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Exploring the Managed Heart By Arlie Hochshild. What does it mean for the laborer to be alienated from his or her labor? To see it as external to – “other.

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Presentation on theme: "Exploring the Managed Heart By Arlie Hochshild. What does it mean for the laborer to be alienated from his or her labor? To see it as external to – “other."— Presentation transcript:

1 Exploring the Managed Heart By Arlie Hochshild

2 What does it mean for the laborer to be alienated from his or her labor? To see it as external to – “other than” – his or her self. To see it as contrary to his or her own self-interest. To experience it as dehumanizing. To experience it as demeaning.

3 Is there alienated labor in service jobs? Hochschild says, “Yes.” The alienation is different than with manufacturing jobs –There is a blurring of our private and public selves. –In the extreme, our labor alienates us from ourselves.

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