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Understanding Post-Starburst Quasars and Their Role in Mutual Black Hole - Bulge Growth in Galaxies A Thesis Proposal by: Sabrina L. Cales This 20th of February, 2008 A Thesis Proposal by: Sabrina L. Cales This 20th of February, 2008
M BH ~ 0.15% M bulge => M- * Gebhardt et al. 2000
The Antennae Galaxies Hierarchical Merging F Toomre (1977)
Di Matteo, Springel & Hernquist 2005 Simulation Di Matteo, Springel & Hernquist 2005
Mergers induce inflows which feed the quasar Feedback from quasar and SN extinguishes further BH growth and star formation Crucial impact on the evolution of the galaxy Mergers induce inflows which feed the quasar Feedback from quasar and SN extinguishes further BH growth and star formation Crucial impact on the evolution of the galaxy
The Importance of Being Ultraluminous ULIRGs Quasar Hosts Bennert et al. 2008 Quasar Host Canalizo et al. 2007 ULIRGs predominantly merging systems Quasar hosts are disturbed and interacting! ULIRGs predominantly merging systems Quasar hosts are disturbed and interacting!
Evolutionary Schema Hopkins et al. 2007, this is a ‘doctored’ version ? Begin here… …over time begins to group Increase in star formation Coalescence, gas inflow to center (starburst and buried AGN) Rapid BH growth, expelling of dust & gas, high L/Ledd, visible merger signatures ‘Traditional’, fading of tidal features Starburst remnant from ULIRG phase, rapid reddening, some tidal features No star formation, large black hole/bulge
PSQs and Prototype UN J1025-0040 += PSQs are composite objects Quasar plus A-type population spectra UN J1025-0040: -Companion galaxy in post-SB phase -~400 Myr old SB -Host merger remnant PSQs are composite objects Quasar plus A-type population spectra UN J1025-0040: -Companion galaxy in post-SB phase -~400 Myr old SB -Host merger remnant Brotherton et al. 2001 Brotherton et al. 1999 Valdes et al. 2004 10 9 solar masses 100s of Myr
PSQ SDSS J 074621.06+335040.7 Brotherton et al. 2008b, in preparation ~600 PSQs from SDSS DR3 Brotherton et al. 2008a, in prep Spectroscopically selected from quasar catalog, H Large-scale, 10-100 kpc PSQs have more neighbors than quasars - 4:3 More PSQs have neighbors than quasars - 90%:76% Small-scale, <10 kpc Binned 10% by size-scale Stacked images Host galaxies have different shapes Host galaxy contributes more in the PSQs than quasar ~600 PSQs from SDSS DR3 Brotherton et al. 2008a, in prep Spectroscopically selected from quasar catalog, H Large-scale, 10-100 kpc PSQs have more neighbors than quasars - 4:3 More PSQs have neighbors than quasars - 90%:76% Small-scale, <10 kpc Binned 10% by size-scale Stacked images Host galaxies have different shapes Host galaxy contributes more in the PSQs than quasar PSQ Catalog and Environments
Project Description Determine the properties and nature of PSQs FImaging of HST Sample FHost and quasar component analysis FInfrared Properties of PSQs FPopulation analysis and comparison/constraining of theoretical models Determine the properties and nature of PSQs FImaging of HST Sample FHost and quasar component analysis FInfrared Properties of PSQs FPopulation analysis and comparison/constraining of theoretical models ImagingSpectroscopy HST, F606W (R)IRTF, K-band Keck/KPNO, optical Spitzer, mid-infrared Number of PSQs29 2816
HST Imaging HST Sample: 29 ACS SNAPshot F606W images from target list of 80, r 1A, 0.25 < z < 0.45 Morphologies Quasar to host light …contributions to …constrain EPS IRTF K-band Data and Analysis HST Sample: 29 ACS SNAPshot F606W images from target list of 80, r 1A, 0.25 < z < 0.45 Morphologies Quasar to host light …contributions to …constrain EPS IRTF K-band Data and Analysis Cales 2008, Thesis Proposal
Keck/KPNO Spectroscopy FKeck LRIS, 3100Å-1 m, 2 nights, observers - M. Brotherton & G. Canalizo, reductions - G. Canalizo & S. Cales FKPNO-4m RC-Spec, 3200Å-7200Å, 4 nights, observers - Z. Shang & S. Cales, reductions - S. Cales FKeck LRIS, 3100Å-1 m, 2 nights, observers - M. Brotherton & G. Canalizo, reductions - G. Canalizo & S. Cales FKPNO-4m RC-Spec, 3200Å-7200Å, 4 nights, observers - Z. Shang & S. Cales, reductions - S. Cales Cales 2008, Thesis Proposal Courtesy of R. Ganguly
Evolutionary Stellar Population Synthesis (EPS) Compute spectral evolution of stellar populations FInput model parameters: age, metallicity, star formation histories, dust content FConstrained by quasar to host light contribution from HST and IRTF imaging FSought parameters: mass and starburst age Compute spectral evolution of stellar populations FInput model parameters: age, metallicity, star formation histories, dust content FConstrained by quasar to host light contribution from HST and IRTF imaging FSought parameters: mass and starburst age Stars from Horizons: Seeds Z=0.02, solar EPS Models, Bruzual & Charlot 2001 Brotherton et al. 2001
Quasar Component Analysis FBlack hole mass via virial estimates, M BH ~RV 2 /G using L as a proxy for R FAbsorption of Balmer lines, use MgII FEddington luminosity fractions, L/L Edd FBlack hole mass via virial estimates, M BH ~RV 2 /G using L as a proxy for R FAbsorption of Balmer lines, use MgII FEddington luminosity fractions, L/L Edd Brotherton et al. 2001
IR Properties FSpitzer IRS, low resolution, 5- 40 m, reductions - S. Cales f (25 m)/f (60 m)<0,‘cool’ f (25 m)/f (60 m)>0,‘warm’ FWhat do you get when you cross a quasar with a post-starburst population in the IR? FColor diagnostic, mid-IR slope FForbidden line - PAH EW diagnostic FWhat do you get when you cross a quasar with a post-starburst population in the IR? FColor diagnostic, mid-IR slope FForbidden line - PAH EW diagnostic Dale et al. 2006, the above is ‘doctored’
How do PSQs fit in the Grand Scheme of Things? FHow do other classes compare to the characteristic properties of PSQs? Is this in accord with the hypothesis? FMorphologies FStarburst ages & Quasar/Host light contribution FBlack Hole demographics-M BH, L/L edd FIR Shape FPAH features FSB/Host light contribution FHow do other classes compare to the characteristic properties of PSQs? Is this in accord with the hypothesis? FMorphologies FStarburst ages & Quasar/Host light contribution FBlack Hole demographics-M BH, L/L edd FIR Shape FPAH features FSB/Host light contribution ClassReferenceStudy ULIRGs Netzer et al. (2007) Schweitzer et al. (2006) QUEST: SED, colors QUEST: Forbidden diagnostic lines and PAH emission Quasars Bennert et al. (2008) & Canalizo et al. (2007) Lacy et al. (2002) Hosts: SB age, morphology and % contribution Hosts: Morphology, % contribution, M BH, L/L Edd Post- Starburst Galaxies Goto et al. (2006) Norton et al. (2001) 2D Spectra: Morphology, % contribution, colors Spectra: Morphology, *, age
How do PSQs fit in the Grand Scheme of Modeling? FModels make specific predictions as to: L/L edd, M BH, M bulge, Colors, SB age, % contributions FCan we put classes on a time sequence? FConstrain models FModels make specific predictions as to: L/L edd, M BH, M bulge, Colors, SB age, % contributions FCan we put classes on a time sequence? FConstrain models ULIRG PSQ PS Gal quasar elliptical spiral coalescence Di Matteo, Springel & Hernquist 2005
Overview M- * Hierarchical Merger ‘Blowout’ PSQs Optical SpectraImagingGrand SchemeIR Spectra
Timeline Winter 2008 - Candidacy Exam, HST and IRTF Imaging and PSF subtraction, Begin Paper I (Imaging of HST Sample), Begin Dissertation (Chapters 1 and 2) Spring 2008 - Continue with HST data analysis (AGN to host galaxy light fraction), Complete and Submit Paper I to Astrophysical Journal, Continue with Dissertation (Complete Chapters 1 and 2) Summer 2008 - Reduce Kitt Peak 4-m data, Recalibrate Keck data, EPS of optical data constrained by AGN to host galaxy light fraction, Chandra proposal (Other), Begin Paper II (EPS of optical data), Continue with Dissertation (Chapter 3) Fall 2008 - Travel?: Porto Alegre, Brazil (M. Brotherton, Collaboration), Riverside, CA (G. Canalizo, EPS Tutorial), Finish analysis (AGN and starburst demographics) for and writing Paper II (Submit to ApJ), Prepare results for AAS meeting, Continue with Dissertation (Complete Chapter 3) Winter 2009 - Present results at Long Beach, CA AAS meeting, Reduce Spitzer data, IR diagnostics (Color and PAH features), Begin Paper III (IR diagnostics), Continue with Dissertation (Chapter 4) Spring 2009 - Finish IR diagnostics analysis (Color and PAH features), Complete Paper III (Submit to ApJ), Continue with Dissertation (Complete Chapter 4), Travel? China (Z. Shang, Collaboration Summer 2009 - Collect data of other classes of objects and modeling, Herschel proposal (Other), Begin writing Paper IV (Comparisons of PSQs with objects and models), Teach a summer Astronomy 1050 Course, Continue with Dissertation (Chapters 5 and Other) Fall 2009 - Finish analysis for and writing Paper IV, Job search and applications, Continue with Dissertation (Complete Chapter 5), Begin final analysis Winter 2010 - Wrap up ‘ Other ’ if necessary, Job search and applications, Continue with Dissertation (Complete Final Chapters), Prepare for Dissertation Defense and AAS Meeting Spring 2010 - Defend Dissertation and present at AAS Meeting, Get a Job! Winter 2008 - Candidacy Exam, HST and IRTF Imaging and PSF subtraction, Begin Paper I (Imaging of HST Sample), Begin Dissertation (Chapters 1 and 2) Spring 2008 - Continue with HST data analysis (AGN to host galaxy light fraction), Complete and Submit Paper I to Astrophysical Journal, Continue with Dissertation (Complete Chapters 1 and 2) Summer 2008 - Reduce Kitt Peak 4-m data, Recalibrate Keck data, EPS of optical data constrained by AGN to host galaxy light fraction, Chandra proposal (Other), Begin Paper II (EPS of optical data), Continue with Dissertation (Chapter 3) Fall 2008 - Travel?: Porto Alegre, Brazil (M. Brotherton, Collaboration), Riverside, CA (G. Canalizo, EPS Tutorial), Finish analysis (AGN and starburst demographics) for and writing Paper II (Submit to ApJ), Prepare results for AAS meeting, Continue with Dissertation (Complete Chapter 3) Winter 2009 - Present results at Long Beach, CA AAS meeting, Reduce Spitzer data, IR diagnostics (Color and PAH features), Begin Paper III (IR diagnostics), Continue with Dissertation (Chapter 4) Spring 2009 - Finish IR diagnostics analysis (Color and PAH features), Complete Paper III (Submit to ApJ), Continue with Dissertation (Complete Chapter 4), Travel? China (Z. Shang, Collaboration Summer 2009 - Collect data of other classes of objects and modeling, Herschel proposal (Other), Begin writing Paper IV (Comparisons of PSQs with objects and models), Teach a summer Astronomy 1050 Course, Continue with Dissertation (Chapters 5 and Other) Fall 2009 - Finish analysis for and writing Paper IV, Job search and applications, Continue with Dissertation (Complete Chapter 5), Begin final analysis Winter 2010 - Wrap up ‘ Other ’ if necessary, Job search and applications, Continue with Dissertation (Complete Final Chapters), Prepare for Dissertation Defense and AAS Meeting Spring 2010 - Defend Dissertation and present at AAS Meeting, Get a Job!
References Bahcall, J., Kirhakos, S., Schneider, D. 1996 Bennert, N. et al. 2008 Brotherton, M. et al. 1999 Brotherton, M. et al. 2001 Brotherton, M. et al. 2002 Brotherton, M. et al. 2008a, in preparation Brotherton, M. et al. 2008b, in preparation Bruzual & Charlot, 2001 Canalizo, G. et al. 2007 Di Matteo, Springel & Hernquist 2005 Gebhardt, K. et al. 2000 Hopkins, P. et al. 2007 Toomre, A. 1977 Valdes, F. et al. 2004 Bahcall, J., Kirhakos, S., Schneider, D. 1996 Bennert, N. et al. 2008 Brotherton, M. et al. 1999 Brotherton, M. et al. 2001 Brotherton, M. et al. 2002 Brotherton, M. et al. 2008a, in preparation Brotherton, M. et al. 2008b, in preparation Bruzual & Charlot, 2001 Canalizo, G. et al. 2007 Di Matteo, Springel & Hernquist 2005 Gebhardt, K. et al. 2000 Hopkins, P. et al. 2007 Toomre, A. 1977 Valdes, F. et al. 2004
Just in Case
Evolutionary Schema Hopkins et al. 2007
PSQs and Prototype UN J1025-0040 Brotherton et al. 1999 Brotherton et al. 2002 Quasar to host galaxy light fraction Constrain on evolutionary stellar population synthesis models (EPS) Quasar and host demographics: MBH, L/LEdd, SB age, SB mass Quasar to host galaxy light fraction Constrain on evolutionary stellar population synthesis models (EPS) Quasar and host demographics: MBH, L/LEdd, SB age, SB mass Brotherton et al. 1999
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