. Click on the desired color Click on the paintbrush tool located on your toolbar Click on the object you want to colorize Helpful tip: Double click the paintbrush tool to apply color to more than one object at a time. To use or remove these color palettes, go to View/Master/Slide Master Optional logo for your notes/handouts slides Do not use Gradient fills for slides to be used for Webinars Analysis  Formulate a model of the problem domain domain  Analysis focuses on what to do  design focuses on how to do it  Creating use case realizations and upper layers of the architecture  Formulate a model of the problem domain domain  Analysis focuses on what to do  design focuses on how to do it  Creating use case realizations and upper layers of the architecture

14 Solid Palette Gradient Palette I Gradient Palette II APPLYING THESE COLORS 1.1. 2.2. 3.3. Click on the desired color Click on the paintbrush tool located on your toolbar Click on the object you want to colorize Helpful tip: Double click the paintbrush tool to apply color to more than one object at a time. To use or remove these color palettes, go to View/Master/Slide Master Optional logo for your notes/handouts slides Do not use Gradient fills for slides to be used for Webinars Data modeling in UML  Traditionally, developers and database analysts work in isolation  Database structure dictates applications, or  Application dictates database structure  UML extended to include database concepts  Some concepts already existed in UML (eg: Table)  Traditionally, developers and database analysts work in isolation  Database structure dictates applications, or  Application dictates database structure  UML extended to include database concepts  Some concepts already existed in UML (eg: Table) Object Model Logical Data Model Physical Data model

15 Solid Palette Gradient Palette I Gradient Palette II APPLYING THESE COLORS 1.1. 2.2. 3.3. Click on the desired color Click on the paintbrush tool located on your toolbar Click on the object you want to colorize Helpful tip: Double click the paintbrush tool to apply color to more than one object at a time. To use or remove these color palettes, go to View/Master/Slide Master Optional logo for your notes/handouts slides Do not use Gradient fills for slides to be used for Webinars Use case realizations A use-case realization describes how a particular use case is realized within the design model, in terms of collaborating objects. Class diagrams Interaction diagrams Modeled as a UML collaboration One per use case (minimum)  New design can result in new realization A use-case realization describes how a particular use case is realized within the design model, in terms of collaborating objects. Class diagrams Interaction diagrams Modeled as a UML collaboration One per use case (minimum)  New design can result in new realization

16 Solid Palette Gradient Palette I Gradient Palette II APPLYING THESE COLORS 1.1. 2.2. 3.3. Click on the desired color Click on the paintbrush tool located on your toolbar Click on the object you want to colorize Helpful tip: Double click the paintbrush tool to apply color to more than one object at a time. To use or remove these color palettes, go to View/Master/Slide Master Optional logo for your notes/handouts slides Do not use Gradient fills for slides to be used for Webinars Class diagrams  Used to model classes participating in a use case realization.  Used to document a domain model  Used to model logical architecture  Analysis stereotypes  Boundary  Control  Entity  Used to model classes participating in a use case realization.  Used to document a domain model  Used to model logical architecture  Analysis stereotypes  Boundary  Control  Entity

17 Solid Palette Gradient Palette I Gradient Palette II APPLYING THESE COLORS 1.1. 2.2. 3.3. Click on the desired color Click on the paintbrush tool located on your toolbar Click on the object you want to colorize Helpful tip: Double click the paintbrush tool to apply color to more than one object at a time. To use or remove these color palettes, go to View/Master/Slide Master Optional logo for your notes/handouts slides Do not use Gradient fills for slides to be used for Webinars Sequence diagrams  Model a scenario of a use case realisation

18 Solid Palette Gradient Palette I Gradient Palette II APPLYING THESE COLORS 1.1. 2.2. 3.3. Click on the desired color Click on the paintbrush tool located on your toolbar Click on the object you want to colorize Helpful tip: Double click the paintbrush tool to apply color to more than one object at a time. To use or remove these color palettes, go to View/Master/Slide Master Optional logo for your notes/handouts slides Do not use Gradient fills for slides to be used for Webinars Change requests come from many sources throughout each iteration of the product lifecycle Managing change All requests go through a single channel Maint Test Code Design Req Customer and End-User inputs Marketing New Feature New Requirement Bug Help Desk End-User inputs Approved Decision Process Single Channel for Approval Coders inputs Testers inputs Change Request (CR)

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