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Council of Graduate Students General Assembly Meeting October 18 th 2007.

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Presentation on theme: "Council of Graduate Students General Assembly Meeting October 18 th 2007."— Presentation transcript:

1 Council of Graduate Students General Assembly Meeting October 18 th 2007

2 Agenda Overview  Approval of September Minutes  Officer Reports  P&R Council Seats and Senator  Central Corridor Resolution  Issues for discussion GAPSA membership definition Changes of TA responsibilities in CLA Technology availability Film/Social Committee Public Safety

3 COGS Executive Committee  President: Carol Powers, Applied Plant Sciences  Executive Vice President: Bryan Gordon, Linguistics Bryan Gordon  Vice President for Internal Relations: Eric Grashorn, Physics & Astronomy  Vice President for External Relations: Matt Kaplan, Rhetoric  Vice President for Finance: Andy Exley, Computer Science  Vice President for Communications: Jenny Corcoran, Soil, Water & Climate  Past President (ex-officio): Aeleah Soine, History  Parliamentarian: open position Policy and Review Council Chairs  Languages, Literature and Arts: Eden Kaiser, Linguistics Eden Kaiser  Biological Sciences: Geoff Hart, MICAB  Health Sciences: Sarah Stoddard, Nursing  Engineering, Physical, and Mathematical Sciences: Scott Johnson, Computer Science  Social Sciences: Eli Meyerhoff, Political Science  Education and Psychology: Caroline Hilk, Education Psychology

4 Where does COGS fit? All Graduate Students COGS P&R Councils P&R Chairs GAPSA COGS Exec. Board Univ. Senate Student Senators Committees

5 Senator and P&R Council Reps  Senators Alternates needed  P&R Councils—all meet Oct. 24 th all meetings 3-5pm Biological Sciences (3) Wed. 11/14 Health Sciences (2) Wed. 10/31 Language, Literature, and the Arts (1) Tues. 11/13 Engineering, Physical and Mathematical Sciences (3) Tues. 10/30 Social Sciences (3) Tues. 11/6

6 Officer Reports  Exec VP Committees to fill  IT Library (1)  UDS Advisory (1)  Graduate Assistant Health Insurance Advisory (1)

7 Resolution: Support for the Central Corridor Light Rail Line to go Through a Tunnel on Campus  WHEREAS, the Central Corridor Light Rail Line will be going through the University of Minnesota, Twin Cities Campus on Washington Avenue; and  WHEREAS, a considerable percentage of the ridership on the Central Corridor Line will be University of Minnesota students, employees, and visitors; and  WHEREAS, according to the Federal Railroad Administration, "deaths in grade crossing accidents are the second-leading category of deaths associated with railroading"[1] and "elimination of at- grade crossings…offers the greatest long-term promise for optimizing the safety and efficiency of the two modes of transportation"[2] (trains and motor vehicles); and[1][2]  WHEREAS, the benefits of a tunnel appreciably outweigh the added upfront material costs; and  WHEREAS, a tunnel under Washington Avenue for the Central Corridor cannot be added once the line is completed without significant cost and construction; therefore  BE IT RESOLVED, that the Council of Graduate Students supports the plan for the Central Corridor Light Rail Line to go through campus via an underground tunnel on Washington Avenue.

8 GAPSA Membership  GAPSA constitution change regarding definition of General Body Currently all graduate and professional students Proposed change to add the phrase “and who pay the GAPSA fee”

9 Research and Response to Changes in TA Assignment Rules (Eli)  drastic increase in number of undergrad enrollment required for a TA to be assigned  implemented by CLA in 2004, increasingly strictly enforced  similar in other schools? Research:  History? how did the CLA requirements change, and why did they change? differences across schools? correlated with other changes? (e.g., class enrollment sizes)  B) Consequences? using surveys and other research methods, demonstrate the effects of the changes across departments and schools for three different types of people:  undergrads  grads  faculty Response?  working with faculty on a collective response  COGS/GAPSA resolutions  other ideas?

10 Technology Availability  Do you have adequate access to computer labs, internet (LAN or WiFi) etc. for you to complete work for research and your assistantship?

11 Film/Social Committee (Geoff)  Interested in being on a committee to make this happen?

12 Public Safety (Matt)  More notices of safety problems?

13 Any Announcements?  Adjourn

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