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Graphs, Social Networks and Foodwebs Professor Martin Everett 21 June 2001.

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Presentation on theme: "Graphs, Social Networks and Foodwebs Professor Martin Everett 21 June 2001."— Presentation transcript:

1 Graphs, Social Networks and Foodwebs Professor Martin Everett 21 June 2001

2 A graph consists of a set of vertices and a set of edges. 3 5 6 7 8 421 The neighborhood N(v) of a vertex v is the set of vertices it is connected to. N(3) = {2,4,5} N(8) = {7}

3 Digraphs = Directed Graphs. The edges are replaced by arcs. 4 5 1 2 3 We have ‘in’ and ‘out’ neighborhoods denoted by N i and N o respectively. N o (1) = {2,5} N i (4) = {2,3,4,5}

4 Social Networks use graphs derived from the social sciences Can be graphs or digraphs NodesEdges PeopleFriends of EmployeesIs the manager of OrganisationsDoes business with CountriesTrades with MonkeysGrooms



7 Social Role Captures idea of role concepts Manager of Brother/Sister Teacher, Nurse

8 A coloration C of a graph is an assignment of colours to the vertices. A coloration of a graph is regular if whenever C(x) = C(y) then C(N(x)) = C(N(y)) 1 2 3 45 6 7 8 1 2 3 45 6 7 8

9 For a directed graph we consider in and out neighborhoods seperately if C(x) = C(y) then C(N i (x)) = C(N i (y)) and C(N o (x)) = C(N o (y)) 3 2 1 5 4

10 {1,2,3,4} {1,2,3} {4}{1} {2,3,4} {1}, {2,3}, {4} {1,4}, {2,3} {1,4}, {2}, {3} {1,3}, {2,4} {1,2}, {3,4} {1}, {2}, {3}, {4} 1 2 34

11 A coloration which uses k colours is called a k-coloration In a graph with n vertices (and no isolated vertices) a 1- coloration and an n-coloration are both regular. A source is a vertex whose in-neighborhood is the empty set. A sink has an empty out-neighborhood. In a digraph with no sources or sinks and n vertices a 1- coloration and an n-coloration are both regular. These colorations are called trivial colorations. A graph or digraph with no non-trivial colorations is called role primitive.











22 The regular coloration which uses the fewest colours is called the maximal regular coloration. A concept of importance for digraphs with sources or sinks. There is a simple algorithm which finds the maximal regular coloration.





27 Image graph of a coloration has colours as vertices and an edge between two colours if there is is an edge connecting these colours in the original graph. Note a coloration is regular iff C(N(x)) = N(C(x)) Image graph captures the role structure.

28 Food Webs


30 Malaysian Pitcher Plant Food Web Beaver (1985)

31 Multi-dimensional Scaling of the REGE coefficients, with color classes determined by clustering Image Graph of the food web

32 3-D MDS of REGE coefficients Green – producers Yellow – suspension feeders Gray – detritvores Blue – fishes and benthos consumers Red – top predators

33 Conclusions  Mathematics has a role in the Social Sciences  Social Sciences can provide some interesting mathematical problems  Mathematics is universal

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