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1 The MAPS ECAL ECFA-2008; Warsaw, 11 th June 2008 John Wilson (University of Birmingham) On behalf of the CALICE MAPS group: J.P.Crooks, M.M.Stanitzki, K.D.Stefanov, R.Turchetta, M.Tyndel, E.G.Villani (STFC - RAL) J.A.Ballin, P.D.Dauncey, A.-M.Magnan, M.Noy (Imperial) Y.Mikami, T.Martin, O.D.Miller, V.Rajovic, N. Watson, JAW (Birmingham)
JAW; ECFA 2008, WARSAW2 Using pixels in calorimeters? Weighted no. pixels/event Incoming photon energy (GeV) Effect of pixel size >1 particle/ pixel Determine energy by counting tracks in a shower rather than measuring the pulse heights produced in the samples. Swap ~0.5x0.5 cm 2 Si pads for pixels at most one particle per pixel if linearity is to be preserved binary readout: 1 if input pulse exceeds a comparator threshold. At 500 GeV, shower core density is ~100/mm 2 (1 particle per 100 x 100 m 2 ) pixel size = 50 x 50 m 2 ensures a low probability of >1 hit in pixel. 50 m 100 m General advantages with MAPS (Monolithic Active Pixel Sensors): readout electronics is an integral part of sensor high density – excellent for sampling calorimeters?
3 MAPS charge collection Use 0.18 m CMOS technology; Readout electronics on surface of pixel; 12 micron epitaxial layer (ionisation deposited here is collected); 300 micron substrate (mechanical support only; ionisation here is not collected); Electrons collected by N wells (diodes AND N wells beneath PMOS electronics). Avoid absorption in N wells by surrounding them with a deep P well (which reflects electrons back into the epitaxial layer) INMAPS process Charge collected by diffusion (not drift) Depletion layers near diodes are tiny (1.8V applied few microns)
JAW; ECFA 2008, WARSAW4 Simulating the deep P well Central N well absorbs half charge leading to difficult operation; serious degradation Deep P well gives reasonable range of threshold. Clear advantage in implementing deep P well BUT novel process
JAW; ECFA 2008, WARSAW5 Deep P well implementation All pixels contain 4 collection diodes, each 1.8micron diameter and located 8.5 microns from corner along a diagonal preShape RC shaping; recovers before next hit) preSample (self reset before next hit) Each with: two variants of Capas and same comparator logic Mask bit 4 Trim bits pink = nwell (absorbing charge) grey = deep p-well added to block the charge absorption (INMAPS process) Shaper Sampler
6 ASIC 1.0 168 x 168 pixels 10mm x 10mm 79.4 mm2 sensitive area of which 11.1% is dead (logic etc) ordered April 2007; delivered July 2007. As a binary device, we can investigate noise, pedestal etc by carrying out threshold scans: i.e. varying the global comparator threshold and counting the number of hits per pixel. ShaperSampler Capa 1 Capa 2
JAW; ECFA 2008, WARSAW7 Threshold scans of individual pixels Means significantly different but RMS is similar RMS of theshold peak Noise 5 Threshold Units 40 electrons – as expected
JAW; ECFA 2008, WARSAW8 Crosstalk between pixels Effect of all pixels (other than the one being scanned) is to increase the general noise around zero. Scan one pixel at a time; all others off. Scan one pixel at a time; all others on.
9 Trimming the thresholds Trimming reduces the range of pixel thresholds but not enough. (The spread in thresholds is still much larger than the width of a typical threshold scan). More dynamic range is required (i.e. 6 trim bits) in order to bring all thresholds into close proximity. Difficult to find a global threshold to allow reliable efficiency measurements complicated test beam analysis Before After
JAW; ECFA 2008, WARSAW10 Beam tests at DESY < one week in mid-December 2007; very tight schedule; last opportunity before long shutdown. Electron beam: 2-6 GeV 4 sensors plus up to 10 absorber sheets (W; 3mm) all aligned precisely Signals from small scintillators upstream and downstream recorded also.
JAW; ECFA 2008, WARSAW11 Test beam at DESY
JAW; ECFA 2008, WARSAW12 Test beam results: tracks seen Observe strong correlations in x and y in adjacent planes Tracks picked out by event display Due to large natural spread in thresholds, it was not feasible to trim the pixels to a uniform response as the global threshold was set too high (to keep the hit rate reasonable), the estimated efficiency is very low With all pixels set with the appropriate trims, the efficiency is expected to be high
JAW; ECFA 2008, WARSAW13 Other tests (ongoing) Radioactive sources : Fe-55 (5 keV X-rays) and Sr-90 (>2MeV electrons) uniformity (e.g. of efficiency vs threshold) over the whole sensor; uniformity of threshold and gain. Cosmic rays absolute mip calibration. Lasers uniformity of gain from pixel to pixel; charge diffusion and crosstalk; comparison with simulation.
JAW; ECFA 2008, WARSAW14 Simulation of charge diffusion Example of pessimistic scenario of a central N-well eating half of the charge Whole 3*3 array with neighbouring cells is simulated, and the initial MIP deposit is inputted on 21 points (sufficient to cover the whole pixel by symmetry) 1 21 50 m Cell size: 50 x 50 m 2 Diodes Central N well
JAW; ECFA 2008, WARSAW15 Charge sharing between pixels Infra red laser (spot size: few microns) illuminates grid of 21 points (5 micron spacing) in the central pixel of a set of 3 x 3 pixels. [Same grid as used by simulation, discussed earlier]. For each position of the laser, take threshold scans of the 3x3 pixels.
16 Charge diffusion: summing 3x3 pixels Diode Excellent agreement between data and simulation both with and without the deep P well. With no deep P well, the diodes see signal predominantly from locations nearest to them (i.e. 9,13,14,18, 19, 20 – all near a group of diodes and furthest from the N well.
17 Charge sharing: deep P well Reasonable qualitative agreement; e.g. cell 4 has peaks at 3,6,10,15 (all locations closest to the cell) Cells 2, 3, 5 and 6 all have the same response at location 20 since this point is on the corner of the 4 cells, Simulation Data
JAW; ECFA 2008, WARSAW18 Charge sharing: no deep P well Much greater variation with position of laser spot as ionisation is lost unless near a diode. simulation data
JAW; ECFA 2008, WARSAW19 Conclusions Reasonable agreement between data and simulation gives confidence in predicted performance Sensors are being tested at three labs gaining experience with binary system INMAPS sensors look encouraging way forward has become clear
JAW; ECFA 2008, WARSAW20 Next steps Design ASIC 1.1 : 1. dispense with presamplers; preshapers only but still with the two capacitance variants 2. Implement a 6 bit trim (though space is tight on pixel) 3. Adjust the power distribution to reduce crosstalk, 4. Fix three minor faults in original version Submit to foundry by mid-July; expect to receive chips by August/September 2008.
JAW; ECFA 2008, WARSAW21 Backup slides
JAW; ECFA 2008, WARSAW22 SiD 16mm 2 area cells ZOOM 50 50 μm 2 MAPS pixels Tracking calorimeter
JAW; ECFA 2008, WARSAW23 Simulation of charge diffusion Example of pessimistic scenario of a central N-well eating half of the charge Whole 3*3 array with neighbouring cells is simulated, and the initial MIP deposit is inputted on 21 points (sufficient to cover the whole pixel by symmetry) 1 21 50 m Cell size: 50 x 50 m 2 Diodes Central N well
JAW; ECFA 2008, WARSAW24 Sensors in test beam Beam traverses triggering scints, then 2 + 2 preshapers and presamplers mixture of shapers and samplers trimming to a consistent threshold very difficult
25 Individual pixel threshold scans
26 Thresholds for groups of pixels We see considerable variation in position of the threshold; also a marked difference between shapers and samplers. Since a global threshold is applied to all pixels and each has its own distinct threshold, a 4 bit trim is provided for each pixel to bring its threshold into line. Shapers Samplers
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