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Abel. O. Olorunnisola IUFRO Division 5 Conference 5.04.08 Sawing, Milling & Machining DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURAL & ENVIRONMENTAL ENGINEERING UNIVERSITY.

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Presentation on theme: "Abel. O. Olorunnisola IUFRO Division 5 Conference 5.04.08 Sawing, Milling & Machining DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURAL & ENVIRONMENTAL ENGINEERING UNIVERSITY."— Presentation transcript:

1 Abel. O. Olorunnisola IUFRO Division 5 Conference 5.04.08 Sawing, Milling & Machining DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURAL & ENVIRONMENTAL ENGINEERING UNIVERSITY OF IBADAN, NIGERIA

2 Abel O. OLORUNNISOLA A Characterization of the Small -Scale Sawmilling Industry in Nigeria Wood Products Engineering Unit Department of Agricultural & Environmental Engineering, University of Ibadan

3 Abstract sawmilling is one of the oldest wood processing industries in Nigeria this paper traces the history and reviews current practices in the industry

4 Introduction over 90% of Nigerian sawmills are small-sized there is dearth of information on current structure of, and practices in these mills

5 Methodology historical/desk survey review of available literature on historical antecedents, ownership pattern, sawing facilities/practices, residue management

6 Results Historical Development 1 st pit-sawing station established in 1782 first “modern” sawmill established in 1909

7 Numerical Growth in the Sawmilling Establishments in Nigeria: 1939-1999 YearNo. of Sawmills 193916 194921 195935 196980 19791,000 19891,500 19991,700

8 Sawmilling Facilities mobile horizontal bandmills commonly installed

9 Log Supply to the Mills over 70% of log volume handled by the small-scale sawmills come from private log contractors

10 Log transportation to the mills ParameterWaterRoad Vehicle employed boatstimber lorries Average cargo size360 Kg5,000 Kg Average length/girth of logs transported 3.7 m/0.45m3.7 m/0.60m Average distance typically traversed with logs 50-120 km10-80 km Average log carriage cost/m3/Km (US$0.03)(US$0.06)

11 Lumber Production production capacity:5- 8m 3 / 8-hour shift capacity utilization < 50% lumber recovery efficiency:40 -60% annual rate of return:15.2% - 44.3%

12 Employment Structure > 70% of the workforce are manual labourers apprenticeship is the predominant form of pre-employment training

13 Residue Management sawdust used for land filling and as fuel bark, slabs, mis-manufactured lumber pieces and off-cuts, either burnt or sold off

14 Conclusions small-scale sawmilling is still largely practiced as a craft in Nigeria key challenges for the industry include personnel training and re-training and up-grading of production facilities and methods are

15 Thank you for your attention

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