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“From Associate to Full -- Going up the Ladder After You've Reached the First Rung” Fran Berman, U.C. San Diego Susan Davidson, U. Penn Barbara Ryder,

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Presentation on theme: "“From Associate to Full -- Going up the Ladder After You've Reached the First Rung” Fran Berman, U.C. San Diego Susan Davidson, U. Penn Barbara Ryder,"— Presentation transcript:

1 “From Associate to Full -- Going up the Ladder After You've Reached the First Rung” Fran Berman, U.C. San Diego Susan Davidson, U. Penn Barbara Ryder, Rutgers

2 Questions Posed to the Panel What was the procedure for advancing from Associate to Full at your university? What would a good strategy be to achieve Full Professor at your university? What can you do to make your case stronger? What weakens your case? What are the challenges and benefits of being a Full Professor? What are the career options beyond Full Professor? Are there special challenges for women at this level? Is there a glass ceiling?

3 Fran’s Timeline Ph.D.. from University of Washington in 1979 [research in theory] –Assistant Professor at Purdue University 1979-1984 –Assistant Professor at U.C. San Diego 1984-1987 Had Emily in 1986 Promoted to Associate Professor 1987 [research in parallel processing] Had Nicholas in 1988 Promoted to Full Professor in 1993 [research in metacomputing/grid computing]

4 Advancing from Associate to Full at U.C.S.D. Merit promotions at U.C.S.D.: Associate I, II, III, IV/Full Professor –merit promotion should happen every 2 years Associate to Full similar to tenure process –complete documentation of research, university, teaching activities –outside letters –vote of faculty senior to you, approval by university committee, vice-chancellor, chancellor

5 Full Professor vs. Tenure Full professor file should have more of everything than tenure file Full professor should have evidence of leadership role –demonstrated leadership in professional community published work service –mature research program funding students –leadership in department or at university level

6 Being a Full Professor You are there -- there are no more hoops to jump through unless you want to Full professor usually implies –increased leadership and service in department, at university level, in research community –more responsibility, more work –opportunities for impact, funding

7 Beyond Full Professor Full Professor can also be a stepping stone: –department chair, university administration –funding program manager, institute leadership –senior industry research positions Achieving Full Professor is often a good time for reflection … –What are your career goals? –Do you want to ramp up? Downsize? Do something different? –What are your options?

8 The Glass Ceiling Women often find a “glass ceiling” at the Full Professor ranks –M.I.T. report –Is it sexism or just the demands of the fast track? Is it worth it? –Breaking through the glass ceiling demands intense level of dedication and persistence willingness to be “where the action is” perseverence –Rewards are considerable professional recognition and ability to influence direction of science in your area

9 Food for Thought It’s your career, what do you want to do with it? –What am I seeking to achieve professionally? –What do I want my steady state professional life to be like? –How do my professional and personal goals fit together? –Is this what I want my life to be like?

10 Introduction / Thanks Thanks to Kim Peaks Thanks to Anne Condon, Nancy Leveson, Joann Ordille, Ann Redelfs Thanks to NSF and SGB [Mary Lou Soffa] Thanks to CRA, CRA-W, FCRC [Jan, Leah, Bill A., David Johnson, Donna Baglio] Thanks to panelists, moderators, participants Knowledge is power

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