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Multiple ionization of Ne, Ar, Kr, and Xe by different ions C. C. Montanari 1, J. E. Miraglia 1 and E. Montenegro 2 1 Instituto de Astronomía y Física.

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Presentation on theme: "Multiple ionization of Ne, Ar, Kr, and Xe by different ions C. C. Montanari 1, J. E. Miraglia 1 and E. Montenegro 2 1 Instituto de Astronomía y Física."— Presentation transcript:

1 Multiple ionization of Ne, Ar, Kr, and Xe by different ions C. C. Montanari 1, J. E. Miraglia 1 and E. Montenegro 2 1 Instituto de Astronomía y Física del Espacio and Universidad de Buenos Aires, Buenos Aires, Argentina 2 Instituto de Física, Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro, Brazil CAARI 2010-Fort Worth

2 H + + Kr

3 10 -18 sec projectile

4 10 -15 sec

5 Multiple ionization data includes PCI PCI=time delayed electron emision Independent of the projectile

6  n F ,n = 1 2p 2s 1s Ne n o of Auger electrons Single ionization of an electron in the subshell  F n Landers et al 2009, Phys. Rev Lett Krause & Carlson in the 60s Brünken et al 2002, Phys. Rev A Tamenori et al 2004, J. Phys. B PCI only subvalence electrons Hikosaka et al 2004, Phys. Rev. A Hayaishi et al 2002, J.Phys. B

7 Direct multiple ionization Cross section for ionization of q target electrons   dbbbP qq )(2  independent electron model Binomial distribution )1()(... 1 21 qN i q i q qqq N i i i q pp q N bP iii N                 single ionization probability per electron for the i atomic subshell

8 Multiple ionization including PCI Binomial distribution )(... 1 21 qqqq N  i i q ( p i x 1 ) q i q N bP N              )1( qN i p ii    n F i,n = 1

9 Multiple ionization including PCI Binomial distribution )(... 1 21 qqqq N  i i q ( p i  n F i,n ) q i q N bP N              )1( qN i p ii    n F i,n = 1 P  (b)=   P PCI  i   1s  2s  …   PCI including PCI Number of total emitted electron (direct+PCI) P PCI 1s (2) = P 1s (1) F 1s,1 + P 1s (2)[F 1s,0 ] 2 Montanari et al J. Phys B 43, 165201 (2010)

10 Ne

11 Ar

12 Kr

13 Xe

14 Concluding remarks  Multiple ionization with CDW-EIS and first Born approx.

15 Concluding remarks  Multiple ionization with CDW-EIS and first Born approx.  Auger type contributions

16 Concluding remarks  Multiple ionization with CDW-EIS and first Born approx.  Auger type contributions  Kr and Xe for the first time (within independent electron model)

17 Concluding remarks  Multiple ionization with CDW-EIS and first Born approx.  Auger type contributions  Kr and Xe for the first time (within independent electron model)  Ar and Kr CDW-EIS very good for E>200 keV/amu H impact, very good! Born He +, little high for E<70 keV  Ne CDW-EIS good for E>300 keV/amu Born good even intermediate energies for H + not so good for He2+  Xe good for H + impact but not for He + more experimental data is needed!

18 Concluding remarks  Multiple ionization with CDW-EIS and first Born approx.  Auger type contributions  Kr and Xe for the first time (within independent electron model)  Ar and Kr CDW-EIS very good for E>200 keV/amu H impact, very good! Born He +, little high for E<70 keV  Ne CDW-EIS good for E>300 keV/amu Born good even intermediate energies for H + not so good for He2+ underestimate PCI for H + + Ne (excitation-ionization channel? Shake-off?)  Xe good for H + impact but not for He + more experimental data is needed!

19 Thank you! Buenos Aires, Argentina





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