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土壤菌 Bacillus 之分離 與 木聚糖水解脢及纖維素水解脢活性分析 學 生:何季庭 指導教授:杜 鎮 研究員.

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Presentation on theme: "土壤菌 Bacillus 之分離 與 木聚糖水解脢及纖維素水解脢活性分析 學 生:何季庭 指導教授:杜 鎮 研究員."— Presentation transcript:

1 土壤菌 Bacillus 之分離 與 木聚糖水解脢及纖維素水解脢活性分析 學 生:何季庭 指導教授:杜 鎮 研究員

2 杜鎮  中研院植物所 425 室  學經歷:德國慕尼黑大學博士

3 Introduction  Xylanase, CMCase  廢料的處理  資源回收再利用  農業畜牧業的利用  Bacillus  Cloning Technique

4 Method—Sample preparation  土壤樣品的採取  Bacillus 分離  單株分離  Congo red assay 多糖類水解脢活性分析  Zymogram

5 Congo Red Assay  Xylan Congo red Acetate

6 Zymogram Read protein size then calculate the gene size Supernatant, pellet

7 Method—Cloning Technique  Insert : Chromosome DNA extraction Partial digest ( Sau3AI ) Gel extraction ( 500bp-2kb )  Vector : Puc19 Digested by HindIII Alkaline phosphotase Gel extraction

8 pUC19

9 Partial Digestion

10 Puc19 digested by HindIII

11 Method—Cloning Technique  Ligation  Electroporesis

12 Ligation

13 Method—Clones Assay  Ampicillin-IPTG-X-gal assay ( Blue-white assay )  Congo red assay  Plasmid extraction, restriction enzyme check  Zymogram

14 Plasmid Assay Digested by PvyII, two cut sites on pUC19

15 Method—Further experiment  Subcloning  Sequencing  Protein purification  Protein activity assay  Commercial application  Further research

16 Result  32 xylanase active bacilli were isolated  28 CMCasa active bacilli were isolated  No xylanase or CMCase active clone was detected

17 Discussion  Partial digest  Ampicillin affects congo red assay  Blue-white assay efficiency is not so reliable

18 The reason of failure  Immature operating!!  Bacillus anthracis str. KrugerB, unfinished sequence Accession: NC_004126 Number of Contigs: 887 Total Bases Sequenced: 10 mbNC_004126  The gene we are seeking: 500-2000 bp  Rate: get 1 positive clone in more than 10000 clones!!

19 The End Thank you for your attention

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