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PIC18F Programming Model and Its Instruction Set
Chapter 3 PIC18F Programming Model and Its Instruction Set
Data Memory Organization
000h Access RAM PIC16F8F2520/4520 Register File Map 07Fh 080h Bank 0 GPR 0FFh 100h Bank 1 GPR Remember: Data Memory up to 4k bytes Divided into 256 byte banks Half of bank 0 and half of bank 15 form a virtual bank that is accessible no matter which bank is selected 1FFh 200h Bank 2 GPR Access Bank 2FFh Access RAM 00h 7Fh Access SFR 80h D00h Bank 13 GPR FFh 256 Bytes DFFh E00h Bank 14 GPR EFFh F00h Bank 15 GPR F7Fh F80h Access SFR FFFh
Register File Concept Data Memory (Register File) Register File Concept: All of data memory is part of the register file, so any location in data memory may be operated on directly All peripherals are mapped into data memory as a series of registers Orthogonal Instruction Set: ALL instructions can operate on ANY data memory location w f 07h ALU 08h 09h 0Ah Data Bus 0Bh d w f 0Ch 0Dh 0Eh 0Fh 10h WREG Decoded Instruction from Program Memory: Opcode d a Address Arithmetic/Logic Function to be Performed Address of Second Source Operand Result Destination
PIC18F Programming Model (1 of 2)
The representation of the internal architecture of a microprocessor, necessary to write assembly language programs Programming Model Two Groups of Registers in PIC16 8-bit Programming Model ALU Arithmetic Logic Unit (ALU) Special Function Registers (SFRs) from data memory
PIC18F Programming Model (2 of 2)
Registers WREG BSR: Bank Select Register (0 to F)
8-bit Working Register (equivalent to an accumulator) Used for arithmetic and logic operations BSR: Bank Select Register (0 to F) 4-bit Register Only low-order four bits are used to provide MSB four bits of a12-bit address of data memory.
Register Direct Addressing
BSR (Bank Select Register) ‘f’ Operand 12-bit Effective Address (Use this when coding) ‘a’ Bit from Instruction 4-bits from BSR Register 8-bits Encoded in Instruction 1 1 1 0x282 Bank0 Bank1 Bank2 Bank13 Bank14 Bank15 00 FF FF FF FF FF FF 01 FF FF FF FF FF FF 02 FF FF FF FF FF FF 03 FF FF FF FF FF FF 7D FF FF FF FF FF FF 7E FF FF FF FF FF FF 7F FF FF FF FF FF FF NOTE TO PRESENTERS: The icon at the bottom right of this slide indicates that animations are triggered by a mouse-over event. Simply move the mouse pointer over any of the registers and they will be highlighted and the address of that register will appear in the boxes across the top. This can be used to show example addresses in any bank. Also, the access bit may be toggled to show how the view of data memory changes depending on its value. Register direct addressing can be used by any of the byte oriented or bit oriented instructions. In this mode, the specified operand is the actual address of the register that the instruction is to operate on. Here we can see how the BSR register is used to form the full 12-bit address required to address any memory location across all four banks. Even though the instructions only supply 8-bits of the address, when you are writing your code, it is good practice to specify all 12-bits as shown in the box at top right. The assembler will truncate these values whether they are specified directly or as a label. This makes it explicitly clear which bank the register is in and can help when debugging if you forget to set the BSR correctly. The other advantage of specifying the full 12-bit address is that the assembler is smart enough to recognize whether the address is in the address bank or not and will set or clear the access bit for you. So you will notice that in most of the code examples and the hands-on exercises the access bit is completely ignored, allowing the assembler to handle it for us. One additional tip: The instruction set provides a special instruction for loading the BSR quickly: MOVLB. When you want to switch to a different bank, all you need to do is execute a MOVLB #, where # is the bank number. 80 FF FF FF FF FF FF 81 FF FF FF FF FF FF 82 FF FF FF FF FF FF FC FF FF FF FF FF FF FD FF FF FF FF FF FF FE FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF
STATUS: Flag Register Flags in Status Register
Example: 9F+52 =F1 N=1,OV=0, Z=0, C=0, DC=1 STATUS: Flag Register Flags in Status Register C (Carry/Borrow Flag): set when an addition generates a carry and a subtraction generates a borrow DC (Digit Carry Flag): also called Half Carry flag; set when carry generated from Bit3 to Bit4 in an arithmetic operation Used for BCD representation Z (Zero Flag): set when result of an operation is zero OV (Overflow Flag): set when result of an operation of signed numbers goes beyond seven bits N (Negative Flag): set when bit B7 is one of the result of an arithmetic /logic operation
File Select Registers (FSR) (1 of 2)
Three registers holding 12-bit address of data registers FSR0, FSR1, and FSR2 File Select Registers composed of two 8-bit registers (FSRH and FSRL) Used as pointers for data registers for indirect addressing Associated with index (INDF) registers Find FSR0-FSR2 in Special Function Register – page 64 What are the File addresses for each? / How many INDF do you find?
Program Counter PCU PCH PCL Program Counter
21-bit register functions as a pointer to program memory during program execution PCU PCH PCL 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 Program Counter 21-bit PC can access up to 221 = 2MB (1MWord) 22nd bit used to access configuration memory at program time or via table reads & writes Contains address of NEXT instruction (pipelining) Lower byte accessible in data memory as PCL Upper bytes indirectly accessible via PCLATH/PCLATU Bit 0 of PC is always ‘0’ except when reading or writing program memory via table read/write mechanism In most microcontrollers, the program counter is buried such that it cannot be accessed or modified by the program. With the PICmicro, the exact opposite is true. Direct modification of the PC is not only possible, but is absolutely essential to perform certain operations.
Program Memory is Byte Addressable
Low byte has even address, high byte has odd address Addresses of instructions are always even Word Address 16-bit Program Memory High Byte Address Low Byte Address 0x000001 0x000000 0x000003 0x000002 PC 0x000005 0x000004 One curious feature of the PIC18 is that its 16-bit wide program memory is byte addressible. We’ll see why this is extremely useful when we look at the table read/write modes in a moment. The key point to understand here is that all program instructions will start at an even address, which is also know as the word address. This is ensured automatically by the architecture, but it is a useful point to remember when debugging your code because you might think some numbers are twice as big as they should be – for example, if you are trying to jump 4 instructions ahead, you are actually jumping 8-bytes (or 8 word addresses) ahead. 0x000007 0x000006 0x000009 0x000008 0x00000B 0x00000A 0x00000D 0x00000C 0x00000F 0x00000E
File Select Registers (FSR) (2 of 2)
Table Pointer 21-bit register used as a memory pointer to copy bytes between program memory and data registers Stack Pointer (SP) Stack is a group of 31 word-size registers used for temporary storage of memory address during execution Requires 5-bit address Saved in STKPTR in SFR Special Function Registers (SFRs): Data registers associated with I/O ports, support devices, and processes of data transfer Examine Table 3-1 – Page 64
Introduction to PIC18 Instruction Set
Includes 77 instructions; 73 one-word (16-bit) long and four two-words (32-bit) long Divided into seven groups Move (Data Copy) and Load Arithmetic Logic Program Redirection (Branch/Jump) Bit Manipulation Table Read/Write Machine Control
Move and Load Instructions
MOVLW 8-bit ;Load an 8-bit literal in WREG MOVLW 0 x F2 MOVWF F, a ;Copy WREG in File (Data) Reg. ; If a = 0, F is in Access Bank ;If a = 1, Bank is specified by BSR MOVWF 0x25, 0 ;Copy W in Data Reg.25H MOVFF fs, fd ;Copy from one Data Reg. to ;another Data Reg. MOVFF 0x20,0x30 ;Copy Data Reg. 20 into Reg.30
Arithmetic Instructions (1 of 3)
ADDLW 8-bit ;Add 8-bit number to WREG ADDLW 0x32 ;Add 32H to WREG ADDWF F, d, a ;Add WREG to File (Data) Reg. ;Save result in W if d =0 ;Save result in F if d = 1 ADDWF 0x20, 1 ;Add WREG to REG20 and ;save result in REG20 ADDWF 0x20, 0 ;Add WREG to REG20 and ;save result in WREG
Arithmetic Instructions (2 of 3)
ADDWFC F, d, a ;Add WREG to File Reg. with ;Carry and save result in W or F SUBLW 8-bit ;Subtract WREG from literal SUBWF F, d, a ;Subtract WREG from File Reg. SUBWFB F, d, a ;Subtract WREG from File Reg. ;with Borrow INCF F, d, a ;Increment File Reg. DECF F, d, a ;Decrement File Reg. COMF F, d, a ;Complement File Reg. NEGF F, a ;Take 2’s Complement-File Reg.
Arithmetic Instructions (3 of 3)
MULLW 8-bit ;Multiply 8-bit and WREG ;Save result in PRODH-PRODL MULWF F, a ;Multiply WREG and File Reg. ;Save result in PRODH-PRODL DAW ;Decimal adjust WREG for BCD ;Operations
Logic Instructions ANDLW 8-bit ;AND literal with WREG
ANDWF F, d, a ;AND WREG with File Reg. and ;save result in WREG/ File Reg. IORLW 8-bit ;Inclusive OR literal with WREG IORWF F, d, a ;Inclusive OR WREG with File Reg ;and save result in WREG/File Reg. XORLW 8-bit ;Exclusive OR literal with WREG XORWF F, d, a ;Exclusive OR WREG with File Reg ;and save result in WREG/File Reg.
Branch Instructions BC n ;Branch if C flag = 1 within + or – 64 Words
BNC n ;Branch if C flag = 0 within + or – 64 Words BZ n ;Branch if Z flag = 1 within + or – 64 Words BNZ n ;Branch if Z flag = 0 within + or – 64 Words BN n ;Branch if N flag = 1 within + or – 64 Words BNN n ;Branch if N flag = 0 within + or – 64 Words BOV n ;Branch if OV flag = 1 within + or – 64 Words BNOV n ;Branch if OV flag = 0 within + or – 64 Words GOTO Address: Branch to 20-bit address unconditionally
Call and Return Instructions
RCALL nn ;Call subroutine within +or – 512 words CALL 20-bit, s ;Call subroutine ;If s = 1, save W, STATUS, and BSR RETURN, s ;Return subroutine ;If s = 1, retrieve W, STATUS, and BSR RETFIE, s ;Return from interrupt
Bit Manipulation Instructions
BCF F, b, a ;Clear bit b of file register. b = 0 to 7 BSF F, b, a ;Set bit b of file register. b = 0 to 7 BTG F, b, a ;Toggle bit b of file register. b = 0 to 7 RLCF F, d, a ;Rotate bits left in file register through ; carry and save in W or F register RLNCF F, d, a ;Rotate bits left in file register ; and save in W or F register RRCF F, d, a ;Rotate bits right in file register through RRNCF F, d, a ;Rotate bits right in file register
Test and Skip Instructions
BTFSC F, b, a ;Test bit b in file register and skip the ;next instruction if bit is cleared (b =0) BTFSS F, b, a ;Test bit b in file register and skip the ;next instruction if bit is set (b =1) CPFSEQ F, a ;Compare F with W, skip if F = W CPFSGT F, a ;Compare F with W, skip if F > W CPFSLT F, a ;Compare F with W, skip if F < W TSTFSZ F, a ;Test F; skip if F = 0
Increment/Decrement and Skip Next Instruction
DECFSZ F, b, a ;Decrement file register and skip the ;next instruction if F = 0 DECFSNZ F, b, a ;Decrement file register and skip the ;next instruction if F ≠ 0 INCFSZ F, b, a ;Increment file register and skip the ;next instruction if F = 0 INCFSNZ F, b, a ;Increment file register and skip the ;next instruction if F ≠ 0
Table Read/Write Instructions (1 of 2)
TBLRD* ;Read Program Memory pointed by TBLPTR ;into TABLAT TBLRD*+ ;Read Program Memory pointed by TBLPTR ;into TABLAT and increment TBLPTR TBLRD*- ;Read Program Memory pointed by TBLPTR ;into TABLAT and decrement TBLPTR TBLRD+* ; Increment TBLPTR and Read Program ; Memory pointed by TBLPTR into TABLAT
Table Read/Write Instructions (2 of 2)
TBLWT* ;Write TABLAT into Program Memory pointed ;by TBLPTR TBLWT*+ ; Write TABLAT into Program Memory pointed ;by TBLPTR and increment TBLPTR TBLWT*- ; Write TABLAT into Program Memory pointed ;by TBLPTR and decrement TBLPTR TBLWT+* ; Increment TBLPTR and Write TABLAT into ; Program Memory pointed by TBLPTR
Machine Control Instructions
CLRWDT ;Clear Watchdog Timer Helps recover from software malfunction Uses its own free-running on-chip RC oscillator WDT is cleared by CLRWDT instruction RESET ;Reset all registers and flags When voltage < a particular threshold, the device is held in reset Prevents erratic or unexpected operation SLEEP ;Go into standby mode NOP ;No operation
Events that wake processor from sleep
Sleep Mode The processor can be put into a power-down mode by executing the SLEEP instruction System oscillator is stopped Processor status is maintained (static design) Watchdog timer continues to run, if enabled Minimal supply current is drawn - mostly due to leakage ( A typical) Events that wake processor from sleep MCLR Master Clear Pin Asserted (pulled low) WDT Watchdog Timer Timeout INT INT Pin Interrupt In today’s world of battery powered applications, low power modes are more critical than ever. All PICmicro devices provide a sleep mode in which the system oscillator is completely stopped, along with all peripherals dependent on that oscillator, such that the system is drawing little more than leakage current in the 0.1 to 2 microamp range. For sleep to be useful however, there needs to be some mechanism for waking the part up. There are several methods that can be used on the PICmicro: - An external hardware reset via the MCLR line. The watchdog timer, which runs from its own internal RC oscillator, separate from the system oscillator (more on this later), will continue to run (if enabled) in sleep mode. When it times out in sleep mode, rather than resetting the device, it merely wakes the processor so that instruction execution continues immediately after the sleep instruction. The external interrupt pin Timer1, which can run from a separate 32kHz crystal, if available can continue to run in sleep mode so that it wakes the part when it overflows and interrupts the CPU. The A/D converter, which like the watchdog, has its own internal RC oscillator can continue to run in sleep mode if the internal RC is selected as its clock source. This feature is particularly useful in 12-bit A/D applications because the internal digital switching noise of the PICmicro can be eliminated by going to sleep immediately after the start of a conversion. An output change from the analog comparators will generate an interrupt to wake the device An input capture event from the CCP module will also generate an interrupt to wake the device PORTB has 4 input lines that can be enabled to generate an interrupt and wake the device if any one of them change state. This feature is commonly used with keypad matrices to detect a key press and trigger the keypad scanning routine. If using I2C communications, a start or stop bit can wake the device. On 40-pin devices with the parallel slave port, any read or write of the port can wake the device. The PSP essentially makes PORTD into an 8-bit data port and PORTE into a Read, Write and Chip Select line so that the PICmicro can be used as an intelligent peripheral to another processor. TMR1 Timer 1 Interrupt (or also TMR3 on PIC18) ADC A/D Conversion Complete Interrupt CMP Comparator Output Change Interrupt CCP Input Capture Event PORTB PORTB Interrupt on Change SSP Synchronous Serial Port (I2C Mode) Start / Stop Bit Detect Interrupt PSP Parallel Slave Port Read or Write
Instruction Format (1 of 3)
The PIC18F instruction format divided into four groups Byte-Oriented operations Bit-Oriented operations Literal operations Branch operations
PIC18 Instruction Set Overview –
Byte Oriented Operations 15 9 8 7 Opcode a f f f f f f f f OR Opcode d a f f f f f f f f The first category, byte oriented operations, as the name implies, works with bytes of data. Specifically, these instructions operate on a location in the register file. The instruction is broken down into three or fout fields: The opcode, which tells the CPU what to do with the data The destination bit, which in the instructions that have it, tells the CPU where to store the results of the operation A file register address that tells the CPU which file register is to be used in the operation The Access bit, which we will discuss in more detail when we cover the PIC18’s data memory organization File Register Address Destination ( W or F ) Access Bank ADDWF x 25 , W , A File Register Address Use Access Bank Destination ( Optional )
Instruction Set Overview
Bit oriented operations are similar to the byte oriented operations, but here, only a single bit is being manipulated. In these instructions, there is a three bit field that identifies which bit within a byte should be operated on within the specified file register.
Instruction Set Overview
Literal and Control Operations 15 8 7 Literal Value Opcode k k k k k k k k OR Opcode Literal and control operations encompass everything not covered by the previous two categories. Literal operations are somewhat unique in their implementation within the PICmicro 8-bit families. Unlike other architectures that would use the equivalent of the byte oriented instruction but specify the data preceded by a ‘#’, the PICmicro uses a completely separate instruction. These instructions are characterized by the ending “LW” (such as ADDLW), and all work with constand (hard coded) data as part of their operation, such as adding a literal/constant to the W register. Control operations include instructions like call, goto, and clwdt. These may or may not have any operands depending on their specific function. MOVLW x 25 Literal Value
Instruction Set Overview - Two-word instruction
Byte to Byte Move Operations ( 2 Words ) 15 12 11 Source Register Address Opcode fs fs fs fs fs fs fs fs fs fs fs fs Opcode fd fd fd fd fd fd fd fd fd fd fd fd Destination Register Address One instruction fits into its own category: MOVFF. This instruction is two words long and contains two full 12-bit register addresses. Data from the source address is moved to the destination address. MOVFF x 125 , x 140 Source Address Destination Address
Instruction Set Overview
7 8 15 n7 n6 n5 n4 n3 n2 n1 Opcode Call and Goto Operations ( 2 Words ) CALL x 1125 Subroutine Address n8 n9 11 n10 n11 n12 n13 n14 n15 n16 n17 n18 n19 n20 Although part of the control operations category, Call and Goto, like Movff are two word instructions. These instructions make it possible to jump to anywhere within the 2MB program memory space because the full 21-bit program memory address is encoded in this instruction.
Byte Oriented Operations Bit Oriented Operations
PIC18 Instruction Set Overview – operation types: Byte-oriented, bit-oriented, literal, program redirection Byte Oriented Operations negf f,a Negate f addwf f,d,a Add WREG and f rlcf f,d,a Rotate Left f through Carry addwfc f,d,a Add WREG and Carry bit to f rlncf f,d,a Rotate Left f (No Carry) andwf f,d,a AND WREG with f rrcf f,d,a Rotate Right f through Carry clrf f,a Clear f rrncf f,d,a Rotate Right f (No Carry) comf f,d,a Complement f setf f,a Set f cpfseq f,a Compare f with WREG, skip = subfwb f,d,a Subtract f from WREG with borrow cpfsgt f,a Compare f with WREG, skip > subwf f,d,a Subtract WREG from f cpfslt f,a Compare f with WREG, skip < subwfb f,d,a Subtract WREG from f with borrow decf f,d,a Decrement f swapf f,d,a Swap nibbles in f decfsz f,d,a Decrement f, Skip if 0 tstfsz f,a Test f, skip if 0 Now we are going to turn our attention to the instruction set so that we can further describe the PICmicro’s features through simple example programs. The next two slides are a quick overview of the PIC18 instruction set. We will look at some of these in detail in a few moments. The PIC18 instruction set is broken up into four categories: Byte oriented operations – which operate on individual bytes in data memory Bit oriented operations – which manipulate individual bits within a data memory location Literal operations – which work with literal or constant data Control operations – which control program flow and other aspects of the device’s operation Table Read/Write instructions – which provide a link between program and data memory for data exchange Note the common theme among the byte and bit oriented instructions: They mostly end in ‘f’ or ‘wf’, with four that add an additional suffix and one that operates exclusively on the w register. Similarly, all of the literal operations end in ‘lw’. Conveniently, all of these instructions work the same way, only differing in the operation they carry out. This makes the instruction set even easier to understand. dcfsnz f,d,a Decrement f, Skip if Not 0 xorwf f,d,a Exclusive OR WREG with f incf f,d,a Increment f incfsz f,d,a Increment f, Skip if 0 infsnz f,d,a Increment f, Skip if Not 0 Bit Oriented Operations iorwf f,d,a Inclusive OR WREG with f bcf f,b,a Bit Clear f movf f,d,a Move f bsf f,b,a Bit Set f movff fs,fd Move fs (src) to fd (dst) btfsc f,b,a Bit Test f, Skip if Clear movwf f,a Move WREG to f btfss f,b,a Bit Test f, Skip if Set mulwf f,a Multiply WREG with f btg f,b,a Bit Toggle f
PIC18 Instruction Set Overview
Control Operations Literal Operations bc n Branch if Carry addlw k Add literal and WREG bn n Branch if Negative andlw k AND literal with WREG bnc n Branch if Not Carry iorlw k Inclusive OR literal with WREG bnn n Branch if Not Negative lfsr f,k Move 12-bit literal to FSR bnov n Branch if Not Overflow movlb k Move literal to BSR<3:0> bnz n Branch if Not Zero movlw k Move literal to WREG bov n Branch if Overflow mullw k Multiply literal with WREG bra n Branch Always retlw k Return with literal in WREG bz n Branch if Zero sublw k Subtract WREG from literal call n,s Call subroutine xorlw k Exclusive OR literal with WREG clrwdt Clear Watchdog Timer daw Decimal Adjust WREG goto n Go to address Data Memory Program Memory Operations nop No Operation tblrd* Table Read pop Pop top of return stack (TOS) tblrd*+ Table Read with post-increment push Push top of return stack (TOS) tblrd*- Table Read with post-decrement rcall n Relative Call tblrd+* Table Read with pre-increment reset Software device RESET tblwt* Table Write retfie s Return from interrupt tblwt*+ Table Write with post-increment return s Return from subroutine tblwt*- Table Write with post-decrement sleep Go into standby mode tblwt+* Table Write with pre-increment
Execution of an Instruction
Instruction: MOVLW 0x37 ; Load 37H in W Memory Hex Mnemonics Address Code MOVLW 0x37 E
Example ORG 0x20 REG0 EQU 0x00 REG1 EQU 0x01 REG2 EQU 0x02 MOVLW 0x37
MOVWF REG0,0 MOVLW 0x92 MOVWF REG1,0 ADDWF REG0,0 MOVWF REG2, 0 SLEEP Explain what this program does, specify PC value for each line, which flags are changed as the program is executed.
Example ORG 0x20 REG0 EQU 0x00 REG1 EQU 0x01 REG2 EQU 0x02 MOVLW 0x37
Instruction Pipelining
Instruction fetch is overlapped with execution of previously fetched instruction Instruction Cycles Example Program T0 T1 T2 T3 T4 T5 T6 T7 1 MAIN movlw 0x37 Fetch Execute Time to execute normal instruction 2 movwf REG0 Fetch Execute 3 movlw 0x92 Fetch Execute 4 movwf REG1 Fetch Execute
Instruction Pipelining
Pre-Fetched Instruction addwf REG0 Instruction Cycles Example Program T0 T1 T2 T3 T4 T5 T6 T7 1 MAIN movlw 0x37 Fetch Execute 2 movwf REG0 Fetch Execute 3 rcall SUB1 Fetch Execute 4 addwf REG0 Fetch Flush Rcall is calling the subroutine SUB1 2 cycles
More slides ……
Instruction Format (2 of 3)
Byte-oriented instruction – ADDWF F, d, a Bit-oriented instruction – BCF F, b, a 43
Instruction Format (3 of 3)
Literal instruction — MOVLW Branch instruction — BC n 44
Instruction Format (2 of 3)
Byte-oriented instruction – ADDWF F, d, a Bit-oriented instruction – BCF F, b, a
Instruction Format (3 of 3)
Literal instruction — MOVLW Branch instruction — BC n
Pipeline Fetch and Execution
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