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December 10, 20001 Policy Terminology - 01 Report for 49th IETF Preview for AAA Arch RG John Schnizlein.

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Presentation on theme: "December 10, 20001 Policy Terminology - 01 Report for 49th IETF Preview for AAA Arch RG John Schnizlein."— Presentation transcript:

1 December 10, 20001 Policy Terminology - 01 Report for 49th IETF Preview for AAA Arch RG John Schnizlein

2 December 10, 20002 Historical development PolTerm BOFs at Chicago and Washington IETF meetings April 2000 AD (Bert Wijnen) assigned terminology task to Policy Framework May 2000 volunteers recruited for team Chasing AAA developments since

3 December 10, 20003 PolTerm Goals Goal – Unchanged from Version “00” –Documentation only, No “creativity” –Definition of policy concepts in various IETF WGs and drafts –Bridging gaps and differences where possible Usage of the draft –As a reference list of words –As a resource defining terms related to policy –As a resource to constrain what terms mean and reduce overloading

4 December 10, 20004 Approach 51 “defined” terms 31 acronyms and synonyms Determined based on current IETF RFCs and I-Ds (Policy, DiffServ, COPS, AAA, IPsec, MPLS, …) In the process of creating a separate (independent of draft) cross-reference table of terms and drafts –will have URL link from the IETF Policy page

5 December 10, 20005 Organization of the Document Based on RFC2828 (Internet Security Glossary) All terms and their acronyms listed in alphabetical order Terms characterized as: –(P) policy related –(T) techniques in a policy implementation (for example, COPS, PIB or DEN) –(A) area of use for policy (for example, DiffServ) Alternate or more specific definitions expressed using indentation

6 December 10, 20006 Changes from “00” Changed classification slightly –(M) Mechanisms changed to (T) Techniques to avoid confusion related to protocol and service “mechanisms” Revised Terms –Policy Rule Class to Provisioning Class New Terms –Policy Core Info Model, Policy MIB, Policy mapping, Provisioning Instance Deleted Terms –IPSP (Should only list WGs but “areas of work”), PRP (AAA draft expired and the term is no longer referenced in an I-D)

7 December 10, 20007 Changes from “00” Updated definitions –Based on comments from SNMPConf – Role and role combination (alignment of terms), Configuration (addition of “factory” config), Policy Abstraction (Specific works may define explicit abstraction levels) –From PolTerm editors – COPS (acronym incorrect), AAA (text obsolete regarding protocols), Policy goal (more general wording) –From Juergen Schoenwaelder – CIM (clarification and expanded definition), MPLS (label swapping and switching), Policy translation (“translation” and “abstraction” often blurred in implementation)

8 December 10, 20008 Current Issues Filter –Additional wording (underlined) to clarify and support more than packet filtering … –“A set of terms and/or criteria used for the purpose of separating or categorizing. This is accomplished via single- or multi-field matching of traffic header and/or payload data. "Filters" are often manipulated and used in network operation and policy. –Packet filtering becomes an example (versus a new paragraph) … “For example, packet filters specify the criteria for matching a pattern (for example, IP or 802 criteria) to distinguish separable classes of traffic.”

9 December 10, 20009 Current Issues SLA –Need reference to RFC2475 –Definition is currently aligned with RFC2475, but has “broader context” indicated by the DiffServ “Terms” I-D

10 December 10, 200010 Recommendations No other documented issues or concerns Recommend making changes of the previous 2 pages and issuing “last call” Need to remove references to I-Ds now that alignment is achieved –Carry this info in table of cross-references linked from Policy Framework web page

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