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Forestry & Society Boreal Forests HORT/RGSC 302 J.G. Mexal Spring 2005.

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Presentation on theme: "Forestry & Society Boreal Forests HORT/RGSC 302 J.G. Mexal Spring 2005."— Presentation transcript:

1 Forestry & Society Boreal Forests HORT/RGSC 302 J.G. Mexal Spring 2005

2 Forestry & Society Boreal Forests:Outline Definition Diversity Important Species Carbon budgeting

3 Forestry & Society World Forest Zones/ Sharma 1992 Boreal Temperate mixed Temperate evergreen Tropical rain Tropical deciduous Tropical dry

4 Forestry & Society Species Diversity- Tree Species Canada>50 o NPicea (4 species) Canada>45 o NPinus (9 species) USA25-50 o NPinus (37 species) Mexico15-30 o NPinus (80 species) Brazil10 o S100’s species /ha Tierra del Fuego55 o SNothofagus (3 species)

5 Forestry & Society Boreal Forests: Definition –Northern Arctic Forests –Location: >45 o N latitude also Nothofagus forests in So. Amer. & NZ –Precipitation:40-90 cm(15-35”)[snow] –Temperature: mean annual T =-3 to -10 o C –Soils: highly glaciated, thin

6 Forestry & Society Boreal Forests-Growth Comparison 25 mm Black Spruce 163 yrsEucalyptus 2yrs 25 mm

7 Forestry & Society Boreal Forest of North America Science Findings 40:2001 50 o 60 o

8 Forestry & Society Boreal Forests-Important Canadian-US Species Black spruce (Picea mariana) White spruce (Picea glauca) Balsam fir (Abies balsamea) Jack pine (Pinus banksiana) Aspen (Populus tremuloides) Tamarack (Larix laricina) Paper birch (Betula papyifera)

9 Forestry & Society SE Alaska Forests (Tongass NF) /PNW-GTR 609, 2004

10 Forestry & Society SE Alaska Forests /PNW-GTR 609, 2004

11 Forest Type AK cedar/ Hemlk LPPMixed conifer Mtn Hemlk Sitka spruce Hemlk Sit sp WRC Hemlk Hemlk Ac (k)110105002002506804001280 Vol (kk ft 3 ) 4005022007501300380018007250 Productive (%) 320402793846592 Ann Vol (kk ft 3 ) 40207 372060

12 Forests of Russia/ J.For. 101(4):34:2003 Boreal forest/taigas Temperate broadleaf & mixed forests Temperate conifer forest

13 Forests of Russia/ J.For. 101(4):34:2003 Year Removal (KK m 3 /yr) Major Species: Pinus silvestris, Larix sibirica Larix gmelinii, Picea obovata Abies sibirica, Pinus sibirica Betual pendula, Populus tremula

14 Forestry & Society Boreal Forest of North America Natural Regeneration of black spruce Science Findings 40:2001 ~5cm/yr ~15cm/yr

15 Forestry & Society Boreal Forests-Important Canadian-US Species /Coombes 1992 Picea mariana Black spruce

16 Forestry & Society Boreal Forests-Important Canadian-US Species/ Coombes 1992 Larix laricina

17 Forestry & Society Boreal Forests-Important Canadian-US Species/ Coombes 1992 Betula papyrifera Paper birch

18 Forestry & Society Boreal Forests-Southern Hemisphere Species/ Coombes 1992

19 Forestry & Society Nothofagus of Tierra del Fuego, Chile

20 Forestry & Society Tropical Forests- Boreal Forests/ Longman & Jenik 1987 Annual Carbon Capture

21 Forestry & Society Forests of the World/ Litter & nutrient residence time (yrs)/ Kozlowski & Pallardy 1999

22 Forestry & Society Forest Productivity Comparison

23 Forestry & Society Boreal Forests--Review Questions Compare and contrast the carbon budgets of a tropical, temperate, and boreal forest. Don’t memorize numbers, just give concepts and relative differences. What is a boreal forest? Where does it occur? What is the climate? What are some of the major species in a boreal forest?

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