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Struktur-arkitektur I session 5 (24/9/03). today´s plan Placing today in the big schema (after session 3- learned about hypertext; session 4-text elements)

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Presentation on theme: "Struktur-arkitektur I session 5 (24/9/03). today´s plan Placing today in the big schema (after session 3- learned about hypertext; session 4-text elements)"— Presentation transcript:

1 Struktur-arkitektur I session 5 (24/9/03)

2 today´s plan Placing today in the big schema (after session 3- learned about hypertext; session 4-text elements) Should a text author know about architecture? Announcements: misc. Lecture: Wodtke, Krug, Nielsen Kagepause Lecture: Bernstein, Engebretsen

3 announcements Ny øvelsespolitik Examination Sprogspecifiske øvelser (Session 7- target groups exercise, Sesion 8- newsletter, Session 10- Web style exercise) Course goal : This course looks at how to communicate textually in a particular medium (digital) with particular textual strategies.

4 Wodtke: Socks Drawers… Organize or you cannot find User quests: where am I? do they have? Can I find? (we will cover in exercises) The sorting exercise: tv (what is the dominant organization scheme? Consistency? Does it cover it all? Things in two places) Naming labels: Wodke´s example

5 Wodtke: A Bricklayer´s… Metadata: descriptive, intrinsic, administrative.

6 Wodtke: A Bricklayer´s… Controlled vocabulary exercise (p. 40, table 6.3)

7 Krug: Street Signs… How to find things online: a chainsaw at the mall Browsing: no scale, no sense of direction, no sense of location Web navigation conventions: site name/brand, sections, utilities, search, flowcharts, page names. The trunk test: AOK

8 p. 53

9 p. 56

10 p. 70

11 The trunk test What site is this? (Site ID) What page am I on? (Page name) What are the major sections of this site? (Sections) What are my options at this level? (Local navigation) Where am I in the scheme of things? (”You are here indicators”) How can I search?


13 “we must work toward a pattern language through both topological and rhetorical observation” (Mark Bernstein) cycle contour counterpoint mirrorworld tangle sieve montage

14 AXIAL/HIERARCHICALNETWORK hypertext structures




18 coherence Intranodal (traditional notion: text) Internodal (between two text nodes read in sequence) Hyperstructural (logic in the structure) Engebretsen uses van Dijk´s theories of macro and superstructures to explain the last two levels. coherence

19 linking -Connective (alternative, adversative, specifying, and causal +additive -Associative (of an occasional, idiosyncratic nature, more semantic) Usually relevant if you want more information Can weaken coherence, example: Coca- Cola

20 Superstructure of the networked version

21 Flowchart examples Chris Jenning´s webdesign architectureswebdesign architectures (

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