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MET Slides Xiaowen Lei (U. Arizona). MET Triggers  MET triggers can be important supplementary triggers for ATLAS physics L1 rate can be reduced by combining.

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Presentation on theme: "MET Slides Xiaowen Lei (U. Arizona). MET Triggers  MET triggers can be important supplementary triggers for ATLAS physics L1 rate can be reduced by combining."— Presentation transcript:

1 MET Slides Xiaowen Lei (U. Arizona)

2 MET Triggers  MET triggers can be important supplementary triggers for ATLAS physics L1 rate can be reduced by combining multiple L1 objects  Jet + X - 2j40_xe30  Tau + X - tau16i_loose_EFxe30  e + X - g25_loose_xe30  Of course before one can use these triggers the basic xe triggers must be commissioned and understood 2

3 MET Trigger  L1 xe L1 Calo trigger produces MET, Scalar ET and Scaler ET (sum over jets) For each there are 8, 4 and 4 thresholds  L2 xe L1 Calo MET but corrected using L2 Muon  EF xe All calorimeter cells, all cells with noise suppression or FEB based Can be corrected for EF muons 3

4 MET Trigger 4

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11  3 menus to consider  Cosmic menu right before initial beam  Initial beam menu  Physics menu (more speculative) 11

12 Cosmic menu 2009v2  L1  L1_XE[20, 30, 50, 60]_EMPTY XEx L1_TE[150, 650]_EMPTY TEx L1_JE[120, 340]_EMPTY JEx 12

13 Cosmic menu 2009v2  Hlt request  xe30 xe30_FEB xe30_noiseSupp xe30_allL1 xe30_allL1_FEB xe30_allL1_noiseSupp te150 xe30_unbiased xe30_unbiased_FEB xe30_unbiased_noiseSupp xe20_EFonly_L1MBTS1 xe20_EFonly_L1MBTS1_FEB xe20_EFonly_L1MBTS1_noiseSupp 13

14 InitialBeam_v1  L1  Identical to comic2009_v2 except the l1 terms have ANDed with "BGRP0 & (BPTX0 | BPTX1)"  L1_XE20, 30, 50, 60 XEx L1_TE150, 650 TEx L1_JE120, 340 JEx 14

15 InitialBeam_v1  HLT  Same as cosmic2009 plus the standard physics chains 15

16 rates  L1 XE Rates  Trigger Name Prescale Rate Cumul Rate L1_XE50 2 0.67 (+/- 0.27 ) 0.67 L1_XE40 20 0.48 (+/- 0.07 ) 1.12 L1_XE30 200 0.65 (+/- 0.03 ) 1.76 L1_XE25 1500 0.33 (+/- 0.01 ) 2.09 L1_XE20 7000 0.24 (+/- 0.00 ) 2.33 L1_XE15 30000 0.18 (+/- 0.00 ) 2.51 L1_XE60 1 0.22 (+/- 0.22 ) 2.62 L1_XE35 100 0.35 (+/- 0.03 ) 2.96 Total Rate 2.96 16

17 Trigger Name PrescaleRate Cumul Rate L1_TE65010.00 (+/- 0.00 ) 0.00 L1_TE360400.10 (+/- 0.02 ) 0.10 L1_TE25011000.05 (+/- 0.00 ) 0.15 L1_TE1501000000.07 (+/- 0.00 ) 0.22 Total Rate 0.22 17

18 rates  Trigger Name Prescale Rate Cumul Rate L1_XE50 2 0.67 (+/- 0.27 ) 0.67 L1_XE40 20 0.48 (+/- 0.07 ) 1.12 L1_XE30 200 0.65 (+/- 0.03 ) 1.76 L1_XE25 1500 0.33 (+/- 0.01 ) 2.09 L1_XE20 7000 0.24 (+/- 0.00 ) 2.33 L1_XE15 30000 0.18 (+/- 0.00 ) 2.51 L1_XE60 1 0.22 (+/- 0.22 ) 2.62 L1_XE35 100 0.35 (+/- 0.03 ) 2.96 Total Rate 2.96 18

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22 Trigger efficiencies  We calculate trigger efficiencies as part of the HLT MET monitoring package and MET performance package  Wrt offline MET (calorimeter only for now)  Useful data samples will be 2 jets, z to tau tau, w to enu and ttbar 22

23  At startup will use L1 only with HLT in passthrough  Quickly move to enable HLT to given needed rejection with increasing luminosity  Use l1 to reduce bulk of rate and ef to sharpen the turnon  Monitor efficiency using special chains? 23

24  8 met thresholds must seed Inclusive met and met w muon correction triggers MET plus jet and MET plus lepton triggers Are jet triggers inclus ive or exclusive? Examples of turnon curves Trigger menu from diego slide L31 trigger menu twiki 24

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