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Proposed Revisions for Updating the Software Guidance in MIL-HDBK-881A: Work Breakdown Structures for Material Items OUSD(AT&L)/SSE-USC/CSSE Workshop on.

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Presentation on theme: "Proposed Revisions for Updating the Software Guidance in MIL-HDBK-881A: Work Breakdown Structures for Material Items OUSD(AT&L)/SSE-USC/CSSE Workshop on."— Presentation transcript:

1 Proposed Revisions for Updating the Software Guidance in MIL-HDBK-881A: Work Breakdown Structures for Material Items OUSD(AT&L)/SSE-USC/CSSE Workshop on Integrating Systems and Software Engineering under Competitive Prototyping with the Incremental Commitment Model Washington, DC, July 14-17, 2008

2 SYSTEMS AND SOFTWARE ENGINEERING CENTER OF EXCELLENCE, DUSD(A&T) Slide 2 Overview of Objectives Existing MIL-HDBK-881a guidance, including Section 3.2.2. and Appendix B, treats software as a component of a subsystem (i.e, third tier WBS item) –ISPAN, NECC, GCSS-A are examples of acquisition programs that, because of stand alone nature of the software content, have had to look beyond MIL-HDBK-881a to development meaningful WBS MIL-HDBK-881a up for revision Software Cost Control Working Group objective –Provide a set of recommended changes/updates to improve guidance with respect to software development best practices –Software Cost Control Working Group drafted initial set of recommendations

3 SYSTEMS AND SOFTWARE ENGINEERING CENTER OF EXCELLENCE, DUSD(A&T) Slide 3 Task Overview Revision objectives: –Software neutral –Correct errors Key modifications in wording: –Replace 'material item' with ' acquisition program' –Add words to make 'artifacts' equal to 'products' –Include words that make 'product-oriented' and 'DoDAF architecture' interchangeable WRT to creating a WBS Results –Compiled a Comment matrix –Drafted a new Appendix B (Software) During final review and clean up, the working group was made aware of 90’s effort (draft MIL-HDBK-171)

4 SYSTEMS AND SOFTWARE ENGINEERING CENTER OF EXCELLENCE, DUSD(A&T) Slide 4 NDIA Participation The Software Cost Control working group would like to provide an industry-coordinated set of recommendations We will be requesting industry members of NDIA review the our suggested changes and provide feedback (i.e., validation): NDIA review objectives: –Ensure recommended changes are improvements from industry perspective –Request additional changes and refinements within the defined scope –Obtain additional examples to include in Appendix B

5 SYSTEMS AND SOFTWARE ENGINEERING CENTER OF EXCELLENCE, DUSD(A&T) Slide 5 Summary/Next Steps Software Cost Control working group is finishing up internal review results –Incorporation of working group feedback –Drafting an executive summary of need for update Provide Comment matrix to NDIA WBS (Industry participants) and other identified parties for review and comment by end of July –Collect feedback and consolidate into a single baseline by Mid- September Submit Comment Matrix to MIL-HDBK-881a custodian (Debbie Tomsic, ARA) by end September

6 SYSTEMS AND SOFTWARE ENGINEERING CENTER OF EXCELLENCE, DUSD(A&T) Slide 6 Questions/Discussion Contact Information: Chris Miller SSE/SSA Support Software Engineering & Systems Assurance ODUSD(A&T) Systems & Software Engineering

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