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Chapter 2 Communication 1 Communication Chapter 2
Chapter 2 Communication 2 Communication Layered protocols o Usual networking approach (client/server) Remote Procedure Call (RPC) o Hide message passing details (client/server) Remote Method Invocation (RMI) o Improved RPC (client/server)
Chapter 2 Communication 3 Communication Message-Oriented Communications o Message Passing Low level, efficient o Message-Oriented Middleware (MOM) Non client/server Streams o Continuous flow subject to timing constraints
Chapter 2 Communication 4 Layered Protocols OSI reference model o Each layer provides service to layer above o Implementation of service can change
Chapter 2 Communication 5 Layer Services Transport layer o Logical connection between hosts o Reliable communication between hosts Network layer o Route packet thru network Data link layer o Get packet over each hop Physical layer o Put the bits on the “wire”
Chapter 2 Communication 6 Layered Protocols Layered message o Add headers when msg sent (down protocol stack) o Peel the onion when msg received (up the protocol stack)
Chapter 2 Communication 7 Data Link Layer Communication at data link layer o Above, A tries to send msgs 0 and 1 to B
Chapter 2 Communication 8 Network Layer On a LAN o Have a shared media o Put the packet out, recipient picks it up On a WAN o Have point-to-point communication o Many possible routes o Finding best route is difficult
Chapter 2 Communication 9 Transport Layer UDP for unreliable delivery o Better performance possible with UDP TCP for reliable delivery o May be easier to build app with TCP
Chapter 2 Communication 10 Client-Server TCP Transactional TCPNormal TCP
Chapter 2 Communication 11 Middleware Protocols Reference model for middleware based distributed communication
Chapter 2 Communication 12 What is Middleware? Logically at application layer General purpose protocols Independent of an application We’ll distinguish between o High level application and o Middleware
Chapter 2 Communication 13 Middleware Example Often, must authenticate users o Require users prove identity Spse you build authentication system Any app can use your auth system Your authentication “application” o Is at application layer in OSI o Is also at middleware layer in our view
Chapter 2 Communication 14 Middleware Remainder of this chapter 4 middleware communication services o RPC o RMI o Message oriented communication o Streaming
Chapter 2 Communication 15 Remote Procedure Call Distributed systems can be built on explicit message passing o For example, send and receive What’s wrong with this approach? o It’s not transparent to users Why should we care? o Recall that transparency is one of primary goals in distributed systems
Chapter 2 Communication 16 Remote Procedure Call RPC is a simple idea o Make remote operation seem like a (local) procedure call o “All the great things are simple” Winston Churchill Much better transparency compared to primitive message passing Can we make remote operation seem local?
Chapter 2 Communication 17 Conventional Procedure Call a) Stack before call to read b) Stack while called procedure is active Consider C function: count = read(fd, buf, bytes)
Chapter 2 Communication 18 Parameter Passing Consider again o C function: count = read(fd, buf, bytes) In C, parameters can be o Passed by value: bytes o Passed by reference: the array buf Usually not important whether pass by value or pass by reference is used But it’s a big deal in RPC! o Since procedure will execute at remote location
Chapter 2 Communication 19 RPC between Client/Server We say that this is synchronous o Since client waits for result
Chapter 2 Communication 20 Stubs On client side, stub marshalls parameters and send to server o Pack parameters into message(s) On server side, stub converts to local procedure call, sends back results Stubs increase transparency
Chapter 2 Communication 21 Passing Value Parameters Suppose add(i,j) returns i + j Remote computation via RPC
Chapter 2 Communication 22 Client Stub a) Procedure b) Stub marshalls params
Chapter 2 Communication 23 Steps in RPC 1. Client procedure calls client stub in normal way 2. Client stub builds message, calls local OS 3. Client's OS sends message to remote OS 4. Remote OS gives message to server stub 5. Server stub unpacks parameters, calls server 6. Server does work, returns result to the stub 7. Server stub packs it in message, calls local OS 8. Server's OS sends message to client's OS 9. Client's OS gives message to client stub 10. Stub unpacks result, returns to client
Chapter 2 Communication 24 Additional RPC Topics Doors o Caller and sender on same machine Asynchronous RPC o Client does something while server works on procedure DCE RPC o Specific implementation of RPC
Chapter 2 Communication 25 Doors If client and server on same machine o Use interprocess communication (IPC) o More efficient than network protocols
Chapter 2 Communication 26 The Doors Doors are not to be confused with “The Doors”
Chapter 2 Communication 27 Asynchronous RPC a) Usual (synchronous) RPC b) Asynchronous RPC
Chapter 2 Communication 28 Asynchronous RPC Client and server interact via two asynchronous RPCs More efficient, if applicable
Chapter 2 Communication 29 DCE RPC Distributed Computing Environment (DCE) Read this section A couple of interesting items… DCE semantic options o At-most-once no call done more than once, even if system crash o Idempotent calls can be repeated multiple times (e.g., read)
Chapter 2 Communication 30 DCE RPC Client-to-server binding in DCE Note directory service
Chapter 2 Communication 31 RMI Remote Method Invocation o Distributed objects Objects hide internals o Provides transparency o Also desirable in distributed systems RMI can increase transparency compared to RPC Chapter 9 has real object systems
Chapter 2 Communication 32 Objects Object encapsulates data, the state Object encapsulates methods, operations on the data Methods are made available thru well- defined interfaces In distributed environment o Interface can be on one machine and o Corresponding object on another machine
Chapter 2 Communication 33 Distributed Objects Interface on client o Proxy like client stub in RPC Object on server o Skeleton like server stub in RPC
Chapter 2 Communication 34 Compile-time vs Runtime Compile-time objects o Objects analogous to those in Java, C++ o Pluses: easy to implement o Minuses: depends on specific language Runtime objects o Implementation is open, use adapter (wrapper) to hide implementation o Plus and minus opposite of those above
Chapter 2 Communication 35 RMI and Parameter Passing Makes sense to treat local and remote objects differently o Lots of overhead to remote objects o Pass by reference gets complicated
Chapter 2 Communication 36 Java RMI Distributed objects are an integral part of Java o Aims for high degree of transparency o For example client proxy has same interface as remote object There are subtle differences between local and remote objects…
Chapter 2 Communication 37 Java RMI Cloning o Cloning a local object results in exact copy o Only server can clone remote object o In Java, proxies not cloned o So must bind (again) to cloned object Can declare method to be synchronized o Ensures access to data is serialized Blocking o Clients blocked
Chapter 2 Communication 38 Java RMI Read the details A preview of Chapter 5… Spse multiple clients want to access a method on server (method is synchronized) o Block all but one client lots of overhead o Block at the server what if client crashes? Java restricts blocking to proxies o Simplifies things o But then can’t prevent simultaneous access of remote objects simply by synchronized
Chapter 2 Communication 39 Message-Oriented Comm. RPC and RMI enhance transparency But RPC and RMI are “inherently synchronous” Consider an email system where o Messages stored on email servers when in transit and before read o Stored locally after read Example of persistent communication
Chapter 2 Communication 40 Message-Oriented Comm. In email example o Sender need not continue executing after sending msg o Receiver need not be executing when msg sent (to dest server) Comparable to the Pony Express! The more things change, the more they stay the same…
Chapter 2 Communication 41 Pony Express Persistent comm. and the Pony Express
Chapter 2 Communication 42 Transient and Asynchronous Transient o Msg is stored only as long as sender and receiver are alive o If msg can’t be delivered, discard it Asynchronous o Sender does not wait for response before continuing Recall persistent and synchronous Four possible combinations…
Chapter 2 Communication 43 Examples Transient asynchronous o UDP Transient synchronous o Synchronous RPC Persistent asynchronous o email Persistent synchronous o Msg can only be stored at receiving host
Chapter 2 Communication 44 Persistence and Synchronicity a) Persistent asynchronous communication b) Persistent synchronous communication
Chapter 2 Communication 45 Persistence and Synchronicity c) Transient asynchronous communication d) Receipt-based transient synchronous communication
Chapter 2 Communication 46 Persistence and Synchronicity e) Delivery-based transient synchronous communication at message delivery f) Response-based transient synchronous communication
Chapter 2 Communication 47 Message-Oriented Comm. Message-oriented systems take transient asynchronous as baseline o Like UDP But persistence sometimes needed o Especially if geographically distributed o Network or process failures likely Message passing like transport layer
Chapter 2 Communication 48 Message-Oriented Comm. Transient o Berkeley sockets o Message Passing Interface (MPI) Persistent o Message queuing model, MOM o Message brokers
Chapter 2 Communication 49 Berkeley Sockets Socket primitives for TCP/IP PrimitiveMeaning SocketCreate a new communication endpoint BindAttach a local address to a socket ListenAnnounce willingness to accept connections AcceptBlock caller until a connection request arrives ConnectActively attempt to establish a connection SendSend some data over the connection ReceiveReceive some data over the connection CloseRelease the connection
Chapter 2 Communication 50 Berkeley Sockets Connection-oriented communication pattern using sockets Note “synchronization point”
Chapter 2 Communication 51 Message-Passing Interface (MPI) A few (of the many) MPI primitives Emphasis here is on efficiency Big parallel machines use MPI PrimitiveMeaning MPI_bsendAppend outgoing message to a local send buffer MPI_sendSend a message and wait until copied to local or remote buffer MPI_ssendSend a message and wait until receipt starts MPI_sendrecvSend a message and wait for reply MPI_isendPass reference to outgoing message, and continue MPI_issend Pass reference to outgoing message, and wait until receipt starts MPI_recvReceive a message; block if there are none MPI_irecvCheck if there is an incoming message, but do not block
Chapter 2 Communication 52 Message-Passing Interface (MPI) Transient asynchronous: MPI_bsend Transient synchronous: MPI_ssend “Stronger” form of synchronous: MPI_sendrecv Many more possibilities (read the book…) PrimitiveMeaning MPI_bsendAppend outgoing message to a local send buffer MPI_sendSend a message and wait until copied to local or remote buffer MPI_ssendSend a message and wait until receipt starts MPI_sendrecvSend a message and wait for reply MPI_isendPass reference to outgoing message, and continue MPI_issendPass reference to outgoing message, and wait until receipt starts MPI_recvReceive a message; block if there are none MPI_irecvCheck if there is an incoming message, but do not block
Chapter 2 Communication 53 Message Queuing Persistent o Message-Queuing Systems or MOM Insert msgs into queues o Delivered via a series of servers o Can be delivered even if server down o No guarantee msg will be delivered o No assurance msg will be read, etc. For systems where communications takes minutes instead of milliseconds
Chapter 2 Communication 54 Message-Queuing Model Loosely-coupled communications using queues
Chapter 2 Communication 55 Message-Queuing Model Simple interface to message-queuing system o Put is non-blocking o Get blocks only if queue is empty o Poll is non-blocking form of Get PrimitiveMeaning PutAppend a message to a specified queue GetBlock until the specified queue is nonempty, and remove the first message PollCheck a specified queue for messages, and remove the first. Never block. Notify Install a handler to be called when a message is put into the specified queue.
Chapter 2 Communication 56 Message-Queuing System Addressing in message-queuing system
Chapter 2 Communication 57 Message-Queuing System Routing in message-queuing system
Chapter 2 Communication 58 Message Brokers Message broker in message-queuing system Translates between msg formats
Chapter 2 Communication 59 Example: IBM MQSeries Read it
Chapter 2 Communication 60 Streams Other methods based on more-or-less independent units of data o Timing does not affect correctness In multimedia, timing is critical o Audio and video o Can tolerate loss, but not “jitter” Temporal relationship is important
Chapter 2 Communication 61 Stream Transmission Modes Asynchronous transmission mode o Data sent one after another o No other timing constraints Synchronous transmission mode o Max end-to-end delay for each unit Isochronous transmission mode o Max and min end-to-end delay
Chapter 2 Communication 62 Stream Stream from process to process Stream can be viewed as a virtual connection between source and sink
Chapter 2 Communication 63 Stream Stream sent directly between two devices
Chapter 2 Communication 64 Stream Multicasting a stream Different requirements for receivers?
Chapter 2 Communication 65 Specifying QoS A flow specification Characteristics of the InputService Required Maximum data unit size (bytes) Token bucket rate (bytes/sec) Toke bucket size (bytes) Maximum transmission rate (bytes/sec) Loss sensitivity (bytes) Loss interval ( sec) Burst loss sensitivity (data units) Minimum delay noticed ( sec) Maximum delay variation ( sec) Quality of guarantee
Chapter 2 Communication 66 Specifying QoS A token bucket algorithm Don’t want bucket to be empty of overflowing Then can feed out at precise time intervals
Chapter 2 Communication 67 Setting Up a Stream RSVP for resource reservation Purpose is to try to insure QoS Highly dependent on data link layer
Chapter 2 Communication 68 Synchronization Explicit synchronization for data units Read and write incoming stream units App is responsible for sync., only low-level utilities
Chapter 2 Communication 69 Synchronization Synchronization supported by high-level interfaces A middleware approach
Chapter 2 Communication 70 Summary Communication is a fundamental issue in distributed systems Networking overview RPC o Goal is transparency RMI o Transparency and objects RPC and RMI are synchronous
Chapter 2 Communication 71 Summary Recall o Synchronous block until msg delivered (or until response received) o Asynchronous sender continues immediately after sending o Persistent msg stored until delivered o Transient msg delivered now or never
Chapter 2 Communication 72 Summary Message-Oriented Communication o Message passing For transient asynchronous (MPI) Good for big parallel machines o Message queuing or message-oriented middleware (MOM) Designed for persistent asynchronous Streams o Primarily for video and audio o Temporal relationship is critical
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