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CSE 160/Berman Programming Paradigms and Algorithms W+A 3.1, 3.2, p. 178, 5.1, 5.3.3, Chapter 6, 9.2.8, 10.4.1, Kumar 12.1.3 1. Berman, F., Wolski, R.,

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Presentation on theme: "CSE 160/Berman Programming Paradigms and Algorithms W+A 3.1, 3.2, p. 178, 5.1, 5.3.3, Chapter 6, 9.2.8, 10.4.1, Kumar 12.1.3 1. Berman, F., Wolski, R.,"— Presentation transcript:

1 CSE 160/Berman Programming Paradigms and Algorithms W+A 3.1, 3.2, p. 178, 5.1, 5.3.3, Chapter 6, 9.2.8, 10.4.1, Kumar 12.1.3 1. Berman, F., Wolski, R., Figueira, S., Schopf, J. and Shao, G., "Application-Level Scheduling on Distributed Heterogeneous Networks," Proceedings of Supercomputing '96 (

2 CSE 160/Berman Common Parallel Programming Paradigms Embarrassingly parallel programs Workqueue Master/Slave programs Monte Carlo methods Regular, Iterative (Stencil) Computations Pipelined Computations Synchronous Computations

3 CSE 160/Berman Pipelined Computations Pipelined program divided into a series of tasks that have to be completed one after the other. Each task executed by a separate pipeline stage Data streamed from stage to stage to form computation P1P2P3P4P5 a, b, c, d, e, f

4 CSE 160/Berman Pipelined Computations Computation consists of data streaming through pipeline stages Execution Time = Time to fill pipeline (P-1) + Time to run in steady state (N-P+1) + Time to empty pipeline (P-1) P1P2P3P4P5 a, b, c, d, e, f abfedc abfedc abfedc abfedc abfedc time P5 P4 P3 P2 P1 P = # of processors N = # of data items (assume P < N)

5 CSE 160/Berman Pipelined Example: Sieve of Eratosthenes Goal is to take a list of integers greater than 1 and produce a list of primes –E.g. For input 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10, output is 2 3 5 7 Fran’s pipelined approach (a little different than book): –Processor Pi divides each input by the ith prime –If the input is divisible (and not equal to the divisor), it is marked (with a negative sign) and forwarded –If the input is not divisible, it is forwarded –Last processor only forwards unmarked (positive) data [primes]

6 CSE 160/Berman Sieve of Eratosthenes Pseudo-Code Code for processor Pi (and prime p_i): –x=recv(data,P_(i-1)) –If (x>0 and x=p_i) then If (p_i divides x) then send(-x,P_(i+1) If (p_i does not divide x) then send(x, P_(i+1)) –Else Send(x,P_(i+1)) Code for last processor –x=recv(data,P_(i-1)) –If x>0 then send(x,OUTPUT) P2P3P5P7out 7 6 5 4 3 2 7 6 5 -4 3 2

7 CSE 160/Berman Programming Issues Algorithm will take N+P-1 to run where N is the number of data items and P is the number of processors. –Can consider just the odds or do some initial part separately In given implementation, number of processors must store all primes which will appear in sequence –Not a scalable approach –Can fix this by having each processor do the job of multiple primes, i.e. mapping logical “processors” in the pipeline to each physical processor –What is the impact of this on performance? P2P3P5P7P11P13P17

8 CSE 160/Berman More Programming Issues In pipelined algorithm, flow of data moves through processors in lockstep, attempt to balance work so that there is no bottleneck at any processor In mid-80’s, processors developed to support in hardware this kind of parallel pipelined computation Two commercial products from Intel: Warp (1D array) and iWarp (components for 2D array) Warp and iWarp were meant to operate synchronously Wavefront Array Processor (S.Y. Kung) was meant to operate asynchronously, i.e. arrival of data would signal that it was time to execute

9 CSE 160/Berman Systolic Arrays Warp and iWarp were examples of systolic arrays –Systolic means regular and rhythmic, data was supposed to move through pipelined computational units in a regular and rhythmic fashion Systolic arrays meant to be special-purpose processors or co-processors and were very fine- grained –Processors implement a limited and very simple computation, usually called cells –Communication is very fast, granularity meant to be around 1!

10 CSE 160/Berman Systolic Algorithms Systolic arrays built to support systolic algorithms, a hot area of research in the early 80’s Systolic algorithms used pipelining through various kinds of arrays to accomplish computational goals –Some of the data streaming and applications were very creative and quite complex –CMU a hotbed of systolic algorithm and array research (especially H.T. Kung and his group)

11 CSE 160/Berman Example Systolic Algorithm: Matrix Multiplication Problem: multiply two nxn matrices A ={a_ij} and B={b_ij}. Product matrix will be R={r_ij}. Systolic solution uses 2D array with NxN cells, 2 input streams and 2 output streams

12 CSE 160/Berman Systolic Matrix Multiplication P34 P31 P32 P33 P44 P41 P42 P43 P14 P11 P12 P13 P24 P21 P22 P23 a44 a34 a24 a14====== a43 a33 a23 a13==== a42 a32 a22 a12=== a41 a31 a21 a11 -- -- -- -- b41 b42 b43 b44 b31 b32 b33 b34 b21 b22 b23 b24 b11 b12 b13 b14 -- -- -- -- -- ------

13 CSE 160/Berman Operation at each cell Each cell updates at each time step as shown below initialized to 0

14 CSE 160/Berman Data Flow for Systolic MM Beat 1 Beat 2

15 CSE 160/Berman Data Flow for Systolic MM Beat 3 Beat 4

16 CSE 160/Berman Data Flow for Systolic MM Beat 5 Beat 6

17 CSE 160/Berman Data Flow for Systolic MM Beat 7 Beat 8

18 CSE 160/Berman Data Flow for Systolic MM Beat 9 Beats 10 and 11

19 CSE 160/Berman Programming Issues Performance of systolic algorithms based on fine granularity (1 update about the same as a communication) and regular dataflow –Can be done on asynchronous platforms with tagging but must ensure that idle time does not dominate computation Many systolic algorithms may not map well to more general MIMD or distributed platforms

20 CSE 160/Berman Synchronous Computations Synchronous computations have the form (Barrier) Computation Barrier Computation … Frequency of the barrier and homogeneity of the intervening computations on the processors may vary We’ve seen several synchronous computations already (Jacobi2D, Parallel Prefix, Systolic MM)

21 CSE 160/Berman Synchronous Computations Synchronous computations can be simulated using asynchronous programming models –Iterations can be tagged so that the appropriate data is combined Performance of such computations depends on the granularity of the platform, how expensive synchronizations are, and how much time is spent idle waiting for the right data to arrive

22 CSE 160/Berman Barrier Synchronizations Barrier synchronizations can be implemented in many ways: –As part of the algorithm –As a part of the communication library PVM and MPI have barrier operations –In hardware Implementations vary

23 CSE 160/Berman Synchronous Computation Example: Bitonic Sort Bitonic Sort an interesting example of a synchronous algorithm Computation proceeds in stages where each stage is a (smaller or larger) shuffle-exchange network Barrier synchronization at each stage

24 CSE 160/Berman Bitonic Sort A bitonic sequence is a list of keys such that 1For some i, the keys have the ordering or 2The sequence can be shifted cyclically so that 1) holds

25 CSE 160/Berman Bitonic Sort Algorithm The bitonic sort algorithm recursively calls two procedures: –BSORT(i,j,X) takes bitonic sequence and produces a non-decreasing (X=+) or a non- increasing sorted sequence (X=-) –BITONIC(i,j) takes an unsorted sequence and produces a bitonic sequence The main algorithm is then –BITONIC(0,n-1) –BSORT(0,n-1,+)

26 CSE 160/Berman How does it do this? We’ll show how BSORT and BITONIC work but first consider an interesting property of bitonic sequences: Assume that is bitonic and that n is even. Let Then and are bitonic sequences and for all

27 CSE 160/Berman Picture “Proof” of Interesting Property Consider Two cases: and

28 CSE 160/Berman Picture “Proof” of Interesting Property Consider

29 CSE 160/Berman Picture “Proof” of Interesting Property Consider

30 CSE 160/Berman Back to Bitonic Sort Remember –BSORT(i,j,X) takes bitonic sequence and produces a non-decreasing (X=+) or a non- increasing sorted sequence (X=-) –BITONIC(i,j) takes an unsorted sequence and produces a bitonic sequence Let’s look at BSORT first … sorted bitonic min bitonic max bitonic

31 CSE 160/Berman Here’s where the shuffle-exchange comes in … Shuffle-exchange network routes the data correctly for comparison At each shuffle stage, can use + switch to separate B1 and B2 bitonic min bitonic subsequence max bitonic subsequence abab min{a,b} max{a,b} + shuffleunshuffle + + + +

32 CSE 160/Berman Sort bitonic subsequences to get a sorted sequence BSORT(i,j,X) –If |j-i|<2 then return [min(i,i+1), max(i,i+1)] –Else Shuffle(i,j,X) Unshuffle(i,j) Pardo –BSORT (i,i+(j-i+1)/2 - 1,X) –BSORT (i+(j-i+1)/2 +1,j,X) bitonic shuffleunshuffle + + + + Sort maxs Sort mins

33 CSE 160/Berman BITONIC takes an unsorted sequence as input and returns a bitonic sequence BITONIC(i,j) –If |j-i|<2 then return [i,i+1] –Else Pardo –BITONIC(i,i+(j-i+1)/2 – 1); BSORT (i,i+(j-i+1)/2 - 1,+) –BITONIC(i+(j-i+1)/2 +1,j); BSORT (i+(j-i+1)/2 +1,j,-) unsorted Sort first half Sort second half (note that any 2 keys are already a bitonic sequence) abab max{a,b} min{a,b} - + + - - } } 2-way bitonic 4-way bitonic 8-way bitonic

34 CSE 160/Berman Putting it all together Bitonic sort for 8 keys: unsorted 4-way bitonics 4 ordered 2-way bitonics Sorted sequence 2 ordered bitonics abab abab + + + + - + - + + - - + + + + + + + + + + - - + 8-way bitonic

35 CSE 160/Berman Complexity of Bitonic Sort

36 CSE 160/Berman Programming Issues Flow of data is assumed to transfer from stage to stage synchronously; usual issues with performance if algorithm is executed asynchronously Note that logical interconnect for each problem size is different –Bitonic sort must be mapped efficiently to target platform Unless granularity of platform very fine, multiple comparators will be mapped to each processor

37 CSE 160/Berman 1-1 Mappings of Bitonic Sort Bitonic sort on a hypercube –Each shuffle and unshuffle connection compare keys which differ in a single bit –These keys can be compared over single hypercube edges 23 01 67 45 23 01 67 45 23 01 67 45 4-way shuffle 2-way shuffle 8-way shuffle

38 CSE 160/Berman 1-1 Mappings of Bitonic Sort Bitonic sort on a multistage full shuffle –Small shuffles do not map 1-1 to larger shuffles! –Stone used a clever approach to map logical stages into full-sized shuffle stages while preserving O(log^2 n) complexity ?

39 CSE 160/Berman Outline of Stone’s Method Pivot bit = index being shuffled Stone noticed that for successive stages, the pivot bits are If the pivot bit is in place, each subsequent stage can be done using a full-sized shuffle (a_0 done with a single comparator) For pivot bit j, need k-j full shuffles to position bit j for comparison Complexity of Stone’s method:

40 CSE 160/Berman Many-one Mappings of Bitonic Sort For platforms where granularity is coarser, it will be more cost-efficient to map multiple comparators to one processor Several possible conventional mappings Compare-split provides another approach … - - - - + - - + - - + - - - - + - - + - - +

41 CSE 160/Berman Compare-Split For a block of keys, may want to use a compare- split operation (rather than compare-exchange) to accommodate multiple keys at a processor Idea is to assume that each processor is assigned a block of keys, rather than 2 keys –Blocks are already sorted with a sequential sort –To perform compare-split, a processor compares blocks and returns the smaller half of the aggregate keys as the min block and the larger half of the aggregate keys as the max block Block A Block B Compare- split Min Block Max Block

42 CSE 160/Berman Performance Which mapping is best? –Compare Split –“Block” –“Row” - - - - + - - + - - + - - - - + - - + - - +

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