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K. Liewer ANITA-Irvine CA 11/25/02 ANITA Work Breakdown Structure and Schedule K. Liewer.

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Presentation on theme: "K. Liewer ANITA-Irvine CA 11/25/02 ANITA Work Breakdown Structure and Schedule K. Liewer."— Presentation transcript:

1 K. Liewer ANITA-Irvine CA 11/25/02 ANITA Work Breakdown Structure and Schedule K. Liewer

2 K. Liewer - 1 ANITA-Irvine CA 11/25/02 Proposal Work Breakdown Structure Project Management UH/JPL Science Mission System Eng. UH/JPL/Bartol/Penn Instrument Development UH/Bartol/Penn Gondola Development UCI/Penn/UM Payload Integration UCI Calibration UCLA/UH Operations UCLA/UH/JPL NOTE: box size proportional to budget

3 K. Liewer - 2 ANITA-Irvine CA 11/25/02 WBS item description Project management –PI and project manager support Mission system engineering –EMI survey –environmental testing –system engineering –mission assurance Science –algorithm/software development –science data analysis Instrument development –antennas, front end (RF/IF), digitizers –flight computer and storage, flight software –LOS telemetry –refurbishment

4 K. Liewer - 3 ANITA-Irvine CA 11/25/02 WBS description (cont’d) Gondola development –engineering workforce –materials and services –power system development payload integration –engineering workforce, materials –integration and test support Calibration –antenna calibration –Antarctic calibration system –calibrate system and deploy Operations –ground data system development –data acquisition and archiving –instrument packaging and delivery –operations support

5 K. Liewer - 4 ANITA-Irvine CA 11/25/02 Task flow diagram

6 K. Liewer - 5 ANITA-Irvine CA 11/25/02 ANITA schedule from proposal

7 K. Liewer - 6 ANITA-Irvine CA 11/25/02 Concerns We appear to be roughly 1/2 year behind schedule –scheduled requirements review is one (short) month away –originally planned two quarters of work preparing requirements ‘03 money will probably not arrive until beginning of third quarter –may not cause a big slip; but it can’t help Schedule is just a strawman –fidelity should improve as we progress through the review cycle –work does not tend to shrink –need to find realistic ways to shorten up the schedule if we are to make the ‘06/’07 launch window

8 K. Liewer - 7 ANITA-Irvine CA 11/25/02 Needs Preliminary requirements ASAP List of receivables and deliverables –make sure nothing gets left undone (or done twice) –make sure everyone knows their responsibilities Estimates from the doing organizations on cost and schedule

9 K. Liewer - 8 ANITA-Irvine CA 11/25/02 Yet more concerns Requirement creep –“Better is the enemy of good” –We are limited in: $$$ Time –Need to settle on a reasonable design fairly quickly Before RR (6 months) Cost matches available money

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