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Biological Acquisition Unit Team Members: Fred Avery Ny ‘Jaa Bobo Gene Council Salvatore Giorgi Advisors: Dr. Helferty Dr. Pillapakkam.

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Presentation on theme: "Biological Acquisition Unit Team Members: Fred Avery Ny ‘Jaa Bobo Gene Council Salvatore Giorgi Advisors: Dr. Helferty Dr. Pillapakkam."— Presentation transcript:

1 Biological Acquisition Unit Team Members: Fred Avery Ny ‘Jaa Bobo Gene Council Salvatore Giorgi Advisors: Dr. Helferty Dr. Pillapakkam

2 Outline of Presentation Mission Overview o Objective o Theory o Background / Previous Research o Biological Analysis o Success Criteria Design o Project Overview o Design Process o Electrical System o Physical Model o Software Flow Chart o Power System o Components o Filter System o Optical System o Design Compliance o Testing / Testing Equipment o Biological Analysis / Chemical Analysis o Shared Can Logistics Management o Schedule o Team Members o Advisors o Part List / Budget Outline o Conclusion

3 Mission Overview

4 Objective Measure the earth’s magnetic field as a function of altitude. Measure flight dynamics of the rocket. Capture biological samples in the atmosphere. Identify types and concentration of samples as function of altitude. Measure UV intensity as function of altitude Identify UV damaged DNA in samples.

5 Theory Two accelerometers and one gyroscopes will be used to measure the rocket’s flight dynamics (roll, pitch, and yaw). The magnetometer will measure the strength and direction of the earth’s magnetic field as a function of altitude. The filtration system will combine passive and active collection techniques to gather organic and inorganic material suspended in the atmosphere. Spectrometer measures properties of light over a specific electromagnetic spectrum, specifically intensity of wavelengths between 200 and 850 nm.

6 Background Biological aerosol defined as airborne solid particles (dead or alive) that are or were derived from living organisms, including microorganisms and fragments of living things. Includes bacteria, fungi, viruses, unicellular organisms Potential roles of micro-organisms Act as cloud condensation nuclei and to participate in radiative forcing. Many airborne micro-organisms likely metabolize chemical components of aerosols thereby modifying atmospheric chemistry. Some researchers suggest that a self contained ecosystem might exists at high altitudes.

7 Previous Research Types of species found at high altitudes: bacterial species Bacillus subtilis and Bacillus endophyticus, and the fungal genus Penicillium. Size of particles: biological aerosol particles range from 0.2 to 5 μm. DNA photolyase, a FAD-containing flavoprotein, uses light to drive an electron transfer reaction between the protein and a DNA lesion. The mechanism by which this transferred electron repairs the DNA is currently unknown.

8 Success Criteria Acquire specimens in middle atmosphere o Collect a statistically significant sample to compare to previous studies. Type of samples and their concentration Determine altitude where samples were collected Spectrometer o Accurately measure and record UV intensity o Correlate UV damaged DNA in samples with UV intensity Accelerometers and Gyroscope o Accurately and precisely measure flight conditions Velocity Spin Rates Gravitational Force Magnetometer o Study magnetic field in middle atmosphere. o Compare experimental magnetic field to actual values.

9 System Overview

10 Project Overview

11 Design Process Design Sensing Circuit Schematics Placement on plates Software flow Acquire Material (Sensing Circuit) XY-Axis accelerometer Z-Axis accelerometer Gyroscope Voltage Regulators Microprocessors Magnetometer Spectrometer Servo Motors Acquire Material (Passive System) Filters Filter Canister Ball valves Tubing Assemble Design Construct plates Secure components on plates Mount Cosine Corrector Test Components Sensors Processors Filter System Spectrometer Test System Pressure Vibration Spin Sterilization Data Storage

12 Electrical System Block Diagram

13 Physical Model

14 Software Flow Chart Initialize System Write sensor data Sample Sensors (I 2 C, SPI, USB, and analog pins) Initialize System Start timer for opening valve (36 sec) First Timer Finished Open Valve Start timer for closing valve (300 sec) Second Timer Finished Close Valve Start timer for shutting down system (900 sec) Interrupt from Timer Write sensor data Shut Down System Main Microprocessor Second Microprocessor

15 Power Basic System Requirements Main Microprocessor – 90 mA @ 3.3 V Second Microprocessor - 90 mA @ 3.3 V Magnetometer – 0.9 mA @ 3.3 V Gyroscope – 3.5 mA @ 5 V XY-axis accelerometer – 15 mA @ 6 V Z axis accelerometer – 2.5 mA @ 6 V Spectrometer – 0.6 A @ 5 V Sources Voltage regulators will be used to maintain the proper amount of power for each sensor Five 9 V batteries will power system

16 Components Magnetometer Power: 2.5 to 3.3 V Field Range: +/- 8 Gauss Current: 0.9 mA Bandwidth: 10 kHz Weight: 50 mg I 2 C interface Gyroscope Power: 5 V Range: +/- 20,000 °/sec Current: 3.5 mA Bandwidth: 2 kHz Weight: 0.5 g Output voltage proportional to spin

17 Components XY-axis Accelerometer Power: 3.0 to 3.6 V Range: +/- 37 g Current: 15 mA Bandwidth: 400 kHz Serial Peripheral Interface (SPI) Z-axis Accelerometer Power: 3.3 to 5 V Range: +/- 70 g Current: 2.5 mA Bandwidth: 22 kHz Output voltage proportional to acceleration

18 Flash Memory: 512K RAM Memory: 128K Operating Voltage: 3.3V Operating Frequency: 80 MHz Typical Operating Current: 90 mA I/O Pins: 83 Analog Inputs: 16 Analog Input Voltage Range: 0V to 3.3V DC Current Per Pin: +/- 18 mA USB 2.0 Full Speed OTG controller I 2 C and SPI interfaces Components Primary Microprocessor

19 Flash Memory: 128K RAM Memory: 16K Operating Voltage: 3.3V Operating Frequency: 80 MHz Typical Operating Current: 90 mA Analog Input Voltage Range: 0V to 3.3V I/O Pins: 42 DC Current Per Pin: +/- 18 mA Components Second Microprocessor Ethernet Shield Onboard microSD card reader Communicates with SD card using the SPI bus Will connect with our primary processor Operating Voltage: 5 V

20 Filter System Design Connects to two ports: Static and Dynamic o Dynamic port draws in samples o Air flow exits through the static port Contains four filters in series o Filters are decreasing in size from 5 to 0.2 μm Filter system terminates with NPT connector at each end Testing All parts must be autoclave-able Two filter systems will be constructed o One will be included one rocket o Other kept on ground o Results compared Mass Flow Rate The mass flow rate is expected to be about 5.3×10 -6 kg/s Particle sizes ranging from 0.2 to 5 µm Exposure Time System will open at 30 km and close at 30 km Based on previous data we estimate the filter system will be open for 5 min

21 Filtration System

22 Optical System Grating Specifications Groove Density: 600 mm -1 Spectral Range: 650 nm Blaze Wavelength: 300 nm Best Efficiency (>30%): 200 – 575 nm Optical Resolution Goal of approximately 1.0 nm Resolution = Dispersion * Pixel Resolution Dispersion = Spectral Range / Detector Elements Detector Elements = 2048 Pixel Resolution determined by entrance slit size Entrance Slit of 25 microns was chosen which results in a 4.2 pixel resolution Resolution = (650 nm / 2048 pix)*4.2 = 1.33 nm

23 Optical System Optical Bench 1)Fiber optics connector 2)Fixed entrance slit of 25 microns 3)Longpass absorbing filter 4)Collimating Mirror 5)Grating with Groove Density of 600 lines/mm 6)Focusing Mirror 7)Detector collection lens 8)2048 element Linear CCD Array 9)Longpass order-sorting filter 10)UV detector lens The Longpass absorbing filter (3) is not included in our system.

24 Optical System Numerical Aperture (NA) of lens must match that of fiber optics cable, which is 0.22. Calculated using: NA = (nD) / 2f) n = index of refraction f = focal length Cosine Corrector Couples to optical fiber for spectral intensity measurements Wavelength Range: 200 - 1100 nm Field of View: 180° Diffusing Material: Polytetrafluoroethylene (PTFE)

25 Design Compliance Final mass must be 6.55 lbs o Total weight of sensors and spectrometer is less than 3 lbs o Projected filtration system weight is less than 2 lbs o More weight will be added once we are able to fully assemble the system Payload Activation o G-switch Center of Mass o Solid Works projection shows this constraint will be met o Once additional weight is added this must be recalculated

26 Testing Mechanical Drag Force Test to see if filtration system can withstand air flow Low Pressure Simulate depressurization of canister Test to see if entire system functions at low pressures Stability Make sure entire canister functions under range of spin rates and impulses Determine structural integrity of plates and sensor mounting Biological Test to see if filtration system can be properly sterilized Test to see if filtration tube can be completely sealed Determine if filters can remain sterilized for one week Electrical Sensors Test accuracy Functioning Properly Data Test processor is properly handling incoming data SD Card / Reader properly storing Power Test to see if entire system is fully powered during flight Optical Measure light of known intensity

27 Testing Equipment The following testing equipment will be used Vibration Table The table at Temple will not match expected impulses Air Foil Vacuum Pump Supplied by the Biology Department Spin Table Neither Temple nor Drexel University own a spin table that will spin at 5 Hz We will construct our own table which will operate between 0 and 5 Hz and support a 20 lbs canister Autoclave Supplied by the Biology Department Will not kill any DNA present in our filter system Mock Canister Will be built to simulate the optical port in canister Fluorescent light and Sun light will be measured

28 Biological Analysis DAPI (type of microorganisms) o DAPI (6-diamidino-2-phenylindole) is a stain used in fluorescence microscopy. DAPI passes through cell membranes therefore it can be used to stain both live and fixed cells. BRDU (type of microorganisms) o Bromodeoxyuridine (5-bromo-2-deoxyuridine) is a synthetic nucleoside that is used for detecting actively dividing cells. Genetic Sequencing (type of microorganisms) o Determines the number of nucleotides in sample’s DNA: adenine, guanine, cytosine, and thymine Scanning Electron Microscope (concentration of microorganisms) o Scans the sample and re-generates image to be analyzed, i.e. structural analysis of microbes

29 Chemical Analysis A research team at Temple University is working to understand the unknown mechanism of DNA repair by DNA photolyase. Group studies this mechanism by o Use of ultra fast laser and biochemical techniques o Exploring the details of substrate binding using fluorescence reporter, two photon excitation techniques, and single molecule microscopy Once samples are identified through biological analysis they will be handed over for chemical analysis Team proposes to compare samples to similarly damaged DNA found in extreme terrestrial environments

30 Shared Can Logistics Sharing canister with Drexel University Communication has been opened up between the teams o Both teams expect to use half the canister space and weight Drexel’s proposed experiments will not effect ours Close proximity will allow us to integrate entire canister prior to flight Drexel’s team will be using vibration table at Temple

31 Management

32 Schedule DecemberJanuary Goals: Finalize SoftwareConstruct Spin Test Platform Construct Filtration SystemSpin Tests Machine canister platesSterilization Tests Construct PayloadConstruct Spin Test Platform Vibration TestsSpectrometer Tests Build mock canister Important Dates: December 1: CDR Teleconference January 1: Final Down Select - Flights Awarded

33 Team Members Fred Avery (ME) Filtration System Center of gravity testing Mass Flow Rates Spin rate testing platform Ny ‘Jaa Bobo (EE) Hardware Magnetometer Accelerometers Gyroscope Power Gene Council (EE) Hardware Magnetometer Accelerometers Gyroscope Programming Salvatore Giorgi (ECE) Team Leader Spectrometer Microprocessor Data Acquisition Filtration System

34 Parts List / Budget PartsManufactureCostQuantity Payload Canister-$7,0001 Pic32 chipKIT MaxDigilent$49.501 chipKIT Uno32Digilent$29.951 MagnetometerSparkfun$19.951 G-SwitchDigikey$12.951 SD card 2 GBSanDisk$27.991 Arduino Ethernet ShieldSparkfun$39.951 Filter PaperMillipore Supplied by Bio Department 4 types Filter canister Millipore $388.00 1 pack = 8 canisters

35 Parts List / Budget PartsManufactureCostQuantity GyroscopeAnalog Devices$90.001 XY-axis accelerometerAnalog Devices$99.001 Z-axis accelerometerAnalog Devices$75.901 SpectrometerOcean Optics$3334.001 Fiber Optics CableOcean Optics$184.001 Cosine CorrectorOcean Optics$150.001 Spectroscopy Operating SoftwareOcean Optics$199.001 Polypropylene Ball Valve Cole-Parmer$8.004 Standard Servo motorParallax$12.992

36 Advisors Electrical Dr. John Helferty Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering Mechanical Dr. Shriram Pillapakkam Department of Mechanical Engineering Biological Dr. Erik Cordes Department of Biology Chemical Dr. Robert Stanley Department of Chemistry

37 Conclusion Concerns o Properly counting samples as function of altitude o Properly sterilizing and maintaining sterilization of the filtration system o Autoclave does not kill DNA o Correcting for any stray light that might enter our cosine corrector Major Risks o Failure of filter system leading to depressurization of canister Recently Finished o Spectrometer design completed o Ordered second microprocessor, ethernet shield, and spectrometer Future Plans o Purchase and machine plates o Write library for USB interface o Order ball valves and tubing for filter system o Test servo motors available in lab with ball valves o Continue programming processor o Construct spin test platform and mock canister o Begin tests

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