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Curriculum mapping. How to make sure the plan comes together David Taylor Liverpool.

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Presentation on theme: "Curriculum mapping. How to make sure the plan comes together David Taylor Liverpool."— Presentation transcript:

1 Curriculum mapping

2 How to make sure the plan comes together David Taylor Liverpool

3 The first thing Is to decide what you want to do Is to decide what you want to do And keep checking that it is still what you want to do! And keep checking that it is still what you want to do!

4 In the UK there is little flexibility The GMC have produced two documents The GMC have produced two documents Tomorrow’s Doctors Tomorrow’s Doctors Tomorrow’s Doctors Tomorrow’s Doctors The New Doctor The New Doctor The New Doctor The New Doctor Between them they define what we have to make sure the students know Between them they define what we have to make sure the students know

5 Our handbook gives a generic syllabus Subject knowledge & understanding Subject knowledge & understanding As ‘core’, students will be able to synthesize, appraise, explain, and apply the relevant information/evidence about: As ‘core’, students will be able to synthesize, appraise, explain, and apply the relevant information/evidence about: the structure and mechanisms of the body in health and disease, from molecules up to the whole organism related to: the structure and mechanisms of the body in health and disease, from molecules up to the whole organism related to: normal and abnormal structure and function of the body and its defence mechanisms; the natural history, symptoms, and signs of disease; and the biological rationale for therapy and the processes underlying its complications normal and abnormal structure and function of the body and its defence mechanisms; the natural history, symptoms, and signs of disease; and the biological rationale for therapy and the processes underlying its complications variability in the role of the determinants of health and disease, the presentation of disease, and the response to therapy variability in the role of the determinants of health and disease, the presentation of disease, and the response to therapy clinical diagnosis and management of common conditions clinical diagnosis and management of common conditions The interrelationships of social, psychological, economic, political, environmental, cultural factors on health and disease The interrelationships of social, psychological, economic, political, environmental, cultural factors on health and disease

6 Interprofessional/multiprofessional An important step is also to work out what you can share An important step is also to work out what you can share Knowledge Knowledge Skills Skills Attitudes Attitudes We share “core” in the first year with dentists We share “core” in the first year with dentists

7 Task An important step is also to work out what you can share An important step is also to work out what you can share Knowledge Knowledge Skills Skills Attitudes Attitudes Using your earlier example, how would you actually share the activity Using your earlier example, how would you actually share the activity Problems? Problems?


9 Our first step Was to decide which 200 cases a student would need to be familiar with when they graduated Was to decide which 200 cases a student would need to be familiar with when they graduated We finally agreed on about 208 We finally agreed on about 208

10 Core Cases

11 Then We decided which cases the students would study through PBL We decided which cases the students would study through PBL

12 PBL modules

13 Scenario

14 Then The students determine the learning objectives in their PBL groups – they can see every groups’ learning objectives The students determine the learning objectives in their PBL groups – they can see every groups’ learning objectives

15 Learning objectives

16 Which we examine

17 Spirals An important concept An important concept Areas of the curriculum need frequent revisiting Areas of the curriculum need frequent revisiting Increasing depth or breadth Increasing depth or breadth

18 Not just knowledge but skills Communicating effectively Communicating effectively Working in a team Working in a team Being aware of limitations Being aware of limitations Understanding disease processes Understanding disease processes Managing time effectively Managing time effectively Developing appropriate attitudes towards personal health and wellbeing Developing appropriate attitudes towards personal health and wellbeing Recognition of social and emotional factors in illness and treatment Recognition of social and emotional factors in illness and treatment

19 Providing care for people of different cultures Providing care for people of different cultures Coping with uncertainty Coping with uncertainty Making the best use of laboratory and other diagnostic services Making the best use of laboratory and other diagnostic services Using informatics as a tool in medical practice Using informatics as a tool in medical practice Understanding the purpose and practice of audit, peer review and appraisal Understanding the purpose and practice of audit, peer review and appraisal Understanding the relationship between primary and social care and hospital care Understanding the relationship between primary and social care and hospital care Using opportunities for disease prevention and health promotion Using opportunities for disease prevention and health promotion Being aware of legal and ethical issues Being aware of legal and ethical issues

20 Understanding the principles of evidence- based medicine Understanding the principles of evidence- based medicine Diagnosis, decision making and the provision of treatment including prescribing Diagnosis, decision making and the provision of treatment including prescribing Keeping accurate records Keeping accurate records Obtaining valid consent Obtaining valid consent Calculating accurate drug dosages Calculating accurate drug dosages Writing a prescription Writing a prescription

21 Venepuncture Venepuncture Arterial blood sampling Arterial blood sampling Suturing Suturing Performing an electrocardiogram Performing an electrocardiogram Basic cardiopulmonary resuscitation Basic cardiopulmonary resuscitation Administering oxygen therapy safely Administering oxygen therapy safely Correctly using a nebulizer Correctly using a nebulizer Inserting a nasogastric tube Inserting a nasogastric tube Urinary catheterization Urinary catheterization Control of haemorrhage Control of haemorrhage

22 Each year We review the cases in the light of the learning objectives the students are obtaining We review the cases in the light of the learning objectives the students are obtaining And the examination results And the examination results And change the cases accordingly And change the cases accordingly

23 Each year And we review the content of one of the four subject themes Structure and function Structure and function Individuals groups and societies Individuals groups and societies Population perspective Population perspective Professional and personal development Professional and personal development A senior committee of subject specialists does the initial work A senior committee of subject specialists does the initial work Then the programme team makes the agreed changes Then the programme team makes the agreed changes

24 Periodic review 2006years 1 & 2 2006years 1 & 2 2007years 3 & 4 2007years 3 & 4 2008year 5 2008year 5 2009whole programme 2009whole programme university plus external advisors university plus external advisors General Medical Council General Medical Council 2010year without review! 2010year without review! 2011I will be 55 … 2011I will be 55 …


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