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Chapter3 The Marketing Research Industry. Marketing Research: A Brief History Pre-Marketing Research Era: colonization to the Industrial Revolution Early.

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Presentation on theme: "Chapter3 The Marketing Research Industry. Marketing Research: A Brief History Pre-Marketing Research Era: colonization to the Industrial Revolution Early."— Presentation transcript:

1 Chapter3 The Marketing Research Industry

2 Marketing Research: A Brief History Pre-Marketing Research Era: colonization to the Industrial Revolution Early Development Era: Industrial Revolution to 1920 Questionnaire Era: 1920-1940 Quantitative Era: 1940 to 1960 Organizational Acceptance Era: 1960 to 1980 PC Technology Era: 1980 to 1990 Globalization-Online Era: since 1990

3 Research Suppliers

4 Industry Structure: Internal Suppliers Internal suppliers: an entity within the firm supplies marketing research Methods of Organization: Own formal departments: Organized Around: Marketing function: ad research, product research, pricing research, channel … Research process: data analysis, data collection… Area of application: brands, customers, etc. Single individual or committee In some cases no one is specifically assigned such tasks on a full time basis.

5 Industry Structure: External Suppliers External suppliers: outside firms hired to fulfill a firm’s marketing research needs Methods of Organization: Function: data analysis, data collection, etc. Type of research application: ad research, etc. Geography: domestic, international, etc. Type of customer: finance, health Combination of the above Classification: Full-service Limited service…see next slide

6 Research Suppliers

7 Improving Industry Performance Industry is performing well but could stand some improvements Focus on diagnosing problems in the market instead of rushing to test a product/service (The Walkman, developed without MR, was created to solve need for portability. Sony diagnosed a need in the market). Need to use IT to speed up MR process Research efforts should be integrated..too splintered MR needs to be involved in strategic decisions (Should we be in this business v. Is this the best product feature?) Too often, MR is used to test tactics.

8 Other Suggestions For Industry Improvements Certification…Being promoted by AMA Auditing…Being used in other areas, i.e. Advertising..audits websites via Audit Bureau of Circulations. Education…MR industry has made much progress here. Examples include: AMA’s Notre Dame School of Marketing Research, Burke Institute, Advertising Research Foundation seminars, etc.

9 Ethics and Marketing Research AMA Code of Ethics Prohibits selling (sugging) or fund raising (frugging) under the guise of conducting research Maintaining research integrity by avoiding misrepresentation and omission of pertinent research data Treating others (buyers and suppliers) fairly Buyers: Being sold unnecessary research, supplier firms sharing buyer’s confidential information. Suppliers: Being asked for phony RFP’s, not being paid by buyers

10 Ethical Issues, cont’d The Public: Should researchers be asked to conduct research on consumption of potentially dangerous products? For example, doing research to find ways to increase consumption of high-sugar and/or high-fat content products by kids or ways to increase tobacco use by teens?

11 Ethical Issues, con’t Respondents – example, study finds that refusal rates are climbing often because public is wary of losing privacy. Deception should be eliminated. Respondents should not be identified if they are promised anonymity/confidentiality Invasions of privacy (permission issue); marketing research should not invade a person’s privacy… Respondents should have right to choose to participate

12 Invasion of Privacy SPAM; sending unwanted email Industry currently debating opt-out vs. opt-in (“active consent”) standards (opt-in much stricter) Online Survey Research: Abused respondents via SPAM initially. Today, industry is a leader in anti-spam legislation. Researchers must have a preexisting relationship with potential online respondents and the respondents must have a reasonable expectation that they will be contacted via email. See CASRO p.71-

13 Ethics and Marketing Research Your ethical views are shaped by your philosophy: Deontology: concerned with the rights of the individual Teleology: analyzes a given behavior in terms of its benefits and costs to society

14 Ethics and Marketing Research Your ethical views are shaped by your philosophy: are these actions “ethical” or not – why? Observation study – choosing product in supermarket Observation study – buying shoes in store Focus group with client representatives watching; participants not informed

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