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Compilation 2007 Domain-Specific Languages Syntax Extensions Michael I. Schwartzbach BRICS, University of Aarhus.

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Presentation on theme: "Compilation 2007 Domain-Specific Languages Syntax Extensions Michael I. Schwartzbach BRICS, University of Aarhus."— Presentation transcript:

1 Compilation 2007 Domain-Specific Languages Syntax Extensions Michael I. Schwartzbach BRICS, University of Aarhus

2 2 Domain-Specific Languages GPL Problem Solving  The General Purpose Language (GPL) approach: analyze the problem domain express the conceptual model as an OO design program a framework  Pros: predictable and familiar result (relatively) low cost of implementation  Cons: difficult to fully exploit domain-specific knowledge only available to general programmers

3 3 Domain-Specific Languages DSL Problem Solving  The DSL approach: analyze the problem domain express the conceptual model as a language design implement a compiler or interpreter  Pros: possible to exploit all domain-specific knowledge also available to domain experts  Cons: (relatively) high cost of implementation risk of Babylonian confusion

4 4 Domain-Specific Languages Variations of DSLs  A stand-alone DSL: a novel language with unique syntax and features example: LaTeX  An embedded DSL: an existing GPL extended with DSL features example: JSP  An external DSL: a stand-alone DSL invoked from a GPL example: SQL invoked from Java (JDBC)

5 5 Domain-Specific Languages From DSL to GPL  A stand-alone DSL may evolve into a GPL: Fortran  Formula Translation Algol  Algorithmic Language Cobol  Common Business Oriented Language Lisp  List Processing Language Simula = Simulation Language  A (successful) DSL design should plan for growth

6 6 Domain-Specific Languages Using Domain-Specific Knowledge  Domain-specific syntax: directly denote high-level concepts  Domain-specific analysis: consider global properties of the application domain-specific syntax clarifies the behavior  Domain-specific optimization: exploit domain-specific analysis results  GPL frameworks cannot provide these benefits

7 7 Domain-Specific Languages The Joos Peephole Language  A stand-alone DSL: no general-purpose computing is required  Domain concepts: bytecodes patterns templates  Implemented using: a parser a static checker an interpreter

8 8 Domain-Specific Languages DSL Syntax for Peepholes pattern dup_istore_pop x: x ~ dup istore (i0) pop -> 3 istore (i0)

9 9 Domain-Specific Languages GPL Syntax Alternative boolean dup_istore_pop(InstructionList x) { int i0; if (is_dup(x) && is_istore( && is_pop( { i0 = (int); x = replace(x,3,new Arraylist().add(new Iistore(i0))); return true; } return false; }  Much harder to write correctly  Fixed implementation strategy

10 10 Domain-Specific Languages DSL Analysis for Peepholes  Formal type and scope rules:  This is checked by a phase in the DSL interpreter |- E: bytecodes[  →  '] |- P[  '→  ''] |- E ~ P: boolean[  →  ''] |- E: boolean[  →  '] |- ! E: boolean[  →  ] |- E 1 : boolean[  →  '] |- E 2 : boolean[  '→  ''] |- E 1 && E 2 : boolean[  →  '']

11 11 Domain-Specific Languages GPL Analysis Alternative  Lots of yellow PostIt  notes:  These cannot be checked by the Java compiler don't assign to the same argument variable twice remember to return a boolean telling whether the pattern clicked always use the right kinds of arguments to the instructions

12 12 Domain-Specific Languages The JWIG Language  An embedded DSL (in Java): lots of general-purpose computing is required  Domain concepts: XML templates Web services sessions  Implemented using: a syntax extension a static analysis a framework

13 13 Domain-Specific Languages DSL Syntax for JWIG public class test extends Service { String userid; public class Login extends Session { XML wrap = [[ ]]; public void main() { XML login = [[ Userid: ]]; show wrap<[contents = login]; userid = receive userid; show wrap<[contents = "Welcome "+userid]; }

14 14 Domain-Specific Languages GPL Syntax Alternative XML login = XML.make(" \nUserid: \n \ "); show(wrap.plug("contents",login)); userid = receive("userid");  The DSL syntax maps directly to methods calls in an underlying Java framework  Avoiding escapes makes the syntax more legible  But this is just a thin layer of syntactic sugar

15 15 Domain-Specific Languages DSL Analysis for JWIG  A static analysis that at compile time guarantees: only well-formed and valid XML is every generated only existing form fields are every received only exisiting gaps are ever plugged  This is a DSL analysis that is performed on the resulting compiled class files

16 16 Domain-Specific Languages JWIG syntax JWIG Implementation Model JWIG framework Java syntax.class files analysis results jwigcjavac jwiga

17 17 Domain-Specific Languages Syntax Extensions  Programmers may want to extend the syntax of their programming language: introduce domain-specific syntax abbreviate common idioms define language extensions ensure consistency  Such extensions are introduced through macros

18 18 Domain-Specific Languages Macros  Macros are as old as programming  Is used as an orthogonal abstraction mechanism  Two different flavors: lexical macros syntactic macros Main Entry: 2 macro Pronunciation: 'ma-(")krO Function: noun Inflected Form(s): plural macros Etymology: short for macroinstruction Date: 1959 “a single computer instruction that stands for a sequence of operations” Main Entry: 2 macro Pronunciation: 'ma-(")krO Function: noun Inflected Form(s): plural macros Etymology: short for macroinstruction Date: 1959 “a single computer instruction that stands for a sequence of operations”

19 19 Domain-Specific Languages Lexical Macros  Operate on sequences of tokens  Are handled by a preprocessor  Are independent of the host language syntax  Examples: CPP TeX

20 20 Domain-Specific Languages CPP - The C Preprocessor  Integrated into C compilers  Also works as a stand-alone expander  Intercepts directives such as: #define #undef #ifdef #if #include

21 21 Domain-Specific Languages Lexical Macro Example  CPP macro to square a number: #define square(X) X * X square(z + 1) z + 1 * z + 1

22 22 Domain-Specific Languages Lexical Macro Example  CPP macro to square a number: #define square(X) X * X square(z + 1) z + (1 * z) + 1  Adding parentheses as a hack: #define square(X) (X) * (X) square(z + 1) (z + 1)*(z + 1)

23 23 Domain-Specific Languages Parsing Problem #define swap(X,Y) { int t=X; X=Y; Y=t; } if (a > b) swap(a,b); else b=0; *** test.c:3: parse error before 'else'

24 24 Domain-Specific Languages #define swap(X,Y) { int t=X; X=Y; Y=t; } if (a > b) swap(a,b); else b=0; #define swap(X,Y) do { int t=X; X=Y; Y=t; } while (0) if (a > b) swap(a,b); else b=0; Parsing Problem Hack *** test.c:3: parse error before 'else'

25 25 Domain-Specific Languages Expansion Time #define A 87 #define B A #undef A #define A 42 B ???  Eager expansion (definition time): B 87  Lazy expansion (invocation time): B A 42  CPP is lazy

26 26 Domain-Specific Languages Expansion Order #define id(X) X #define one(X) id(X) #define two a,b one(two) ???  Inner (call-by-value): one(two) one(a,b) *** arity error 'one'  Outer (call-by-name): one(two) id(two) two a,b

27 27 Domain-Specific Languages Expansion Order in CPP  CPP uses a pragmatic "argument prescan": one(two) id(a,b) *** arity error 'id'  Useful for composing macros: #define succ(X) ((X)+1) #define call7(X) X(7) call7(succ) succ(7) ((7)+1)

28 28 Domain-Specific Languages Recursive Expansion #define x 1+x x ???  Definition time: *** recursive definition  Invocation time: x 1+x 1+1+x 1+1+1+x...

29 29 Domain-Specific Languages Recursive Expansion in CPP  CPP uses a pragmatic "intercept-and-ignore": int x = 2; #define x = 1+x x 1+x  Maintain a stack of macro invocations  Ignore invocations of macros already on the stack  At runtime the value of x is 3

30 30 Domain-Specific Languages TeX Macros \def \vector #1[#2..#3] { $({#1}_{#2},\ldots,{#1}_{#3})$ } \vector \phi[0..n-1] $({\phi}_{0},\ldots,{\phi}_{n-1})$  Flexible invocation syntax  Parsing ambiguities (chooses shortest invocation)  Expansion is lazy and outer  Recursion is permitted (conditions allowed)

31 31 Domain-Specific Languages Syntactic Macros  Operate on sequences of ASTs  Are handled by the parser  Are integrated with the host language syntax  Examples: C++ templates Jakarta Tool Suite

32 32 Domain-Specific Languages C++ Templates  Integrated into C++ compilers  Is intended as a genericity mechanism  But is often used as a macro language  Macros accept ASTs for: identifers constants types  The result is always an AST for a declaration

33 33 Domain-Specific Languages Syntactic Macro Example template T GetMax(T x, T y) { return (x>y?x,y); } int i,j; max = GetMax (i,j);  Template bodies are parsed at definition time (unlike CPP macros)  Templates are syntactically expanded  Heavy use of templates yields bloated code (unlike Java generics that are not macros)

34 34 Domain-Specific Languages Metaprogramming  C++ templates: perform compile time constant folding of arguments allow multiple template definitions and pattern matching  This combination enables metaprogramming: Turing-complete computations during compilation  Template libraries exist for: booleans control structures functions variables data structures

35 35 Domain-Specific Languages Metaprogramming Example template struct pow { static const int n = 1; }; template struct pow { static const int n=X*pow ::n; }; const int z = pow ::n;  The value 125 is assigned to z at compile time

36 36 Domain-Specific Languages Metaprogramming for Specialization template inline float dot(float *a, float *b) { return dot (a,b) + a[I]*b[I]; } template <> inline float dot (float *a, float *b) { return a[0]*b[0]; } float x[3], y[3]; float z = dot (x,y); float z = x[0]*y[0] + x[1]*y[1] + x[2]*y[2];  The overhead of control structures are removed

37 37 Domain-Specific Languages Jakarta Tool Suite  JTS extends Java with simple syntactic macros  Macros accept ASTs for: AST_QualifiedName AST_Exp AST_Stm AST_FieldDecl AST_Class AST_TypeName  The result is an AST specified as: exp{... }exp stm{... }stm mth{... }mth cls{... }cls

38 38 Domain-Specific Languages Hygienic Macros macro swap(AST_QualifiedName x, AST_QualifiedName y) local temp stm{ int temp = x; x = y; y = temp; }stm int temp = 42; int tump = 87; #swap(temp,tump);  Potential name clash problem: int temp = temp; temp = tump; tump = temp;  But local names are renamed uniquely: int temp143 = temp; temp = tump; tump = temp143;

39 39 Domain-Specific Languages The MetaFront System  Macros are special cases of transformations:  Inductive transformations allow: arbitrary nonterminals arbitrary invocation syntax metafront input program program.a output program program.b A input language B output language transformation x: A => B

40 40 Domain-Specific Languages MetaFront Example language Maybe extends Java stm[maybe] -> maybe ; transformation Maybe2Java: Maybe => Java { transformer Xstm: stm => stm; Xstm[maybe](S) S.xstm => xS ==> >> }

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