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Presentation on theme: "WAVE AND ELECTROSTATIC COUPLING IN 2-FREQUENCY CAPACITIVELY COUPLED PLASMAS UTILIZING A FULL MAXWELL SOLVER* Yang Yang a) and Mark J. Kushner b) a) Department."— Presentation transcript:

1 WAVE AND ELECTROSTATIC COUPLING IN 2-FREQUENCY CAPACITIVELY COUPLED PLASMAS UTILIZING A FULL MAXWELL SOLVER* Yang Yang a) and Mark J. Kushner b) a) Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering Iowa State University, Ames, IA 50011, USA b) Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI 48109, USA October 2008 YY_MJK_AVS2008_01 * Work supported by Semiconductor Research Corp., Applied Materials and Tokyo Electron Ltd.

2 AGENDA  Wave effects in 2-frequency capacitively coupled plasma (2f- CCP) sources  Description of the model  Base cases: Ar/CF 4 = 90/10, HF = 10-150 MHz  Scaling with:  Fraction of CF 4  HF power  Concluding remarks YY_MJK_AVS2008_02 University of Michigan Institute for Plasma Science and Engineering

3 WAVE EFFECTS IN HF-CCP SOURCES  Wave effects (i.e., propagation, constructive and destructive interference) in CCPs become important with increasing frequency and wafer size.  Wave effects can significantly affect the spatial distribution of power deposition and reactive fluxes. G. A. Hebner et al, Plasma Sources Sci. Technol., 15, 879(2006) YY_MJK_AVS2008_03 University of Michigan Institute for Plasma Science and Engineering

4  Relative contributions of wave and electrostatic edge effects determine the plasma distribution.  Plasma uniformity will be a function of frequency, mixture, power…  Results from a computational investigation of coupling of wave and electrostatic effects in two-frequency CCPs will be discussed :  Plasma properties  Radial variation of ion energy and angular distributions (IEADs) onto wafer GOALS OF THE INVESTIGATION YY_MJK_AVS2008_04 University of Michigan Institute for Plasma Science and Engineering

5  Full-wave Maxwell solvers are challenging due to coupling between electromagnetic (EM) and sheath forming electrostatic (ES) fields.  EM fields are generated by rf sources and plasma currents while ES fields originate from charges.  We separately solve for EM and ES fields and sum the fields for plasma transport.  Boundary conditions (BCs):  EM field: Determined by rf sources.  ES field: Determined by blocking capacitor (DC bias) or applied DC voltages. METHODOLOGY OF THE MAXWELL SOLVER YY_MJK_AVS2008_05 University of Michigan Institute for Plasma Science and Engineering

6  Launch rf fields where power is fed into the reactor.  For cylindrical geometry, TM mode gives E r, E z and H .  Solve EM fields using FDTD techniques with Crank-Nicholson scheme on a staggered mesh:  Mesh is sub-divided for numerical stability. FIRST PART: EM SOLUTION YY_MJK_AVS2008_06 University of Michigan Institute for Plasma Science and Engineering

7  Solve Poisson ’ s equation semi-implicitly:  Boundary conditions on metal: self generated dc bias by plasma or applied dc voltage.  Implementation of this solver:  Specify the location that power is fed into the reactor.  Addressing multiple frequencies in time domain for arbitrary geometry.  First order BCs for artificial or nonreflecting boundaries (i.e., pump ports, dielectric windows). SECOND PART: ES SOLUTION YY_MJK_AVS2008_07 University of Michigan Institute for Plasma Science and Engineering

8 HYBRID PLASMA EQUIPMENT MODEL (HPEM)  Electron Energy Transport Module:  Electron Monte Carlo Simulation provides EEDs of bulk electrons  Separate MCS used for secondary, sheath accelerated electrons  Fluid Kinetics Module:  Heavy particle and electron continuity, momentum, energy  Maxwell’s Equation  Plasma Chemistry Monte Carlo Module:  IEADs onto wafer YY_MJK_AVS2008_08 E, N Fluid Kinetics Module Fluid equations (continuity, momentum, energy) Maxwell Equations Te,S, μ Electron Energy Transport Module Plasma Chemistry Monte Carlo Module University of Michigan Institute for Plasma Science and Engineering

9 REACTOR GEOMETRY  2D, cylindrically symmetric.  Ar/CF 4, 50 mTorr, 400 sccm  Base conditions  Ar/CF 4 =90/10  HF upper electrode: 10-150 MHz, 300 W  LF lower electrode: 10 MHz, 300 W  Specify power, adjust voltage. YY_MJK_AVS2008_09  Main species in Ar/CF 4 mixture  Ar, Ar*, Ar +  CF 4, CF 3, CF 2, CF, C 2 F 4, C 2 F 6, F, F 2  CF 3 +, CF 2 +, CF +, F +  e, CF 3 -, F - University of Michigan Institute for Plasma Science and Engineering

10 Center Edge IEADs INCIDENT ON WAFER: 10/150 MHz YY_MJK_AVS2008_10  Total Ion  CF 3 +  Center  Edge  IEADs are separately collected over center&edge of wafer.  From center to edge, IEADs downshifted in energy, broadened in angle.  Ar/CF 4 =90/10, 50 mTorr, 400 sccm  HF: 150 MHz/300 W  LF: 10 MHz/300 W University of Michigan Institute for Plasma Science and Engineering

11 Center Edge IEADs INCIDENT ON WAFER: 10/100 MHz YY_MJK_AVS2008_11  Total Ion  CF 3 +  Center  Edge  Ar/CF 4 =90/10, 50 mTorr, 400 sccm  HF: 100 MHz/300 W  LF: 10 MHz/300 W  IEADs undergo less change from center to edge than 10/150 MHz. University of Michigan Institute for Plasma Science and Engineering

12 Center Edge IEADs INCIDENT ON WAFER: 10/10 MHz YY_MJK_AVS2008_12  Total Ion  CF 3 +  Center  Edge  Ar/CF 4 =90/10, 50 mTorr, 400 sccm  HF: 10 MHz/300 W  LF: 10 MHz/300 W  Less radial change compare to 10/150 MHz case.  Why radial uniformity of IEADs changes with HF ?  Many factors may account for variation: sheath thickness, sheath potential, mixing of ions … University of Michigan Institute for Plasma Science and Engineering

13 ELECTRON DENSITY: Ar/CF 4 = 90/10  Changing HF results in different [e] profile, thereby giving different radial distribution of sheath thickness, potential...  [e] profile is determined by wave and electrostatic coupling.  HF = 150 MHz, Max = 1.1 x 10 11 cm -3  HF = 50 MHz, Max = 5.9 x 10 10 cm -3 YY_MJK_AVS2008_13 University of Michigan Institute for Plasma Science and Engineering  Ar/CF 4 =90/10  50 mTorr, 400 sccm  HF: 10-150 MHz/300 W  LF: 10 MHz/300 W

14 AXIAL EM FIELD IN HF SHEATH  HF = 50 MHz, Max = 410 V/cm  HF = 150 MHz, Max = 355 V/cm YY_MJK_AVS2008_14  |E zm | = Magnitude of axial EM field’s first harmonic at HF.  No electrostatic component in E zm : purely electromagnetic.  150 MHz: center peaked due to constructive interference of plasma shortened wavelengths.  50 MHz: Small edge peak.  Ar/CF 4 =90/10, 50 mTorr, 400 sccm  HF: 10-150 MHz/300 W  LF: 10 MHz/300 W University of Michigan Institute for Plasma Science and Engineering

15 AXIAL E-FIELD IN HF AND LF SHEATH: 10/150 MHz  |E Z | in LF(10 MHz) Sheath, Max = 1700 V/cm YY_MJK_AVS2008_15a  Significant change of |E z | across HF sheath as evidence of traveling wave.  HF source also modulates E-field in LF sheath. University of Michigan Institute for Plasma Science and Engineering  |E Z | in HF (150 MHz) Sheath, Max = 1500 V/cm  Ar/CF 4 =90/10  50 mTorr, 400 sccm  HF: 150 MHz/300 W  LF: 10 MHz/300 W  ANIMATION SLIDE-GIF

16 LF CYCLE AVERAGED AXIAL E-FIELD IN HF AND LF SHEATH: 10/150 MHz  |E Z | in LF(10 MHz) Sheath, Max = 750 V/cm YY_MJK_AVS2008_15b  Significant change of |E z | across HF sheath as evidence of constructive interference. University of Michigan Institute for Plasma Science and Engineering  |E Z | in HF (150 MHz) Sheath, Max = 450 V/cm  Ar/CF 4 =90/10  50 mTorr, 400 sccm  HF: 150 MHz/300 W  LF: 10 MHz/300 W

17 SPATIAL DISTRIBUTION OF NEGATIVE IONS YY_MJK_AVS2008_16  Ar/CF 4 =90/10  50 mTorr, 400 sccm  Finite wavelength effect at 150 MHz populates energetic electrons in the reactor center.  More favorable to attachment processes (threshold energies  3 eV) than ionization (threshold energies  11 eV).  [CF 3 - + F - ] increases in the center.  [CF 3 - + F - ]  HF: 10-150 MHz/300 W  LF: 10 MHz/300 W University of Michigan Institute for Plasma Science and Engineering  HF = 150 MHz, Max = 1.2 x 10 11 cm -3

18 SPATIAL DISTRIBUTION OF POSITIVE IONS University of Michigan Optical and Discharge Physics YY_MJK_AVS2008_17  Ar/CF 4 =90/10  50 mTorr, 400 sccm  Difference in radial profiles for different ions.  Different sheath transiting time due to differences in mass and sheath thickness.  Eventually translates to radial non-uniformity of IEADs.  CF 3 +  Ar +  HF: 10-150 MHz/300 W  LF: 10 MHz/300 W

19 ELECTRON IMPACT IONIZATION SOURCE FUNCTION University of Michigan Optical and Discharge Physics  HF = 10 MHz, Max = 2.1 x 10 15 cm -3 s -1  HF = 50 MHz, Max = 6.3 x 10 15 cm -3 s -1  HF = 100 MHz, Max = 4.2 x 10 15 cm -3 s -1  HF = 150 MHz, Max = 3.8 x 10 16 cm -3 s -1 YY_MJK_AVS2008_18  Source from bulk and secondary electrons.  50 MHz: bulk ionization from Ohmic heating, edge peaked due to electrostatic field enhancement..  150 MHz: ionization dominated by sheath accelerated electrons (stochastic heating).  100 MHz: has both features, but edge effect dominates.  Ar/CF 4 =90/10  50 mTorr, 400 sccm  HF: 10-150 MHz/300 W  LF: 10 MHz/300 W

20 ION FLUXES INCIDENT ON WAFER YY_MJK_AVS2008_19  Ar/CF 4 =90/10  50 mTorr, 400 sccm  Uniformity of incident ion fluxes and their IEADs are both determined by plasma spatial distribution.  Relative uniform fluxes and IEADs at 100 MHz.  CF 3 + Flux  HF: 10-150 MHz/300 W  LF: 10 MHz/300 W University of Michigan Institute for Plasma Science and Engineering  Total Ion Flux

21 CenterEdge IEADs INCIDENT ON WAFER: Ar/CF 4 = 80/20 YY_MJK_AVS2008_20  Total Ion  CF 3 +  Inner  Outer  Less radial variation across the wafer.  More radial uniformity of sheath thickness and potential counts.  Implicates adding CF 4 improves plasma uniformity.  Ar/CF 4 =80/20, 50 mTorr, 400 sccm  HF: 150 MHz/300 W  LF: 10 MHz/300 W University of Michigan Institute for Plasma Science and Engineering

22 SCALING WITH FRACTION OF CF 4 IN Ar/CF 4 : 10/150 MHz  Pure Ar, Max = 3.8 x 10 11 cm -3  10% CF 4, Max = 1.1 x 10 11 cm -3  20% CF 4, Max = 4.8 x 10 10 cm -3  30% CF 4, Max = 4.4 x 10 10 cm -3  50 mTorr, 400 sccm  HF: 150 MHz/300 W  LF: 10 MHz/300 W  With increasing fraction of CF 4 :  [e] decreases thereby decreasing conductivity.  Weakens constructive interference of EM fields by increasing wavelength.  Maximum of [e] shifts towards the HF electrode edge.  Skin depth also increases.  Increasing penetration of EM fields.  More uniform [e] profile results. YY_MJK_AVS2008_21 University of Michigan Institute for Plasma Science and Engineering

23 ION FLUXES INCIDENT ON WAFER: 10/150 MHz YY_MJK_AVS2008_22  50 mTorr, 400 sccm  Uniform [e] profile at 20% CF 4 results in  Radial uniformity of incident ion fluxes.  Uniform radial profile of IEADs.  CF 3 + Flux  Total Ion Flux  HF: 150 MHz/300 W  LF: 10 MHz/300 W University of Michigan Institute for Plasma Science and Engineering

24 SCALING TO HF POWER: 10/150 MHz YY_MJK_AVS2008_23  Increasing HF power reduces plasma uniformity.  Finite wavelength effect preferentially produces negative ions in the center.  With increasing [e], wave penetration is less affected in the radial direction due to the HF sheath, so [e] peak only moves 2 cm from 300 W to 1000 W.  Ar/CF 4 =90/10  50 mTorr, 400 sccm  HF: 50-150 MHz  LF: 10 MHz/300 W University of Michigan Institute for Plasma Science and Engineering  1000 W, [CF 3 - + F - ]  [e]

25 IMPACT OF HF POWER ON ION FLUXES ONTO WAFER YY_MJK_AVS2008_24  Non-uniformity of ion fluxes onto the wafer also increases with increasing HF power.  Ar/CF 4 =90/10  50 mTorr, 400 sccm  HF: 50-150 MHz  LF: 10 MHz/300 W University of Michigan Institute for Plasma Science and Engineering  Total Ions Flux

26 Center Edge TOTAL ION IEADs INCIDENT ON WAFER University of Michigan Optical and Discharge Physics YY_MJK_GEC2008_25  300 W  Center  Edge  Outer  More uniform IEADs at higher HF power.  With increasing HF power (increasing [e]), LF voltage decreases to keep LF power constant.  Diminishes radial variation of IEADs.  Ar/CF 4 =90/10, 50 mTorr, 400 sccm  HF: 150 MHz  LF: 10 MHz/300 W  1000 W

27 CONCLUDING REMARKS YY_MJK_AVS2008_26  A full Maxwell solver separately solving for EM and ES fields was developed and incorporated into the HPEM.  For 2f-CCPs sustained in Ar/CF 4 =90/10 mixture,  HF determines wave and electrostatic coupling which, in turn, determines plasma spatial distribution.  Non-uniform IEADs across the wafer at HF =150 MHz due to plasma non-uniformity.  Increasing fraction of CF 4 to 20% results in more uniform plasma profile and IEADs incident on wafer.  At HF = 150 MHz, increasing HF power increases plasma non- uniformity. University of Michigan Institute for Plasma Science and Engineering


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