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SAP 運籌管理模組 實作二 物料管理. 大綱 採購管理 (Purchasing) 存貨管理 (Inventory Management) 發票驗證 (Invoicing)

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Presentation on theme: "SAP 運籌管理模組 實作二 物料管理. 大綱 採購管理 (Purchasing) 存貨管理 (Inventory Management) 發票驗證 (Invoicing)"— Presentation transcript:

1 SAP 運籌管理模組 實作二 物料管理

2 大綱 採購管理 (Purchasing) 存貨管理 (Inventory Management) 發票驗證 (Invoicing)

3 採購管理 採購資料主檔 – 供應商主檔 (Vendor Master) – 資訊記錄主檔 (Info Record) 採購流程 – 請購單 (Purchasing Requisition, PR) – 詢(報)價單 (Request for quotation, RFQ) – 採購單 (Purchase order, PO)

4 Master Data in the Procurement Process

5 Vendor Master Data

6 實作練習 新增供應商 (MK01) Path: Logistics  Material Management  Purchasing  Master Data  Vendor  Purchasing  Create

7 欄位輸入資料 Vendor971xx Purch. Organization1000 Accounting Group0001 TitleCompany NamePU Supplier xx Search Term ½PUVENDOR Street/House NOChung-Chi Rd., 200 Postal Code/City32000/Berlin CountryDE LanguageGERMAN Order CurrencyEUR Terms of Payment0001 Partner FunctionVN

8 實作練習 - 複製供應商 複製 971xx 到 972xx

9 實作練習 新增資訊記錄主檔 (ME11) Path: Logistics  Material Management  Purchasing  Master Data  Info. Record  Create

10 欄位輸入資料 Vendor971xx MaterialPU-RM-S97xx Purch. Organization1000 Plant1000 Info Category 選 Standard Reminder110 Reminder220 Reminder330 Ctry of originDE Order UnitPC Equal to1 pc Plnd dely time2 day Purch. Group001 Standard Qty1

11 欄位輸入資料 GR Based IV 勾選 Net price45 EUR/1 PC Qty. conversion1 PC Valid on01.01.2008 Valid to31.12.2008 CntyPB00FRA1 Rate451.2 UnitEUR% Per1 UoMPC

12 Procurement Cycle

13 Basics of Procurement: Purchase Order

14 實作練習 開 PR Path: Logistics  MM  Purchasing  PR  Create (ME51N) PR no.: 欄位輸入資料 MaterialPU-RM-S97xx Quantity100

15 Purchase Order


17 實作練習 開 PO( 從 PR 轉 PO) 查請購單狀況 Path: Logistics  MM  Inventory  Environment  Stock  Stock/Requirement Lists (MD04) 欄位輸入資料 MaterialPU-RM-S97xx MRP area1000 Plant1000

18 開 PO 選 “  Purchase Order” 後,產生開 PO view 打開 “Document Overview”, 選擇該 PR 後,選 “Adopt” 鍵. 檢查 PR 是否轉為 PO 欄位輸入資料 Vendor971xx Purchasing Org. 1000

19 Goods Receipt

20 Movement Type Examples

21 Goods Movement - Transaction

22 實作練習 -GR( 收料) 查詢存貨數量 Path: Logistics  MM  Inventory Management  Environment  Stock  Stock Overview (MMBE) Path: Logistics  MM  Inventory Management  Goods Movement (MIGO) 輸入後再查存貨數量. 欄位輸入資料 Purchasing OrderPO no. Delivery note0304 OK 在收貨物項目打 “V” Movement type101

23 Invoice Receipt

24 Information in an Invoice

25 Invoice Verification with Reference to PO

26 Invoice Entry – Transaction MIRO

27 Enter Invoice Against Purchase Order

28 Invoice Receipt

29 Information in an Invoice

30 Invoice Verification with Reference to PO

31 Invoice Entry – Transaction MIRO

32 Enter Invoice Against Purchase Order

33 實作練習- IV Logistics  MM  Logistics Invoice Veri.  Document Entry  Enter Invoice

34 實作練習 Physical Inventory

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