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TAIWAN’S INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT. Distribution of Industrial Production by Ownership All industryMiningManufacturingPower Housing and building construction.

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2 Distribution of Industrial Production by Ownership All industryMiningManufacturingPower Housing and building construction TotalPrivatePublicTotalPrivatePublicTotalPrivatePublic Private 1990100.083.0916.91100.025.4474.56100.086.1813.82100.0 1995100.084.5615.44100.027.7872.22100.089.1810.82100.0 2000100.087.1812.82100.057.6042.40100.092.207.80100.0 2001100.086.3113.69100.052.0947.91100.091.638.37100.0 2002100.087.9412.06100.054.4545.55100.092.977.03100.0 2003100.088.1411.86100.053.2746.73100.092.827.18100.0 2004100.088.5711.43100.054.7545.25100.092.767.24100.0 All figures in %.

3 Spending on Research and Development (R&D) R&D expenditure (NT$ million) R&D spending as % of GDP 1989-1.39 1995125,0311.72 2000197,6311.97 2001204,9742.08 2002224,4282.20 2003242,9422.35 2004263,2712.44 2005280,9802.52

4 Public and Private Sector Shares of Spending on Research and Development (R&D) Government share of R&D spending Business enterprises’ share of R&D spending 199832.766.0 2000 33.465.9 2001 33.364.9 2002 35.263.1 2003 35.263.3 200433.664.8 200531.566.9

5 Classification of exports by intensity of input factors Degree of high labour intensity Degree of high capital intensity Degree of high technology intensity 198247.226.918.3 198545.924.518.8 199041.028.926.7 199536.431.936.5 2000 31.633.048.1 2003 34.941.048.6 2004 34.647.650.6 200534.552.050.0 200634.156.351.8

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