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Dialog Reading Group December 3 rd, 2004 Learning the Structure of Task-Oriented Conversations from the Corpus Ananlada Chotimongkol Language Technologies.

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Presentation on theme: "Dialog Reading Group December 3 rd, 2004 Learning the Structure of Task-Oriented Conversations from the Corpus Ananlada Chotimongkol Language Technologies."— Presentation transcript:

1 Dialog Reading Group December 3 rd, 2004 Learning the Structure of Task-Oriented Conversations from the Corpus Ananlada Chotimongkol Language Technologies Institute School of Computer Science Carnegie Mellon University

2 Dialog Reading Group December 3 rd, 2004 Outline Introduction Form-based dialog structure Task structure Dialog mechanisms Dialog structure learning Concept identification and clustering Form identification Operation Classification

3 Dialog Reading Group December 3 rd, 2004 Outline Introduction Form-based dialog structure Task structure Dialog mechanisms Dialog structure learning Concept identification and clustering Form identification Operation Classification

4 Dialog Reading Group December 3 rd, 2004 Building a new dialog system Speech Synthesizer Speech Recognizer Natural Language Generator “ I would like to fly to Seattle tomorrow. ” “ When would you like to leave? ” Natural Language Understanding Dialog Manager Domain Knowledge

5 Dialog Reading Group December 3 rd, 2004 Domain knowledge Steps in the task Specify the desired flight Search for flights that match the criteria Negotiate the flights Make a reservation Important information, keywords Destination, date, time, airlines, etc. Domain language: how do people talk

6 Dialog Reading Group December 3 rd, 2004 What is the problem? Speech Synthesizer Speech Recognizer Natural Language Generator “ I would like to fly to Seattle tomorrow. ” “ When would you like to leave? ” Natural Language Understanding Dialog Manager Domain Knowledge Can ’ t reuse Time consuming May need an expert

7 Dialog Reading Group December 3 rd, 2004 Research goal Reduce human effort on acquiring domain knowledge when create a dialog system in a new domain  By learning the domain knowledge from data

8 Dialog Reading Group December 3 rd, 2004 Observations Task-oriented conversations have a clear structure Reflects domain information e.g. a task is divided into sub-tasks Has recurring patterns that are observable through the language

9 Dialog Reading Group December 3 rd, 2004 The solutions To learn domain knowledge from data 1.Specify the structure of task-oriented conversations Capture sufficient domain knowledge Domain-independent Learnable 2.Learn the structure from a corpus of human-human conversations

10 Dialog Reading Group December 3 rd, 2004 Dialogue structure Task Structure (data representation) Necessary information for achieving a task goal Steps in the task Domain keywords Dialog mechanism (operations) The ways that the participants communicate and perform the task

11 Dialog Reading Group December 3 rd, 2004 Outline Introduction Form-based dialog structure Task structure Dialog mechanisms Dialog structure learning Concept identification and clustering Form identification Operation Classification

12 Dialog Reading Group December 3 rd, 2004 Existing dialog structures: Theoretical-oriented Examples: Theory of Discourse Structure (Grosz and Sidner, 1986) Discourse Representation Theory (DRT) (Kamp and Reyle, 1993) Focus on developing a theory that helps interpret discourse meaning Might be too complex to be implemented in a dialog system Use hand-written rules to recognize the structure

13 Dialog Reading Group December 3 rd, 2004 Existing dialog structures: Engineering-oriented Examples: Plan-based theory (Allen and Perrault, 1980) The theory of Conversation Acts (Traum and Hinkelman, 1992) Focus on practical issues: Predictability of each dialog component The implementation of the structure in a dialog system

14 Dialog Reading Group December 3 rd, 2004 What are missing? Don ’ t describe key domain information that the participants communicate in a dialog. The role of city names in a travel domain It is not clear how to apply the structure in a dialog system The relations between dialog structure components and dialog system components How a dialog manager should treat each component

15 Dialog Reading Group December 3 rd, 2004 Form-based dialog structure Describe a dialog structure with an existing dialog manger frameworks Have a concrete mapping between dialog structure components and dialog system components A form-based architecture has been used successfully in many dialog systems A form-based structure consists of: A task structure (forms and slots) Dialogue mechanisms (form operators) that advance the dialog

16 Dialog Reading Group December 3 rd, 2004 Outline Introduction Form-based dialog structure Task structure Dialog mechanisms Dialog structure learning Concept identification and clustering Form identification Operation Classification

17 Dialog Reading Group December 3 rd, 2004 Task Structure 3-level of organization 1.Task: a subset of conversations that has a specific goal 2.Sub-task: a step in a task that contributes toward a task goal => form 3.Concept: key information => slot

18 Dialog Reading Group December 3 rd, 2004 Task Structure: Bus schedule enquiry domain 1.Task (multiple tasks): Which bus runs between A and B? When will the bus X arrive? 2.Sub-tasks: no further decomposition 3.Concepts: Bus Number={61C, 28X, … } Location={CMU, airport, … }

19 Dialog Reading Group December 3 rd, 2004 Departure time query form F: Query_Departure_Time Depart_Location: carnegie_mellon Arrive_Location: the airport Arrive_Time: Hour: four Minute: thirty Bus_Number: 28X

20 Dialog Reading Group December 3 rd, 2004 Task Structure: Travel planning domain 1.Task: create travel itinerary 2.Sub-tasks: Flight reservation Hotel reservation Car rental reservation 3.Concepts: airlines={Continental, US-Airways, … } hotel={Hilton, Marriott, … }

21 Dialog Reading Group December 3 rd, 2004 Task Structure: Map reading domain Task: draw a line (a route) Sub-tasks: Draw a segment of a line Concepts: Landmark = {white_mountain, Machete, … } Orientation = {down, left, … } Distance = {a couple of centimeters, an inch, … }

22 Dialog Reading Group December 3 rd, 2004 Outline Introduction Form-based dialog structure Task structure Dialog mechanisms Dialog structure learning Concept identification and clustering Form identification Operation Classification

23 Dialog Reading Group December 3 rd, 2004 Dialogue mechanisms Operations that the participants use to advance the dialog toward the goal Task-oriented operations Manipulate a form (data structure) Examples: init_form, fill_form Discourse-oriented operations Manage the flow of a conversation Examples: acknowledgement, greeting

24 Dialog Reading Group December 3 rd, 2004 Dialogue mechanisms (2) Have a unique consequence on the state of the conversation init_form causes a system to create a new form Domain independent, only operation parameters that are different Fill city_name in flight_information form Fill bus_number in bus_information form

25 Air travel-planning domain PT8: request_form_info: WHAT TIME WOULD YOU LIKE TO DEPART DepLoc:[PITTSBURGH ] 1 st leg Form Dept_Loc: City: PITTSBURGH Dept_Date: Month: FEBRUARY Date: TWENTIETH Dept_Time: Flight_ref: Arr_Loc: City: HOUSTON State: TEXAS Airport: INTERCONTINENTAL Arr_Date: Arr_Time: Airline_company: 1 st leg Form Dept_Loc: City: PITTSBURGH Dept_Date: Month: FEBRUARY Date: TWENTIETH Dept_Time: EARLY TimeP: MORNING NOT BEFORE Hour: SEVEN Flight_ref: Arr_Loc: City: HOUSTON State: TEXAS Airport: INTERCONTINENTAL Arr_Date: Arr_Time: Airline_company: PT8: request_form_info: WHAT TIME WOULD YOU LIKE TO DEPART DepLoc:[PITTSBURGH ] X9: fill_form_info: /UM/ EARLY DepT:[MORNING ]NOT BEFORE DepT:[H:[SEVEN ]] PT8: request_form_info: WHAT TIME WOULD YOU LIKE TO DEPART DepLoc:[PITTSBURGH ] X9: fill_form_info: /UM/ EARLY DepT:[MORNING ]NOT BEFORE DepT:[H:[SEVEN ]] PT10: acknowledge: OKAY access_DB inform_result: U.S. AIRWAYS HAS A NON-STOP …

26 Bus schedule enquiry domain U2: fill_form_info: i wanted to take the 28X bus from /um/ DepLoc:[forbes avenue] to ArLoc:[the airport] F: Query_Departure_Time Depart_Location: Arrive_Location: Arrive_Time: Bus_Number: F: Query_Departure_Time Depart_Location: forbes avenue Arrive_Location: the airport Arrive_Time: Bus_Number: 28X

27 Dialog Reading Group December 3 rd, 2004 Outline Introduction Form-based dialog structure Task structure Dialog mechanisms Dialog structure learning Concept identification and clustering Form identification Operation Classification

28 Dialog Reading Group December 3 rd, 2004 Learning framework Goal: minimize human effort Use unsupervised learning when possible Incorporating information from existing knowledge sources If additional knowledge from a human is required Train an initial model with a small amount of annotated data Use unsupervised learning or active learning to selectively explore un-annotated data A human can correct a mistake

29 Dialog Reading Group December 3 rd, 2004 Dialog structure components Domain-dependent -> have to learn in every domain Task structure (forms, slots) Expression for task-oriented operations Domain-independent -> infrastructure or have to learn only once List of operations Expression for discourse-oriented operations

30 Dialog Reading Group December 3 rd, 2004 Outline Introduction Form-based dialog structure Task structure Dialog mechanisms Dialog structure learning Concept identification and clustering Form identification Operation Classification

31 Dialog Reading Group December 3 rd, 2004 Concept identification and clustering Goal: Identify concept members cluster together the ones that belong to the same concept City={Pittsburgh, Boston, Austin, … } Assumption: Word boundaries include compound word boundaries are given

32 Dialog Reading Group December 3 rd, 2004 Concept identification steps 1.Identify potential concept members Filter out noise, function words 2.Cluster similar words together Statistical-based clustering: Mutual information- based and Kullback-Liebler-based Knowledgebase clustering: WordNet 3.Select clusters that represent domain concepts Use the same criteria as (1), but work on a cluster level

33 Dialog Reading Group December 3 rd, 2004 Outline Introduction Form-based dialog structure Task structure Dialog mechanisms Dialog structure learning Concept identification and clustering Form identification Operation Classification

34 Dialog Reading Group December 3 rd, 2004 Form Identification Goal: determine different types of forms that occur in the domain Assumption: A dialog may be annotated with concept labels

35 Dialog Reading Group December 3 rd, 2004 Approach Segment a dialog into a sequence of sub- tasks (form boundaries identification) Train a classifier on lexicon cohesion (Hearst, 1994) and prosodic features Group together the sub-tasks that belong to the same form type Use unsupervised clustering based on cosine similarity Identify a set of slots that associated with each form type Analyze a cluster of similar form instances

36 Dialog Reading Group December 3 rd, 2004 Outline Introduction Form-based dialog structure Task structure Dialog mechanisms Dialog structure learning Concept identification and clustering Form identification Operation Classification

37 Dialog Reading Group December 3 rd, 2004 Operation Classification Goal: Learn the expressions that associate with each operation  by classifying an utterance into a pre-defined set of operations Assumption A dialog may be annotated with concepts labels List of operation types are given Operation boundaries are known

38 Dialog Reading Group December 3 rd, 2004 Supervised classification Use a Markov model (Woszczyna and Waibel, 1994) States = operation types Transition probability = dependency between operation types Emission probability = P(W|operation_type) Enhanced models Use domain concepts as word classes to reduce a data sparseness problem Add prosodic features

39 Dialog Reading Group December 3 rd, 2004 Unsupervised learning and active learning 1.Train an initial classifier from human-labeled data 2.Apply the current classifier to an unlabeled operation (Unsupervised learning) if the confidence is high, add this instance and the predicted label into the training set (Active learning) if the confidence is low, ask a human to label this instance and then add it into the training set 3.Train a new classifier on all labeled data (both machined-labeled and human-labeled) Step 2-3 can be iterated

40 Dialog Reading Group December 3 rd, 2004 Classifier confidence score 1.Difference in probability between the first rank and the second rank 2.The entropy of the classifier output High entropy = low confidence

41 Dialog Reading Group December 3 rd, 2004 Suggestion?

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