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Kürzel, Datum Usage of the Muon Channels at PSI. Kürzel, Datum Design and development of coils and cooling system1970 – 1973 Production of the coils of.

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Presentation on theme: "Kürzel, Datum Usage of the Muon Channels at PSI. Kürzel, Datum Design and development of coils and cooling system1970 – 1973 Production of the coils of."— Presentation transcript:

1 Kürzel, Datum Usage of the Muon Channels at PSI

2 Kürzel, Datum Design and development of coils and cooling system1970 – 1973 Production of the coils of Muon Channel 1 (8m)1973 Assembly of Muon Channel 1 1974 Start regular operation of Muon Channel 11975 Production of the coils of Muon Channel 2 (5m)1974 Assembly of Muon Channel 2 1975 Operation of Muon Channel 21976

3 Kürzel, Datum Operation Muon Channel 2 with attached double solenoid1976 – 1980 Operation Muon Channel 2 with pneumatic control system1976 – 1991 Start up with new refrigerator1990 Reconstruction of Cryostat and installation of PLC1991 Close down and disconnection of Muon Channel 22002 / 3 Regular operating time per year > 7’000 hrs.

4 Kürzel, Datum Statistics of quenches during 1975 – 1985 Reason 7575 76767 7878 7979 8080 8181 8282 8383 8484 8585 Total Electr. power break 726323154 235 Cooling water break 231231 1 13 Vacuum system1 11131 8 Electrical equipm. 315 9 Refrigerator 2 1 1 4 Current leads3 17 11 Human failure414512 1 1 19 Other reason1114311 12 Total 1818 1010 1616 2626 11839622111 Statistics of quenches during 1975 – 1985 Reason7576777879808182838485Total Electr. power break726323154 235 Cooling water break231231 1 13 Vacuum system1 11131 8 Electrical equipm. 315 9 Refrigerator 2 1 1 4 Current leads3 17 11 Human failure414512 1 1 19 Other reason1114311 12 Total1810162611839622111

5 Kürzel, Datum No statistics after 1985 Major efforts were done to improve the reliability of water and electrical supply. This was done during the early eighties. With the operation of the new refrigerator (1990) and the implementation of the PLC (1991) there has been less then one quench per year. The Muon Channel is designed for a maximum field of 5 Tesla (870 A). Field settings were done by the experimentalists, generally between 2 Tesla – 4 Tesla.

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