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Building New Markets for U.S. Peanuts. Peanut Industry Export Program Managed by APC as it benefits all segments - shellers, growers, manufacturers, allied.

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Presentation on theme: "Building New Markets for U.S. Peanuts. Peanut Industry Export Program Managed by APC as it benefits all segments - shellers, growers, manufacturers, allied."— Presentation transcript:

1 Building New Markets for U.S. Peanuts

2 Peanut Industry Export Program Managed by APC as it benefits all segments - shellers, growers, manufacturers, allied Funded partially by industry and partially by the USDA’s Market Access Promotion Program Industry cash contributions total $348,000 (growers, $200,000; shellers, $110,000*, allied. $38,000) In 2010, the peanut industry received $3.5m

3 Markets Canada Mexico The European Union plus Norway and Switzerland Japan

4 Activities to Assist Sales Promotions with customers Generic promotions to stimulate peanut consumption where practical Trade shows Reverse trade missions and customer visits

5 Record U.S. Peanut and Product Export Value $341.8 million in 2010 Labels show values in $million, percentage shares of export value Source: U.S. Dept of Commerce Export data, Feb. 2011, Market Solutions LLC analysis $341.8 million in 2010

6 Top 20 U.S. Peanut & Product Export Markets, 2010 APC Target Products: Peanut kernels, inshell peanuts, peanut butter, blanched peanuts, snack peanuts. Calendar year data. Source: U.S. Department of Commerce data from GTIS, February, 2011. Market Solutions LLC analysis

7 246,000 mt of U.S. Peanut and Product Exports in 2010 Calendar year data Source: U.S. Department of Commerce data from GTIS, Market Solutions LLC analysis, February, 2011. Metric tons (mt) -10% +9%+24%-8% +1%

8 Peanut Kernels Account for 63% of Export Volume, But Only 53% of 2010 Export Value Figures in million dollars and metric tons (mt) Source: U.S. Department of Commerce data, Feb. 2011, Market Solutions LLC analysis $341.8 million in 2010246,000 mt in 2010

9 U.S. Peanut Kernel Exports 154,519 m t, down 10% in 2010 Source: U.S. Department of Commerce data Feb 2011, Market Solutions LLC analysis MT

10 U.S. Inshell Peanut Exports 29,654 mt, up 9% in 2010 Source: U.S. Department of Commerce data from GTIS, Feb. 2011. Market Solutions LLC analysis MT

11 Top U.S. Blanched Peanut Export Markets 17 Countries Account for Almost All Exports Source: U.S. Department of Commerce data Feb 2011, Market Solutions LLC analysis. MT

12 Changing Importance of Markets to U.S. Exports Source: U.S. Department of Commerce data, Feb 2011, Market Solutions LLC analysis $ U.S

13 2010 U.S. Peanut Export Markets Source: U.S. export statistics, Feb. 2011, Market Solutions LLC analysis

14 U.S. Peanut Exports to Canada, 2002-2010 $ U.S. Source: U.S. Department of Commerce data, Feb 2011, Market Solutions LLC analysis

15 New Competition for Canada’s Kernel Imports Canada Peanut Kernel Imports, Total and U.S. Share, 1999-2010 Metric tons Source: Stats Canada Import data, Feb 2011, Market Solutions LLC analysis

16 Near Record U.S. Share of Canada’s Inshell Imports Canada Inshell Peanut Imports, Total and U.S Share, 1999-2010 Metric tons Source: Stats Canada data, Feb 2011, Market Solutions LLC analysis

17 U.S. Peanut Exports to Europe, 2002-2010 $ U.S. Source: U.S. Department of Commerce data, Feb 2011, Market Solutions LLC analysis

18 Composition of Europe 29 Imports in 2010 Figures in million dollars GTIS data excluding intra-EU trade. Feb. 2011, Market Solutions LLC analysis $769 million in 2010 598,500 mt in 2010

19 U.S. Has 8% Share of Europe 29 Kernel Imports Europe 29 Peanut Kernel Imports, Total and U.S. Share, 1999-2010 Metric tons EU-27 excluding intra trade plus Norway and Switzerland Source: GTIS data, Feb 2011, Market Solutions LLC analysis

20 Competition for Europe 29 Kernel Imports Europe 29 Peanut Kernel Imports, By Origin, 1999-2010 Metric tons EU-27 excluding intra trade plus Norway and Switzerland Source: GTIS data, Feb 2011, Market Solutions LLC analysis

21 U.S,. Peanut Exports to Mexico, 2002-2010 $ U.S. Source: U.S. Department of Commerce data, Feb 2011, Market Solutions LLC analysis

22 U.S. Share of Mexico’s Kernel Imports Hits 57% Mexico Peanut Kernel Imports, Total and U.S. Share, 2004-2010 Metric tons Source: GTIS data, Feb 2011, Market Solutions LLC analysis

23 U.S. Peanut Exports to Japan, 2002-2010 $ U.S. Source: U.S. Department of Commerce data, Feb 2011, Market Solutions LLC analysis

24 U.S. Share Captures 26% of Japan’s Kernel Imports Japanese Peanut Kernel Imports, Total and U.S. Share, 1999-2010 Metric tons Source: GTIS data, Feb 2011, Market Solutions LLC analysis

25 U.S. Domestic Demand Strengthened in late 2010 Shelled peanuts converted to raw basis Source: USDA, Peanut Stocks & Processing, January 2011 and earlier, Market Solutions LLC analysis 000 lbs

26 Recommendations by UES Subcommittee Keep working in existing markets Continue to look for new opportunities

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