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Calculation of dynamical properties using DMRG Karen A. Hallberg Centro Atómico Bariloche and Instituto Balseiro, Bariloche, Argentina Leiden, August 2004.

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Presentation on theme: "Calculation of dynamical properties using DMRG Karen A. Hallberg Centro Atómico Bariloche and Instituto Balseiro, Bariloche, Argentina Leiden, August 2004."— Presentation transcript:

1 Calculation of dynamical properties using DMRG Karen A. Hallberg Centro Atómico Bariloche and Instituto Balseiro, Bariloche, Argentina Leiden, August 2004

2 Daniel Garcia Marcelo Rozenberg

3 INTRODUCTION Importance of the study of dynamical properties e.g. nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) neutron scattering optical absorption photoemission and even transport behaviour Dynamics @ T=0  basic properties of quantum systems

4 Basic facts Lanczos method Target states Extended operators Applications Other methods Application to the Dynamical Mean Field Theory Conclusions OUTLINE K. H., PRB 52, 9827 (1995)

5 BASIC FACTS We want to calculate the following dynamical correlation function: Fourier transforming: Subspace A Subspace B

6 BASIC FACTS Defining the Green’s function: The correlation in frequency space reads: Where  defines casuality and a finite broadening of the peaks

7 BASIC FACTS We could diagonalize H and obtain the Green’s function as: And the dynamical correlation function as:

8 Lanczos dynamics The Green’s function: Can be written as follows: GA=GA=  0 |A † A|  0  z-a 0 - b12b12 where z-a 1 - b22b22 z-a 2 - …….

9 Lanczos dynamics In the Krylov |f n  basis H is tridiagonal: (with rescaled coefficients a n and b n )

10 Lanczos dynamics: target states Target states (TS): a) some eigenstates |n  b) some Lanczos vectors |f n  Relative importance of these: e.g. for the S=1 Heisenberg model, where A=S + q at q=  3 TS have 98% weight S=1/2 Heisenberg model, instead, it is only 28% Kühner and White (99) where

11 Lanczos dynamics: target states L=320 m=128 (S=1) m=256 (S=1/2) Weight of the target states at q= 

12 Lanczos dynamics: extended operators And extended operators like S q ? N=28, 44, 60, 72 (pbc)

13 Lanczos dynamics: extended operators Filter for open BC: smooths Fourier transform, for example: Kühner and White (99)

14 Lanczos dynamics: precision Some considerations: Higher precision: Local operators Open boundary conditions Finite-size DMRG Checks: Sum rules for momenta, e.g.:  0 lim  0

15 Lanczos dynamics: applications Some applications: Spin chain structure factors (K.H., 1995; Kühner and White 1999) The spin-boson model (Nishiyama, 1999) Spin-orbital chains (Yu et al, 2000) General spin chain dispersion relations (Okunishi et al, 2001) Dynamics of spin ladders (Nunner et al, 2002) Spectral functions in the U  Hubbard model (Penc et al, 1996) Critical behaviour of spin chains (K.H. et al, 1996) Optical response in 1D Mott insulators (Kancharla et al, 2001) Impurity-solver in the DMFT method (Garcia et al, 2004)

16 Lanczos dynamics: examples AFM S=1/2 Heisenberg model q= , N=28 and 40 Hallberg (95) and Kühner and White (99) lower spinon line

17 Lanczos dynamics: examples AFM S=1 Heisenberg model (single magnon line) Kühner and White (99) Truncation error: 1 st peak’s weight

18 Lanczos dynamics: applications Spin chain dispersion relations (Okunishi et al., 2001) BLBQ S=1 spin chain Heisenberg model:  =0 VBS chain:  =1/3 Relationship between dispersion relation and correlation length for gapped spin chains  6.03 for  =0 and 0.92 for  =1/3

19 Lanczos dynamics: applications The S=1/2 zig-zag ladder:  5.71 for  =0.48 and 4.35 for  =0.6, confirmed with  from static correlation functions

20 Lanczos dynamics: applications Critical behaviour of spin chains, e.g. S=3/2 Heisenberg model (K.H., X. Wang, P. Horsch, A. Moreo, PRL 76, 4955 (1996) Spin velocity v:  q = E(2  /N)-E(0)=v sin(2  /N) v=3.87  0.02 =1.28v sw experimental value in CsVCl 3 : v=1.26v sw v sw =2S=3

21 Lanczos dynamics: applications Cyclic spin exchange in cuprate ladders (Nunner et al, 2002) Lowest excitation behaviour  strong reduction of the dispersion of the S=0 bound-triplet excitation with J cyc. Good agreement with experiments. 1 and 2 triplet excitations

22 Lanczos dynamics: applications

23 Spectral functions for the U  Hubbard model (Penc et al., 1996)

24 Lanczos dynamics: applications where the lower Hubbard band spectra are: charge part spin part

25 Lanczos dynamics: applications k F =  /4 empty band full band Shadow bands

26 Correction vector dynamics Target: a particular energy z=  +i  So that the Green’s function is a product of two vectors: where Use as target states:

27 Correction vector dynamics z=  +i  The corrector vector |x(z)  is complex: Multiplying and dividing by (  +i  -H) we obtain: and (Ramasesha et al., 1989 & succ.; Kühner and White, 1999; Jeckelmann, 2002)

28 Analogy between DMFT and conventional MFT Lanczos dynamics: application to DMFT Hubbard model Ising model D. Garcia, K. H. and M. Rozenberg, cond-mat/0403169

29 Lanczos dynamics: application to DMFT DMFT  mapping of the original Hubbard model onto a SIAM “in a self-consistent bath” Hibridization for the Bethe lattice:  (  )=t 2 G(  ) Where G(  ): impurity Green’s function At the self-consistent point, G(  ) coincides with the local G of the original model

30 Lanczos dynamics: application to DMFT Several numerical impurity-solver methods: Quantum Monte Carlo (needs analytic continuation for real  ) Wilson’s NRG (precise at low  ) Exact Diagonalization for small effective 1D chains

31 Lanczos dynamics: application to DMFT a<na<n a>na>n b<nb<n b>nb>n One way of solving the impurity: G 0 (  )= 1 +-()+-() = 1  +  -t 2 G(  )

32 Lanczos dynamics: application to DMFT Self-consistent equations: We will use DMRG G 0 (  )= 1 +-()+-()

33 Lanczos dynamics: application to DMFT MR, XY Zhang & G Kotliar, PRB ‘94 A Georges & W Krauth ‘93

34 Lanczos dynamics: application to DMFT metallic insulating IPT DMRG metallic insulating MC

35 Lanczos dynamics: application to DMFT Important finite-size behaviour: “Kondo physics” in finite systems

36 Lanczos dynamics: application to DMFT U=2.5 NRG IPT Band substructure:

37 CONCLUSIONS : Several ways of calculating dynamics within DMRG With Lanczos, one can obtain a broad portion of the spectra which is reliable especially for the low-lying states (first excitation peaks) It has been applied to several systems Application to DMFT: it’s one way of solving the “impurity” part which leads to the self-consistent Hamiltonian directly without approximations (except for the truncation at finite a n and b n ) Improvement: complete the continued fraction for less finite system “structure”

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