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Below Species Ranks subspecies - a population of several biotypes forming a more or less distinct regional group of a species - primarily a geographical.

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Presentation on theme: "Below Species Ranks subspecies - a population of several biotypes forming a more or less distinct regional group of a species - primarily a geographical."— Presentation transcript:

1 Below Species Ranks subspecies - a population of several biotypes forming a more or less distinct regional group of a species - primarily a geographical race or ecotype variety - a population of one or several biotypes, forming more or less distinct local groups of a species - primarily local race, or ecotype of very small habitat - many people feel this term shouldn't be used as it is too uncertain what it means form - a population of one or several biotypes occurring sporadically in a species population in one or several distinct characters - a genetic variant mixed in with other distinct genetic variants - may be variation in flower color or secondary chemical compounds cultivar - a form or race of a plant found only under cultivation

2 Pitcher Plant - Sarracenia rubra subsp. gulfensis

3 Pitcher Plant - Sarracenia rubra subsp. wherryi

4 Acer rubrum – Red Maple - Aceraceae

5 Acer rubrum var. rubrum Acer rubrum var. trilobum

6 Rosaceae Peach Prunus persica var. persica Nectarine Prunus persica var. nectarina

7 Violaceae Two forms of Viola palustris – blue-runner violet

8 Solonaceae Several cultivars of the tomato – Lycopersicon esculentum

9 Geology of Illinois Garden of the Gods – Shawnee Hills

10 Apple River, Near Galena

11 Mississippi Palisades, Savannah, IL

12 Rockford, Illinois

13 Starved Rock State Park


15 Major cycles of variation in temperature

16 Causes of 100,000 year cycle in temperature variation

17 Earth during Wisconsinian glaciation


19 Exposed glacial till

20 Glacial Drift at Fox River Stone Company – St. Charles, IL – 100 feet of drift over bedrock

21 Illinois River Valley


23 Prairie pothole ponds and marshes

24 Glacial erratic in Alberta

25 Exposed Loess Deposit


27 Glacial Landscape – Cross-section

28 Mean Monthly Temperatures – Urbana, Illinois





33 Cyclical climate and ecological change at Billy’s Lake, MN 10,000 to 8020 BP - jack pine, red pine forest with some oaks 8020 to 3400 BP - grassy prairies with sage (5000 to 4000 BP) and with oak after that 3400 to 1000 BP - deciduous forest - oak- grass to oak-birch to birch-hornbeam 1000 BP to present - pine forest - birch- white pine

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