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Safety Improvement in Primary Care 2. “Look at three areas of major clinical risk to patients as they move across the health system.”

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Presentation on theme: "Safety Improvement in Primary Care 2. “Look at three areas of major clinical risk to patients as they move across the health system.”"— Presentation transcript:

1 Safety Improvement in Primary Care 2

2 “Look at three areas of major clinical risk to patients as they move across the health system.”

3 Areas of Focus Medication Reconciliation Managing results Shared care and communication at out patients

4 Health Foundation are looking for … Knowledge Where the harm is occurring ? What risks have been identified ? What interventions have been tried ? What difference did it make? How we have gone about it …….

5 Case studies which describe the journey - the process, outcomes and learning of our work in each work stream

6 Progress Literature Engagement Process Mapping What could be improved Ideas for improvement Measurement

7 Laura Ryan 22 Sept 2011 Aim SIPC2 NHS Borders 95% of blood tests are reconciled and acted upon in a timely and accurate manner within participating practices by July 2012

8 Laura Ryan 22 Sept 2011 VSM and Process mapping

9 Laura Ryan 22 Sept 2011

10 Progress report High level ACTIONOWNERPROGRESSRAG status 1.All decision makers to appear on label printing option High Level/ Gordon/ Labs On going A 2.The requestor/ person responsible for following up the results of the test should go on the form. High level/ LauraOn going A 3Clarify responsibility of who can test/ follow up tests with particular reference to midwives and specialist nurses LauraOn going A

11 Themes Efficient accurate 2 way communication Reliable systems: To handle incoming information To implement changes/management changes/fu Inform patients of the processes and their roles within them What I do /not do in my part of the system impacts on someone else



14 Going Back to your Practice/Teams

15 CHANGE IS… Growth Opportunity Innovation ûThreat ûDisorientation ûUpheaval


17 Innovation Adoption Curve.

18 WHAT HINDERS CHANGE?  “Unnecessary” changes  No opportunity to reflect on proposed changes  People coerced or manoeuvred into change  Lack of direction  Lack of resources  Lack of information

19 WHAT HELPS CHANGE?  Communication – hearts and minds Suggest - Practice Team Meeting Create will –Video –Be honest –Be realistic, include the negative –Rumour management –Allow time to think

20 WHAT HELPS CHANGE?  Planning – involve the team  Clear leadership  Get buy in from your colleagues see benefits  Frustration/ Doing a good job  What’s on the horizon – programme/ contract  Share work

21 TOP TIPS! vRepeated message vHave good reason for making change vInvolve people vA respected leader vOutside help – US! vEstablish symbols of change vData – notice boards - discuss vAcknowledge and reward


23 Discuss in your teams What will you do to engage with your team? What? By When?

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