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Specialist Services - Sexual Health Emma Robinson Consultant in Public Health.

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Presentation on theme: "Specialist Services - Sexual Health Emma Robinson Consultant in Public Health."— Presentation transcript:

1 Specialist Services - Sexual Health Emma Robinson Consultant in Public Health

2 Sexual Health in Lambeth National policy Services in Lambeth Modernisation Initiative Health Needs Assessment Lambeth PCT Sexual Health Strategy

3 National Sexual Health Policy National Sexual Health & HIV Strategy (2001) Chlamydia screening programme roll out Targets: –GUM waiting times –Chlamydia screening –HIV prevention

4 Sexual Health Service Genitourinary Medicine (GUM) clinics - GSTT, Kings, St Georges Reproductive & Sexual Health Services, including Brixton Brook General Practice Community Pharmacies

5 Sexual Health Modernisation Initiative Funded by the Guy’s & St Thomas’s Charitable Foundation Phase I - Demand & Capacity Mapping, Service User Experience and Evidence Based Care Phase II – Service development – self- management, service redesign and improving the user experience Phase III – Community sexual health centre

6 Demand & Capacity data Many service provide simple tests that could be provided in more accessible settings e.g. pregnancy tests, asymptomatic screening Introduction of systems to manage demand can improve access to services and reduce waiting times

7 Lambeth population Young and highly mobile population 18/21 wards ranked in lowest 20% of all wards in England Ethnically diverse – 62% White, 20% Black (African & Afro-Caribbean) Significant numbers of refugees and asylum seekers

8 Sexual Health Needs Assessment Data limitations – lack of resident specific data, lack of STI information in all settings High numbers of STIs at local GUM clinics Highest teenage conception rates in Europe – 1 in 12 15-17 year olds become pregnant Highest diagnosed HIV prevalence in UK – men who have sex with men, Black African and Afro-Caribbean

9 Ward level data Only teenage conception rates by ward - Highest teenage conception rates in Coldharbour, Brixton Hill, Streatham Hill and Prince’s ward HIV has first four letters of postcode - Highest HIV numbers in Coldharbour, Brixton Hill, Kennington/ Vauxhall, Stockwell and Streatham Hill Chlamydia screening also collects postcode - High positivity rates in Coldharbour and Brixton Hill

10 Teenage Conceptions Map - Lambeth

11 HIV Map - Lambeth

12 Chlamydia Screening map – Lambeth

13 Lambeth Sexual Health Strategy 2006-2010 Health Promotion –Secondary schools Primary care –Enhanced service provision in GP –Increase community pharmacy provision Sexual health centres –5-6 centres across L & S Young people –Improve access to services

14 Sexual Health Programme Board Multi-agency board meets six times a year Sub-groups –Primary Care –Young People –Health promotion –Specialist services Three year action plan

15 Any questions? What next?

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