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1 “ Be strong then and enter into your own body : there you have a solid place for your feet.” Kabir The Use and Abuse of Psychoactive Drugs.

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Presentation on theme: "1 “ Be strong then and enter into your own body : there you have a solid place for your feet.” Kabir The Use and Abuse of Psychoactive Drugs."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 “ Be strong then and enter into your own body : there you have a solid place for your feet.” Kabir The Use and Abuse of Psychoactive Drugs

2 Healthy Habit ?..…… or

3 3 Addictive Behavior  Habits that have gotten out of control, with a resulting negative effect on a persons health.  Characteristics between a habit and an addiction Reinforcement Compulsion or Craving Loss of Control Escalation Negative Consequences

4 4

5 5  What are some non-drug related examples of addictive behaviors ? -Generate a list of 5 or more….

6 6 5 General characteristics Associated with Addictive Behavior: Difficulty…… managing their lives managing stress expressing painful emotions (appropriately) controlling impulses risk takers genetic predisposition

7 7 Brain Chemistry and Addiction  Release of chemicals in brain as a result of specific behaviors Shopping, shoplifting, gambling, internet, e-bay, high risk activities, etc. These behaviors can become the “drug” that causes the addiction Produces pleasure in the same way as psychoactive drugs.

8 8 Key Terms  Drug  Psychoactive Drug  Tolerance  Withdrawal  Pharmacological Properties  Dose-Response Function  Placebo Effect

9 9 Substance Dependence 1. Developing tolerance 2. Experiencing withdrawal 3. Taking in larger amounts 4. Expressing a persistent desire to cut down 5. Spending great deal of time obtaining 6. Giving up or reducing important activities 7. Continual usage even with recognition of a problem

10 10  What are some of the factors that affect how a drug will affect the body?  Discuss with a partner and come up with a list of (at least) 7 or more

11 11 Factors that Determine How a Drug Will Affect the Body 1. Drug factor: Pharmacological properties (Type of drug) Dose-Response function Time-action function Drug use history Method of use 2. User Factor (Body Mass, gender, weight, etc.) 3. Social Factors ( Physical/Social Environment)

12 12 Classifications of Psychoactive Drugs  Opiods (narcotics)  Central Nervous System Depressants  Central Nervous System Stimulants  Marijuana  Hallucinogens  Inhalants

13 13 Caffeine P.143 Text

14 14 Signs of Drug Dependence / Abuse  Withdrawal  Rebellious  Loss of interest  Decline in school performance  Change in friends  Change in sleep patterns  Money issues

15 15 Substance Abuse vs. Substance Dependence

16 16 Treatment  What is the #1 risk factor for drug use among young people?

17 Friends who Use Drugs

18 18 Professional Treatment Programs  Prevention Stress management, expressing emotions, communication, living YOUR life…..  Treatment centers  Drug Substitution  Self-help groups and peer counseling

19 19 Spirituality and Drug Abuse is a way out of addiction.  Increasing your keeps you in the moment.

20 20  Many of us, much of the time, act as if we are in charge of everything, and when we get a glimmer of understanding that we are not, we firmly believe that we should be. “If only I could get control of my life" is a common lament. Well, your life is bigger than you. It is like a wave trying to get control of the ocean. (Surrendering is allowing the ocean to wave you.) It is like a toe trying to get control of the body. Its most effective method is through pain. If the toe feels enough pain, the whole body has to take notice. But remaining in Control Pain is an awful way to "live." We humans get used to it though and even begin to think that Control Pain is normal. Control Pain is what makes us feel alive. Without Control Pain we are nothing.  George Breed

21 21 The practice of Surrender is the practice of letting go, of allowing “Go.” As Lao Tzu puts it: “Those who flow as life flows know they need no other force. They feel no wear. They feel no tear. They need no mending, no repair.”

22 22 A miracle is a shift in perception Have a great week!

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