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1 Queries on Encrypted Data Dan Boneh Brent Waters Stanford UniversitySRI
2 Motivation: a few examples Example 1: Visa gateway: Forwarding encrypted CC transactions to the visa system VISA Gateway Yes No VALUE > 1000$ ? SK visa T 1000 Transaction VALUE Exp-Date D Enc(PK visa, Transaction) Low Security Processor High Security Processor D T 1000
3 Conjunction queries Goal: gateway should not learn which conjunct failed. Visa cannot simply give gateway two tokens VISA Gateway Yes No VALUE > 1000 AND exp-date < Jan. 2007 SK visa T P Transaction VALUE Exp-Date D Low Security Processor High Security Processor D TPTP
4 Filtering Encrypted Email Set containment queries: Server learns nothing other than containment status. Mail Server SK alice From: Subject: From spamhaus Yes No E( PK alice, email) T spam email
5 Routing Encrypted Email Conjunction queries: Mail Server SK alice From: Subject: From Friends AND subject = “urgent” Yes No E( PK alice, email) T cell email T cell
6 Long term goal … Goal: Public-key encryption system supporting any predicate (poly-size circuits) Sample application: Spam predicate: P(m) = 1 if m is spam email Mail server filters out encrypted spam email without decrypting email. … but no known construction
7 History To date: primary focus on equality queries SWP’00, GO’87: Equality queries on symmetric-key encrypted data BDOP’04, AB…’05: Equality queries on public-key encrypted data OS’05, BSW’06: Equality queries that hide predicate from server BBO’06: Efficient equality searches in databases BCPSS’06: Range queries in a weaker security model
8 Definitions Let = {P 1, …, P n } be a set of predicates over . P i : {0,1} [e.g: P j (m) = 1 m j ] A -query system consists of 4 algorithms: Setup ( ):outputs PK and SK Encrypt (PK, S, M) Ciphertext C (S ) GenToken (SK, ) Token T P (P ) Query ( T P, C) Output Note: no decryption (but can easily be added in). M if P(S) = 1 otherwise
9 Security Example: = {1, …, n}, [ P j (x) = 1 x j ] Adversary can request arbitrary tokens: Clearly, adversary can distinguish Encrypt(PK, x, m) from Encrypt(PK, y, m) … but Encrypt(PK, x, m) and Encrypt(PK, z, m) should be indistinguishable 1n aa bb cc x yz
10 Secure -query systems Semantic security in the presence of arbitrary tokens: Challenger Attacker Run Setup( ) PK P1P1 T1T1 Adversary wins if: b = b’, P 2, …, P q, T 2, …, T q (S 0,M 0 ), (S 1,M 1 ) s.t.: j: P j (S 0 ) = P j (S 1 ) M 0 M 1 j: P j (S 0 ) = P j (S 1 )=0 b {0,1} C Encrypt(PK,S b,M b ) b’ {0,1}
11 Selectively secure -query systems Challenger Attacker Run Setup( ) PK P1P1 T1T1 Adversary wins if: b = b’, P 2, …, P q, T 2, …, T q (S 0,M 0 ), (S 1,M 1 ) s.t.: j: P j (S 0 ) = P j (S 1 ) M 0 M 1 j: P j (S 0 ) = P j (S 1 )=0 b {0,1} C Encrypt(PK,S b,M b ) b’ {0,1} S 0, S 1 M 0, M 1 S0S0 S1S1
12 The trivial brute-force system = {P 1, …, P n } ; (KeyGen, Enc, Dec) pub-key system Setup( ): Run KeyGen( ) n times PK ( PK 1, …, PK n ), SK ( SK 1, …, SK n ) Encrypt( PK, S, M): output C (C 1, …, C n ) GenToken( SK, P i ):output T SK i Query( T, C) :output Dec( SK i, C i ) Parameters: |CT| = O(n) |T| = O(1) Enc( PK j, M ) if P j (S) = 1 Enc( PK j, ) otherwise for j = 1,…,n: C j
13 Best known constructions [BSW’06, BW’06] Encrypt S {1,…, n } Encrypt S = (S 1,…,S w ) {1,…, n } w --- conjunctions Trivial |CT| Lower Bound Best Known |CT| |T| Equality (S = a)O(n)O(log n) Comparison (S a) O(n)O(log n) O( n) Subset (S A) O(2 n )O(log n)O(n)O(n-|A|) Trivial |CT| Lower Bound Best Known |CT| |T| S 1 =a 1 … S w =a w O(n w ) O(w log n) S 1 a 1 … S w a w O(n w ) O(w log n) O(nw) O(w log n) S 1 A 1 … S w A w O(2 nw ) O(w log n) O(nw) O(w |A|)
14 Connections
15 Comparisons Traitor Tracing [CFN’94] What if secret key K i is exposed? Goal: Trace pirate decoder D to key K u. Then kill user u (or revoke his key). K1K1 K2K2 K3K3 CT = E[M]
16 Tracing Traitors Setup TT (n, ):outputs private keys K 1, …, K n public-key PK User i gets private key K i Encrypt TT (PK, M) Ciphertext C Decrypt TT (K i, C) Message M Trace D ( PK ) i {1,…,n} Outputs index of at least one key used to build D D -- stateless black-box pirate decoder.
17 Comparisons Traitor Tracing Setup TT (n, ): Run setup( ) to generate PK,SK For i {1,…,n} key K i GenToken(SK, i) Encrypt TT (PK, M): C Encrypt( PK, 1, M) Decrypt TT (K i, C):M Query(K i, C) Decryption works since i 1 Tracing: next slide
18 Trace D ( PK ): [BF99, NNL00, KY02] For j = 1, …, n+1 define for M M : p j := Pr [ D( Encrypt(PK, j,M ) ) = M ] Then: p 1 > 1- ; p n+1 0 1- < |p n+1 – p 1 | = | p i+1 – p i | | p i+1 – p i | Exists i {1,…,n} s.t. | p i+1 – p i | (1- )/n User i must be one of the pirates. i=1 n n R
19 Security Theorem Tracing algorithm estimates: | p i - p i | < (1- )/4n Need O(n 2 ) samples per p i. (D – stateless) Cubic time tracing. (can be improved to quadratic) Thm: underlying comparison query system is selectively secure no eff. adv wins tracing game with non-neg adv.
20 Other connections: BE, IBE Membership queries: S {1,…,n} ; P j (S) = 1 j S Membership Private Broadcast Encryption [BBW’05] Setup BE (n, ): Run setup( ) to generate PK,SK For j {1,…,n} key K j GenToken(SK, j) Encrypt BE (PK, S, M): C Encrypt( PK, S, M) Decrypt BE (K j, C): M Query(C, K j ) Decryption works when j S Best membership construction: |CT| = O(|S|) [BBW’05]
21 Constructions
22 Crash course in pairings Standard groups where discrete-log may be hard: Z p * for prime p. Elliptic Curves: E/F p : y 2 = x 3 + ax + b bilinear maps Extra structure on elliptic curves : bilinear maps. Defined by A. Weil (1946). Miller ’84 :Algorithm for computing. MOV ’93 :Used to attack certain EC systems. Recently ( 2000-5 ): lots of positive crypto apps.
23 Bilinear maps G, G T : finite cyclic groups of prime order q. Def: An admissible bilinear map e: G G G T is: Bilinear: e(g a, g b ) = e(g,g) ab a,b Z, g G Non-degenerate: g generates G e(g,g) generates G T. “Efficiently” computable. DDH is easy in G: given (g, g a, h, h b ) then a = b e(g, h b ) = e(g a, h)
24 Bilinear groups of order N=pq [BGN’05] G: group of order N=pq. (p,q) – secret. bilinear map: e: G G G T G = G p G q. g p = g q G p ; g q = g p G q Facts: h G h = (g q ) a (g p ) b e( g p, g q ) = e(g p, g q ) = e(g,g) N = 1 e( g p, h ) = e( g p, g p ) b !!
25 Subset query system Goal: for any S {1,…,n} and A {1,…,n} answer queries of type: P A (S) = 1 S A Example: FromAddress Friends Trivial system: |CT| = O(2 n ), Our goal: |CT| = O(n) Approach: reformulate as conjunctive equality query Encode S {1,…,n} in uniary: (S) = (s 1,…,s n ) {0,1} n Then S A (s a = 0) 0 0 0 … 1 … 0 0 0 a A c
26 Binary conjunctive equality queries A failed attempt using standard IBE technology: [BB’04] G: bilinear group. w, u, u 1,…, v 1,… G, L G T Encrypt (PK, b = (b 1,…,b n ), M): r Z q C [ M L r, u r, (u 1 b 1 v 1 ) r, …, (u n b n v n ) r ] GenToken( SK=w, A {1,…,n} ): t 1, …, t n Z q T A [ w (v a ) t a, u t 1, …, u t n ] Query( T A, C): If ( a A c : b a =0) then “algebra” returns M; otherwise random in G Problem: C leaks ( b 1, …, b n ) b j = 0 ( u, v j, u r, (u j b j v j ) r ) is a DDH tuple aAcaAc
27 Composite order groups to the rescue … G=G p G q composite order group. w, u, u 1, …, v 1, … G p PK: Blind u’s and v’s by G q U i u i R i, V i v i R i ’ where R i, R i ’ G q Encrypt (PK, b = (b 1,…,b n ), M): r Z N, Z, Z 1,… G q C [ M L r, U r Z, (U 1 b 1 V 1 ) r Z 1, …, (U n b n V n ) r Z n ] No change to GenToken and Query Note: R j, Z i terms cancel in Query. Main point: now DDH attack fails: b j = 0, but ( U, V j, U r Z, (U j b j V j ) r Z j ) not a DDH tuple in G
28 The full system... But cannot prove the system secure. The full system: add y 1, …, y n to SK GenToken( SK=w, A {1,…,n} ): t 1,1, t 1,2, … Z N ( u 1 t 1,1, y 1 t 1,2 ) ( u n t n,1, y n t n,2 ) Thm: The system is a selectively secure subset query system assuming: Bilinear-DH assumption, and Composite 3-party DH assumption T A w (v a ) t a, 1 ( y a ) t a, 2, aAcaAc
29 Summary and Open Problems Queries on public key encrypted data: Equality queries: efficient Comparison queries:plaintext t Implies traitor tracing Best construction : |CT| = O(sqrt(n)) Open: |CT| = O(log n) Subset queries:plaintext A Best construction: |CT| = O(n) Open: |CT| = O(log n) Similar constructions/questions for conjunctive queries ? ?
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