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Climate Change and Forest Mitigation and Adaptation in a Polluted Environment Swedish Monitoring and Research Activities Per Erik Karlsson IVL Swedish.

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Presentation on theme: "Climate Change and Forest Mitigation and Adaptation in a Polluted Environment Swedish Monitoring and Research Activities Per Erik Karlsson IVL Swedish."— Presentation transcript:

1 Climate Change and Forest Mitigation and Adaptation in a Polluted Environment Swedish Monitoring and Research Activities Per Erik Karlsson IVL Swedish environmental Research Institute Ltd

2 Swedish National Forest Inventories (NFI) A 100 year history 30 000 observation plots, revisited every 5th year. Land-use, tree growth, crown condition, ground vegetation, soil sampling. 30-40 M tonnes CO 2 is sequestered into the Swedish forest land annually.

3 ICP Forest Level II observation plots Approx. 100 observation plots Tree growth Ground vegetation Soil and soil water chemistry Deposition etc

4 The Swedish Throughfall Monitoring Network Established in 1985. Today 65 active plots. Measured parameters: Air: SO 2, NO 2, NH 3 and O 3 Deposition (bulk and throughfall): pH, SO 4 - S, Cl, NO 3 -N, NH 4 -N, Ca, Mg, Na, K, Mn, Kj- N and DOC Soil water: pH, SO 4 - S, Cl, NO 3 -N, NH 4 -N, Ca, Mg, Na, K, Mn, Fe, ioAl, oAl and DOC Deposition Mineral soil water

5 ICP Integrated Monitoring 4 observation plots Air pollutant and mineral balances in catchments.

6 Air Pollution Monitoring Precipitation chemistry, gases, PM Sulphur, nitrogen, ozone, heavy metals, cations etc etc

7 [Title] [Lecturer], [Date] Cluster 1: Climate modelling, climate, land use and emission scenarios SMHI Cluster 2: Air pollution concentrations and deposition, run-off chemistry + processes, ozone fluxes, SOA formation. IVL, SLU, GU Cluster 3: Modelling atmosphere, soil-water, toxics Cluster 4: Synergies and conflicts, abatement scenarios (GAINS), database, GIS tools IVL Cluster 5: Communication and external cooperation Climate Change and Environmental Objectives - CLEO Duration (start 2010), 3+3 years; Yearly budget, approx 600 000 Euro

8 [Title] [Lecturer], [Date] Ozone flux to vegetation - current and future Gothenburg University, SMHI, IVL. Klingberg et al., submitted North South

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