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Canadian Nuclear Association Ottawa, 10 March 2005 Renewable and Nuclear Heresies Jesse H. Ausubel Program for the Human Environment The Rockefeller University.

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Presentation on theme: "Canadian Nuclear Association Ottawa, 10 March 2005 Renewable and Nuclear Heresies Jesse H. Ausubel Program for the Human Environment The Rockefeller University."— Presentation transcript:

1 Canadian Nuclear Association Ottawa, 10 March 2005 Renewable and Nuclear Heresies Jesse H. Ausubel Program for the Human Environment The Rockefeller University

2 Source: Ausubel, 1996, after Marchetti, 1985

3 Falling Global Carbon Intensity of Primary Energy 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 18501870189019101930195019701990201020302050 Kg C/GJ 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 Data sources: IIASA, BP (1965-2001), CDIAC

4 Chernobyl, 1990

5 Source: N. Victor & J. Ausubel, 2005 USA: Hydrogen Production, 1971-2003 Semi-log scale

6 Falling hydrogen price versus hydrogen production, USA, 1971-2003 1 10 10,000100,0001,000,000 Annual production, millions of cubic feet 2000 US$/10e3 cubic feet

7 Supergrid Energy Pipeline MgB 2 Electrical Insulation Thermal Insulation Vacuum Liquid H 2 @ 21 K ± 50,000 V dc 100,000 A 10 GW Source: P. Grant, EPRI

8 Source: N. Victor & J. Ausubel, 2003 Hydrocarbon fuels ranked by heat value

9 Major fuels ranked by heat value Uranium enriched to 3.5% in LWR Firewood Brown Coals Crude Oils LPG Natural Gas Hydrogen Natural uranium in FBR Natural uranium in CANDU Natural uranium in LWR with U & Pu recycle Natural uranium in LWR 10 0 10 2 10 4 10 6 10 8 01234567891011121314151617181920 MJ/kg Black Coals Source: N. Victor and J. Ausubel, 2003

10 Canadian Nuclear Association Ottawa, 10 March 2005 Renewable and Nuclear Heresies Jesse H. Ausubel Program for the Human Environment The Rockefeller University

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