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LINKING DATA TO ACTION Session 6. Session Objectives By the end of this session, you will be able to:  Identify priority decisions and programmatic questions.

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Presentation on theme: "LINKING DATA TO ACTION Session 6. Session Objectives By the end of this session, you will be able to:  Identify priority decisions and programmatic questions."— Presentation transcript:


2 Session Objectives By the end of this session, you will be able to:  Identify priority decisions and programmatic questions  Link decisions/questions with potential data sources  Create a time-bound plan for using data in decision making

3 Session Overview  Decisions and questions  Framework for Linking Data with Action  Small Group Activity 5: Framework for Linking Data with Action

4 Building Data Use into Your Work  PLAN PLAN PLAN !  Regularly review your data – schedule time  Use the Framework for Linking Data with Action  Engage in dialogue with stakeholders to fully understand the:  decisions they make  information they need  best way to present that information

5 Elements of the Framework  Decision makers and stakeholders with potential interest in your data  Decisions / actions that the stakeholder makes (possible uses of data)  Questions to which the stakeholder requires answers  When the decision will be made

6 Elements of the Framework (cont’d)  Indicators and/or data of interest (to respond to stakeholder need)  Source of data  How will data be presented (what types of analyses, graphs, formats)?


8 Framework for Linking Data with Action Decision / Action Program/ Policy Question Decision Maker (DM), Other Stakehold- ers (OS) Indicator /Data Data Source Timeline (Analysis) (Decision) Commu- nication Channel

9 Framework for Linking Data with Action Decision/ Action Program /Policy Question Decision Maker (DM), Other Stakehold- ers (OS) Indicator /Data Data Source Timeline (Analysis) (Decision) Commu- nication Channel

10 What Are Decisions?  Choices that lead to action  All decisions are informed by questions  All questions should be based on data

11 Decisions  Allocation of resources across IPs/ states / districts / facilities  Revising OVC program approaches to emphasize fostering and adoption  Develop and institute workplace policies on HIV/AIDS in all institutions in state X  Hire and allocate staff to facilities

12 Decision or Question

13 Programmatic Questions  What percentage of HIV+ pregnant women in care actually are delivering in health facilities?  What percentage of clients starting ART are lost to follow-up?  Are the number of family planning clients decreasing?  What percentage of pregnant patients who are HIV+ actually are receiving ART?

14 Framework for Linking Data with Action Decision/ Action Program/P olicy Question Decision Maker (DM), Other Stakehold ers (OS) Indicat or/Dat a Data Source Timeline (Analysis) (Decision) Commu- nication Channel DM OS Are we reaching testing targets in PMTCT? Do we have sufficient test kits? What is nurse: client ratio?

15 Framework for Linking Data with Action Decision/ Action Program/ Policy Question Decision Maker (DM), Other Stakehold ers (OS) Indicator /Data Data Source Timeline (Analysis) (Decision) Commu- nication Channel DM OS Are we reaching testing targets in PMTCT? Do we have sufficient test kits? What is nurse: client ratio? DM – Head of Regional Health Committee OS – Other providers, Division of Clinical Training

16 Framework for Linking Data with Action Decision/ Action Program/ Policy Question Decision Maker (DM), Other Stakehold ers (OS) Indicator /Data Data Source Timeline (Analysis) (Decision) Commu- nication Channel DM OS Are we reaching testing targets in PMTCT? Do we have sufficient test kits? What is nurse: client ratio? DM – Head of Regional Health Committee OS – Other providers, Division of Clinical Training

17 Framework for Linking Data with Action Program/ Policy Question Decision Maker (DM), Other Stakehold ers (OS) Indicator /Data Data Source Timeline (Analysis) (Decision) Commu- nication Channel DM OS Are we reaching testing targets in PMTCT? Do we have sufficient test kits? What is nurse: client ratio? DM – Head of Regional Health Committee OS – Other providers, Division of Clinical Training 711 form indicator s K41, B73, B 91 Service statistics; / logistics manage- ment system

18 Framework for Linking Data with Action Decision/ Action Program/ Policy Question Decision Maker (DM), Other Stakehold ers (OS) Indicator /Data Data Source Timeline (Analysis) (Decision) Commu- nication Channel DM OS Are we reaching testing targets in PMTCT? Do we have sufficient test kits? What is nurse: client ratio? DM – Head of Regional Health Committee OS – Other providers, Division of Clinical Training 711 form indicator s K41, B73, B 91 Service statistics; / logistics manage- ment system

19 Framework for Linking Data with Action Decision/ Action Program/ Policy Question Decision Maker (DM), Other Stakehold ers (OS) Indicato r/Data Data Source Timeline (Analysis) (Decision) Commu- nication Channel DM OS Are we reaching testing targets in PMTCT? Do we have sufficient test kits? What is nurse: client ratio? DM – Head of Regional Health Committee OS – Other providers, Division of Clinical Training 711 form indicator s K41, B73, B 91 Service statistics; / logistics manage- ment system Dec. 2010, March 2011, June 2011, September 2011, December 2011

20 Framework for Linking Data with Action Decision/ Action Program/ Policy Question Decision Maker (DM), Other Stakehold ers (OS) Indicator /Data Data Source Timeline (Analysis) (Decision) Commu- nication Channel DM OS Are we reaching testing targets in PMTCT? Do we have sufficient test kits? What is nurse: client ratio? DM – Head of Regional Health Committee OS – Other providers, Division of Clinical Training 711 form indicator s K41, B73, B 91 Service statistics; / logistics manage- ment system Dec. 2010

21 Framework for Linking Data with Action Decision/ Action Program/ Policy Question Decision Maker (DM), Other Stakehold ers (OS) Indicator /Data Data Source Timeline (Analysis) (Decision) Commu- nication Channel DM OS Are we reaching testing targets in PMTCT? Do we have sufficient test kits? What is nurse: client ratio? DM – Head of Regional Health Committee OS – Other providers, Division of Clinical Training 711 form indicator s K41, B73, B 91 Service statistics; / logistics manage- ment system Dec. 2010Short summary presented to facility manager at weekly clinic meeting

22 Framework for Linking Data with Action Decision/ Action Program/ Policy Question Decision Maker (DM) Other Stakehold ers (OS) Indicator /Data Data Source Timeline (Analysis) (Decision) Commu- nication Channel DM OS Hire more PMTCT counsel- ors Are we reaching testing targets in PMTCT? Do we have sufficient test kits? What is nurse: client ratio? DM – Head of Regional Health Committee OS – Other providers, Division of Clinical Training 711 form indicator s K41, B73, B 91 Service statistics; / logistics manage- ment system Dec. 2010Short summary presented to facility manager at weekly clinic meeting

23 Framework for Linking Data with Action  Creates a time-bound plan for information- informed decision making  Encourages greater use of existing information  Monitors the use of information in decision making

24 Key Messages  Building data use into your work takes planning and dedicated time  Data should be linked to specific decisions so as to facilitate use  Relevant stakeholders should be involved in each step of the process  The Framework for Linking Data with Action can be used to create an actionable plan for using data in decision making

25 Small Group Activity 5 – Instructions  Select a note taker  On flip chart paper, create the Framework table  Brainstorm three decisions or questions in columns 1 & 2  Complete the remaining columns  Time: 1 hour

26 Small Group Activity – Report Back  Each group will have 10 minutes to present its completed Framework  Group discussion – Are there other data sources that might have been used in this decision? Were there other stakeholders who should have been considered? (10 minutes)

27 THANK YOU! MEASURE Evaluation is a MEASURE project funded by the U.S. Agency for International Development and implemented by the Carolina Population Center at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill in partnership with Futures Group International, ICF Macro, John Snow, Inc., Management Sciences for Health, and Tulane University. Views expressed in this presentation do not necessarily reflect the views of USAID or the U.S. Government. MEASURE Evaluation is the USAID Global Health Bureau's primary vehicle for supporting improvements in monitoring and evaluation in population, health, and nutrition worldwide. Visit us online at

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