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Moquan Chen & Stian Kilaas.  Context-aware communication: the way a user is contacted depends on his/her context  This article examines projects and.

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Presentation on theme: "Moquan Chen & Stian Kilaas.  Context-aware communication: the way a user is contacted depends on his/her context  This article examines projects and."— Presentation transcript:

1 Moquan Chen & Stian Kilaas

2  Context-aware communication: the way a user is contacted depends on his/her context  This article examines projects and gives them points on a context-aware vs. autonomous actions graph

3 Good at autonomous actions, but users had to manually input their location Good at deducing location through IR sensors, but requires manual actions Good at autonomous actions, and good at deducing context. But actions had to be pre- scripted.

4  A context-aware communication device should:  Improve relevance  Minimize disruption  Reduce overload  Select channels

5  Challenges:  Sensor precision  Autonomous action

6 Moquan Chen & Stian Kilaas

7 It’s mobile It gives you a lot of info But you have to filter by context yourself You shouldn’t have to do that!

8 Is location-aware enough?

9 What info do I want? How would I get that info? Where am I? What’s going on? What time is it? Any friends here? GPS Calendar Clock Contact list & social networks I am context aware! User group: us

10 Today Without iAide

11 Future With iAide



14 To come...

15  Expand user-group to other iPhone users  Make higher fidelity prototype

16  How do users find contextually relevant info today?  How can this be automated in the future?  (make iPhone app)

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