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Designing CS 352 Usability Engineering Summer 2010.

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Presentation on theme: "Designing CS 352 Usability Engineering Summer 2010."— Presentation transcript:

1 Designing CS 352 Usability Engineering Summer 2010

2 Announcements Projects: project description and ideas will be up today or tomorrow. –You’ll need a proposal and a partner by next Tue. Readings: –Read 2.2-2.3.3 ('07 version) or 2.2-2.4('02 version). Skim rest of Ch. 2. Quiz #1 on Friday 6/25 covering M-Th’s lectures and readings. Final will be on Fri Aug 13 (last day of class) 2

3 Review of last lecture What does PRICPE stand for? Pre-dispositions Research Insights Concept Prototype Evaluation 3

4 The PRICPE Design Process: Discussion Reminder: in here, we're designing the user experience, not the whole software. –How do they fit together? Anything that would have to be different when SOFTWARE design? –Just a matter of constraints. Emphasis on creativity Evaluation!! 4

5 Design Process: as fleshed out by PRICPE Process activities (See Ch. 1) –Identify needs/requirements of the user experience. –Develop alternative design ideas that meet the requirements. –Build prototypes of the designs to communicate/assess. –Evaluate (implicit in “iterate”) throughout the process. 5 Pre-dispositions Research Insights Concept Prototype Evaluate Iterate

6 In-Class Design Activity 6 Split up into groups of 2-3. You have 20 minutes to design: –An on-line “virtual” grocery. You order from home, and this translates into food. How: Use the PRCIPE process. –Write all your names on the top of the PAPER. –Write any lists/notes on PAPER. –When you’re ready to prototype, SKETCH it on PAPER. –Pick a population/device(s). –Be ready to argue for why your solution would work for that device/population –Aim for creative, interesting, useful solutions –Goal: hands-on practice with the design process. We’ll look at a few with the doc scanner.

7 Don’t forget Projects: project description and ideas will be up today or tomorrow. –You’ll need a proposal and a partner by next Tue. Readings: –Read 2.2-2.3.3 ('07 version) or 2.2-2.4('02 version). Skim rest of Ch. 2. Quiz #1 on Friday 6/25. 7

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