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Your assignment: You are to write a paper for Nursing 255. You must use APA format. The paper will focus on topics assigned in class: Ethical Issues; Future.

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Presentation on theme: "Your assignment: You are to write a paper for Nursing 255. You must use APA format. The paper will focus on topics assigned in class: Ethical Issues; Future."— Presentation transcript:

1 Your assignment: You are to write a paper for Nursing 255. You must use APA format. The paper will focus on topics assigned in class: Ethical Issues; Future of Nursing Education; Economic Factors Affecting the Provision of Nursing Care. The articles must be from peer-reviewed journals.

2 Click for Remote

3 WHERE DO I BEGIN? The assignment specifically states that the information must come from peer-reviewed journals. Books about the selected subject are not permitted in this assignment.

4 WHERE DO I BEGIN? The Cumulative Index to Nursing and Allied Health Literature CINAHL

5 What does CINAHL include? Journal articles Dissertations Chapter and book citations Standards of professional practice Audiovisual materials and educational software Conference proceedings

6 CINAHL is available online from 1982 to the present. Prior to 1982, you can use the “Red Index” Cumulative Index to Nursing and Allied Health Literature found in Reference to look for citations.

7 CINAHL does not use the same indexing terms as MEDLINE in some cases

8 Searching for articles. CINAHL is one of the best databases to use for your assignment. It allows you to look for articles on nursing topics that are peer-reviewed and appear in nursing journals.

9 A SAMPLE SEARCH First go to the Library web page, Scroll down the left side of the page to Quick Links. Click on CINAHL. On the resulting screen, enter your first term in the search box and click on the red Search button.


11 euthanasia




15 EXPLODING: When you “explode” a term, you tell the computer to include any more specific term(s) indented under your first term. If you click on Explode, you retrieve more information which may be pertinent to your research (expand your search).

16 FOCUSING: When you “focus” a subject, you tell the computer to retrieve only those citations for which the subject is the major point of the article (narrow your search). When the retrieval comes back, the focused word will have an asterisk beside it.

17 EXPLODE AND FOCUS? You may chose just to “explode” or just to “focus”—for this paper, it may be easier to just click on Explode if you are combining more than one term. You may do both. You don’t have to do either.










27 COMBINING SEARCHES The number to the left of the search is the number you select to combine with other search items. The numbers to the right state how many articles you have retrieved with that particular search statement.


29 NO!













42 Managing the citations: You can take the retrieval and print the results or you may download them or email them to yourself. Keep a copy of your search strategy!!!!!!!


44 Anatomy of a bibliographic record Each journal article produced in any database has various components. The components may be called by different names. At the beginning of the record in each CINAHL citation is the Accession Number Accession Number 2004168234.

45 Anatomy of a bibliographic record continued: The accession number (AN) is a specific control number given to this journal article. This is an important number if you are requesting an Inter-Library Loan as it helps to facilitate verification of the article. OVID MEDLINE uses the term, Unique Identifier (UI) for the same purpose.

46 Anatomy of a bibliographic record continued: Special fields contained: CINAHL provides information of what is in a particular record, for instance it may say that abstracts, cited references or full text.

47 Anatomy of a bibliographic record continued: AUTHOR (AU) The author’s or authors’ name(s) are listed. The last name, space, initial(s) and titles such as Jr., Sr. and numerical indicators such as Copeland JG III. A maximum of ten names may be included.

48 Anatomy of a bibliographic record continued: Institutional affiliation (IN) This applies to the first author’s affiliation. Available in CINAHL since 1992.

49 Anatomy of a bibliographic record continued: Lists the actual title of the journal article. In CINAHL, if the article isn’t in English, the language of the article is designated in square brackets [ ] after the title. See example below. “Novel peptide and protein markers for the diagnosis of myocardial ischaemia and ischaemic damage of the myocardium” [German].

50 Anatomy of a bibliographic record continued: If a foreign language is designated by brackets after the title, the TOTAL article will be in that language even though you may see an English abstract. If you request an Inter-Library Loan, the article will not come to the Library as a translated document. It will be in the language specified.

51 Anatomy of a bibliographic record continued: If you can’t read the technical language of a specific language, the translation costs are very expensive. Explore the costs before ordering any foreign language journal that must be translated.

52 Anatomy of a bibliographic record continued: SOURCE (SO) The name of the journal, periodical, series, or magazine. Source is the tag MEDLINE and CINAHL provide to show the name of the journal or periodical. Other vendors may use another tag to describe this.

53 Anatomy of a bibliographic record continued: The source may have the complete name of the journal, an abbreviation, or both. Clinical Nurse Specialist. 18(4):218-9, 2004 Jul-Aug. VOLUME NUMBER ISSUE NO. PAGE NUMBERS DATE

54 Anatomy of a bibliographic record continued: In CINAHL, when you click on the link for complete record, the abbreviation of the source is also listed. Abbreviated Source COMMUNITY DENT ORAL EPIDEMIOL. 28(3):218-24, 2000 Jun. (11 ref)

55 Anatomy of a bibliographic record continued: Here is how citations appear in OVID MEDLINE. Lead contamination in candy. FDA Consumer. 38(4):7, 2004 Jul-Aug. This is from PubMed. Exposure to traffic and the onset of myocardial infarction. N Engl J Med. 2004 Oct 21;351(17):1721-30.

56 Anatomy of a bibliographic record continued: In the PubMed citation, New England Journal of Medicine is abbreviated. You may go to the journal database section =journals =journals to determine the full title.

57 Anatomy of a bibliographic record continued: When you are assigned to select two peer- reviewed journals for Nursing 255, look for articles that contain at least 3 and preferably 4- 5 pages for your paper. Some journal articles are very short. Choose your articles wisely.

58 Anatomy of a bibliographic record continued: This citation is from MEDLINE: Sarnecky MT. Heroism. A core value of the Army Nurse Corps. Nurs Leadersh Forum. 2001 Summer;5(4):134- 9. PMID: 12004651 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]

59 Searching for journals: You may find the journal in full text in the CINAHL database. You may print from there. You may find the journal in the library catalog, and go to the third floor and copy the printed journal article. You may find the needed journal in a list of over 6,000 electronic journals the library owns.











70 ELECTRONIC JOURNALS: The electronic journals are listed in alphabetical order. The listing will tell you the publisher or vendor and the period covered by the electronic publication.

71 If you do not own the APA manual, it is available in Ready Reference: WZ 345 P512P 2001

72 Looking for help in citing those articles you’ve identified so they’re in proper APA Format? It’s easy—use RefWorks!



75 Click here to sign up for a new account

76 Complete the form with your choice of login name and password and click the Register button

77 Didn’t cover what you wanted to know ? Contact BOTH of us to make an appointment! Hannah Fisher, 520-626-2933 or Mary Riordan 520-626-3510

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