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The University of Toledo Center for Excellence in Autism Grand Opening Ceremonies! June 9-10, 2011 Successful Transition to Adulthood From Relevant Interventions.

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Presentation on theme: "The University of Toledo Center for Excellence in Autism Grand Opening Ceremonies! June 9-10, 2011 Successful Transition to Adulthood From Relevant Interventions."— Presentation transcript:

1 The University of Toledo Center for Excellence in Autism Grand Opening Ceremonies! June 9-10, 2011 Successful Transition to Adulthood From Relevant Interventions to Meaningful Outcomes

2 Meant to be a bridge to guide students successfully from the safety and guidance of the school system to the uncertainty and independence of adulthood. Often seen as a systemic requirement that must be satisfied whether or not appropriate resources are available. Not well defined or researched sufficiently in order to produce outcomes that are valid or relevant to all stakeholders in the process. Not begun anywhere near early enough in the lives of students with Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD). The Process of Transition is.. 2

3 According to the Autism Society of America… Today there are 1.5 million people with Autism 3 In the next decade there will be approximately 4million! From Relevant Interventions to Meaningful Outcomes

4 Lifetime Costs to Society 4 From Relevant Interventions to Meaningful Outcomes

5 The Impact of Healthcare Issues on Families Less access to many important aspects of healthcare but more reported problems. Disparities in access by race, education and geographical location. More than half of parents of children with ASD reduce or stop working to care for their children. Families without a medical home scored higher on every risk indicator in this study. 5 From Relevant Interventions to Meaningful Outcomes

6 A number of studies have documented a wide range of findings for those living at home or living independently. As much as 80% of students with ASD were found to be living at home and the majority of those living independently still require financial support. Living Arrangements 6 From Relevant Interventions to Meaningful Outcomes

7 IQ only slightly improves chances of successful employment. Adults with ASD – experience unemployment or underemployment, – switch jobs more frequently – make less than counterparts and; – much less likely to be employed than typically developing. Some attend college instead of work but very few receive degrees. Work 7 From Relevant Interventions to Meaningful Outcomes

8 Leisure pursuits are rarely community-based for adolescents with ASD. Almost half of students with ASD report having no friends. Adolescents with ASD report WANTING friendships and intimate relationships but may not have the skills to cultivate or maintain them. Community 8 From Relevant Interventions to Meaningful Outcomes

9 The advent of the adult advocacy community 9 From Relevant Interventions to Meaningful Outcomes

10 Integrated Self-Advocacy Curriculum The University of Toledo Center for Excellence in Autism employs 1 of 3 certified ISA Trainers in the country! For more information contact Valerie Paradiz at From Relevant Interventions to Meaningful Outcomes

11 Integrated Self-Advocacy Curriculum Pro-active rather than Re-active Teaches Autonomy rather than Dependence Implemented in a group and/or one-to-one Meaningful and Relevant interventions Person Centered Evidence-based From Relevant Interventions to Meaningful Outcomes

12 Self Advocacy 12 Accurate assessment of the circumstances Functional Self-Regulation/ Monitoring Skills += The ability to select and implement a reasonable solution that will meet our needs and allow us to successfully Self-Advocate From Relevant Interventions to Meaningful Outcomes

13 Three steps to Self-Advocacy 1.Scan for possible challenges in his/her social and sensory environments. 2.Develop a plan to explain accommodations or needs to resolve the challenge. 3.Implement individualized self-advocacy plan. (Paradiz, 2009) From Relevant Interventions to Meaningful Outcomes

14 Additional Competencies – Entitlements and Civil Rights – Understanding of IEP – Self-disclosure Partial Full – Self-awareness of strengths – Self-awareness of discomforts and tendencies From Relevant Interventions to Meaningful Outcomes

15 Self-Advocacy Portfolio – My Advocacy Scripts – My Advocacy Action Plans – My Individualized Education Program (IEP) – Notes for My Transition Plan or My Individual Service Plan (ISP) – My Favorite Advocacy Resources, Support People, and Mentors – My Articles, Commentaries, and Reflections on Topics in Self-Advocacy Individualized tools and strategies for becoming more independent and effective in day-to-day interactions with environments and people From Relevant Interventions to Meaningful Outcomes

16 For More Information: The University of Toledo Center for Excellence in Autism 3000 Arlington Avenue, MS 1161 Toledo Ohio 43614 419-383-3030 From Relevant Interventions to Meaningful Outcomes

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