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IMS-LD, progress and prospects 8 th Nov 06, IMS LD Summit Heerlen, Dai Griffiths IMS-LD, progress and prospects Dai Griffiths. CETIS, The University of Bolton
IMS-LD, progress and prospects 8th Nov 06, IMS LD Summit Heerlen, Dai Griffiths What is the context for IMS LD in the overall development of learning technology? What work is being done at present, and who is funding it? What are the immediate challenges?
IMS-LD, progress and prospects 8th Nov 06, IMS LD Summit Heerlen, Dai Griffiths Once upon a time before IT…Technology was easy to use, flexible, and paper was interoperable But it didn’t help teachers to manage variety Flexibility Ease of use Interoperability Variety Mgt.
IMS-LD, progress and prospects 8th Nov 06, IMS LD Summit Heerlen, Dai Griffiths Along came CD ROM and the big change: the Web Teachers get some help in managing variety, but have to pay for it elsewhere Flexibility Ease of use Interoperability Variety Mgt.
IMS-LD, progress and prospects 8th Nov 06, IMS LD Summit Heerlen, Dai Griffiths VLE’s to the rescue! You get ease of use, and can handle learner info, but you pay for it in flexibility and interoperability Flexibility Ease of use Interoperability Variety Mgt.
IMS-LD, progress and prospects 8th Nov 06, IMS LD Summit Heerlen, Dai Griffiths IMS LD provides interoperable flexible pedagogies, is fine for large scale distance education, but … But can only be authored & run by technical experts Flexibility Ease of use Interoperability Variety Mgt. Potential
IMS-LD, progress and prospects 8th Nov 06, IMS LD Summit Heerlen, Dai Griffiths Current initiatives are trying to drag the bars over. More flexible infrastructure, better authoring tools and runtime, and so (?) more interoperable UOLs Flexibility Ease of use Interoperability Variety Mgt.
IMS-LD, progress and prospects 8th Nov 06, IMS LD Summit Heerlen, Dai Griffiths Who is funding and carrying out work on IMS LD ? JISC European Commission Individuals and institutions
IMS-LD, progress and prospects 8th Nov 06, IMS LD Summit Heerlen, Dai Griffiths JISC has played a key role “Joint Information Systems Committee” for Higher Education in the UK “Top sliced” funding, currently some £66m per year Roughly half to run the JANET network Funds projects, including JISC Service at CETIS
IMS-LD, progress and prospects 8th Nov 06, IMS LD Summit Heerlen, Dai Griffiths JISC e-Learning Programme has four main strands e-Learning pedagogy e-Learning framework and tools Innovations in e-learning Distributed e-learning 140 projects funded so far (6 months to 3 years) Budget has risen to £10m per year and
IMS-LD, progress and prospects 8th Nov 06, IMS LD Summit Heerlen, Dai Griffiths The e-Framework (with Australia DEST) An ambitious attempt to model the whole of higher education as a set of distributed services Services are technical components from which applications can be built The vision is to reuse services flexibly in a range of institutions, and reduce costs Advocates open standards based specifications
IMS-LD, progress and prospects 8th Nov 06, IMS LD Summit Heerlen, Dai Griffiths Distributed eLearning Strand Overlaps with the eFramework The main support for IMS LD in JISC SLeD (service based LD player) D4LD (Developing for Learning Design) Wcker Reload wizard Related work (LAMS evaluation and a number of other significant reports)
IMS-LD, progress and prospects 8th Nov 06, IMS LD Summit Heerlen, Dai Griffiths Now I’ll hand over to my colleague Sheila MacNeill, who’ll give an overview of the Design For Learning programme.
Overview of JISC Design for Learning Programme Sheila MacNeill JISC CETIS
What is it? 2 year project - till May 2008 Part of the pedagogy strand of the JISC eLearning Programme Learning design in wide context - not just IMS LD
Exploring the process of designing, planning, sequencing or orchestrating of learning tasks which may include the use of e- Learning tools. practitioner focus to help make effective decisions about the use of e-Learning, help support the effective design and use of learning design tools.
Programme aims To: further develop the community’s Understanding of the principles that inform the design of effective learning activities which involve the use of technology.
Projects 14 projects in total Models of Practice (1) Pedagogic Planner (2) Implementation Projects (5) Technical Development Projects(4) Support project (CETIS) Evaluation Project (Glenaffric Ltd)
LD4P, Led by Liverpool Hope Aims 1. develop an interface to an IMS LD authoring tool suitable for use by teaching practitioners 2. produce learning designs, investigate sharing Objectives 1.evaluate the RELOAD IMS LD editor with practitioners 2.produce a prototype user interface 3.investigate implementation of the user interface 4.produce IMS LD units of learning in a variety of situations 5.investigate re-use of IMS LD units of learning
Developing for Learning Design (D4LD) Finishes 31st Oct 2007 Aims and Objectives Produce a stable Learning Design player to: Provide access to LD courses for students Integrate with LDs produced by other projects Offer a component within the design for learning framework
Support project Provide technical and pedagogic expertise in learning design to the projects and the programme to support the process of design for learning. Enable the sharing of expertise in design for learning, Support the establishment of communities, services and resources to promote and sustain effective practice in design for learning.
Some early issues Exemplar designs - differences between ‘inspirational’ and ‘runnable’ designs Representation of designs for practitioners Searching criteria - peer value & FOAF IMS LD way of mapping all representations
Links More information @ - programme support wiki es/elearning_pedagogy/elp_designlearn.a spx
IMS-LD, progress and prospects 8th Nov 06, IMS LD Summit Heerlen, Dai Griffiths European Commission The Commission is sympathetic, and supports open standards. It will expect to see a policy on standards, but will not impose any particular specifications. eContent Plus programme, 149 m (running to 2008) specifically mentions that projects should support the use of open standards. Not particularly focused on eLearning.
IMS-LD, progress and prospects 8th Nov 06, IMS LD Summit Heerlen, Dai Griffiths Framework Programme 6 (FP6) Technology Enhanced Learning (TEL): 60m Euros, closed 2005. FP 7 is being planned now. Current projects include: TENCompetence (Integrated Project) Developing sytems using IMS LD (more on this in a later slide). 4 Years, 14 m € budget
IMS-LD, progress and prospects 8th Nov 06, IMS LD Summit Heerlen, Dai Griffiths Prolearn (Network of Excellence) Has a strand looking at IMS LD in the context of professional learning iClass (Integrated Project) Has developed ASK-LDT, a graphical authoring tool for Learning Design.
IMS-LD, progress and prospects 8th Nov 06, IMS LD Summit Heerlen, Dai Griffiths Prolix (Integrated Project) Technology Enhanced Learning (TEL) Integrated Project with 19 partners over 4 years Implementing IMS LD for supporting business process changes. Used to plan the learning activities needed when a change in a business process occurs.
IMS-LD, progress and prospects 8th Nov 06, IMS LD Summit Heerlen, Dai Griffiths Calibrate: (IST STREP Project) Brings together eight Ministries of Education, (including six MoEs from new member states), to carry out a multi-level project designed to support the collaborative use and exchange of learning resources in schools. 2.5 Years, run by European School Net Providing tools for teachers based on IMS LD
IMS-LD, progress and prospects 8th Nov 06, IMS LD Summit Heerlen, Dai Griffiths TENCompetence works with IMS LD in the context of three critical areas: Life Long Learning Service based architecture Personal Learning Environment There is a workpackage focusing specifically on Learning Activities, where IMS LD is central. Developing authoring tools, and integrating SCORM into LD Runtime
IMS-LD, progress and prospects 8th Nov 06, IMS LD Summit Heerlen, Dai Griffiths Leonardo programme: OpenDock An IMS LD aware repository and demonstrator for VET. IMS LD Template Editor is an additional output. repository: LAMP (Apache, MySQL, Perl). Installs on remote rented space. CPs disaggregated and as searchable containers and contents Module to parse XML, IMS LD in this version. API so that other systems can hook into it. Demo at Open Market today
IMS-LD, progress and prospects 8th Nov 06, IMS LD Summit Heerlen, Dai Griffiths Instutional research, for example Wollongong Centre for Interactive Learning Environments (Sue Bennett presentation) Complutense University of Madrid (Open Market) Waterloo LearningMapR Individual research, for example CoSMoS: (Open Market), NetUniversité, Collage…
IMS-LD, progress and prospects 8th Nov 06, IMS LD Summit Heerlen, Dai Griffiths Open Source foundations are making an important contribution..LRN is the first VLE to provide support for IMS LD, levels A, B & C. See their Demo at the Open Market Moodle roadmap: mid 2007 “Support for importing/exporting LD, converting Moodle activities and sequences of activities into a standard format for sharing, and importing standard sequences into Moodle courses”
IMS-LD, progress and prospects 8th Nov 06, IMS LD Summit Heerlen, Dai Griffiths Open Source foundations are making an important contribution..LRN is the first VLE to provide support for IMS LD, levels A, B & C. See their Demo at the Open Market Moodle roadmap: mid 2007 “Support for importing/exporting LD, converting Moodle activities and sequences of activities into a standard format for sharing, and importing standard sequences into Moodle courses” LAMS Test V2 Still some things to discuss In particular service configuration
IMS-LD, progress and prospects 8th Nov 06, IMS LD Summit Heerlen, Dai Griffiths Reload from CETIS at the University of Bolton Originally a JISC funded project for the Content Packaging editor Now a suite of IMS authoring tools, including IMS LD, standardised on the Eclipse platform Reload used in Learning Design for Practitioners (LD4LP) at Liverpool Hope (at Open Market). Bid submitted to link with Demonstration at the Open Market today
IMS-LD, progress and prospects 8th Nov 06, IMS LD Summit Heerlen, Dai Griffiths TENCompetence and Reload TENCompetence needs easier IMS LD authoring Two approaches Artificial intelligence: mapping any high level representation using a standard workflow representation to be mapped to IMS LD. Creation of specific graphical interfaces.
IMS-LD, progress and prospects 8th Nov 06, IMS LD Summit Heerlen, Dai Griffiths
IMS-LD, progress and prospects 8th Nov 06, IMS LD Summit Heerlen, Dai Griffiths It is hard to agree on component chunks Depends on learners’ objectives, teacher preference, pedagogy, institutional context, We need a range of options, so it is planned to develop palette of components generated automatically from partially completed UoLs
IMS-LD, progress and prospects 8th Nov 06, IMS LD Summit Heerlen, Dai Griffiths Tencompetence and LD runtime Coppercore: runtime integration with SCORM currently underway Development of spec to connect communication and collaboration services to LD runtime engines TENCompetence provides an environment for planning and carrying out Life Long Learning UoLs play in the TENCompetence client, but also represent and reproduce sequences of activities defined by the user in the client.
IMS-LD, progress and prospects 8th Nov 06, IMS LD Summit Heerlen, Dai Griffiths Current prospects for IMS LD (from UK perspective) IMS LD is well known, but not well understood. Needs more outreach work Not universally accepted as the solution to the challenges in IT support for pedagogic activities At the same time it has not been rejected. Some would say it is a well intentioned skepticism. Development work is continuing, but the momentum is not as strong as we would like.
IMS-LD, progress and prospects 8th Nov 06, IMS LD Summit Heerlen, Dai Griffiths What are people’s concerns about IMS LD? It is seen as too complex to work with. This is (at least in part) a question of tooling. Many teachers have control over their pedagogy, which constitutes their professional independence. They may mistrust the intrusion of any computer system into this domain. Only convincing and useful applications will overcome this
IMS-LD, progress and prospects 8th Nov 06, IMS LD Summit Heerlen, Dai Griffiths Farmer & Tilton, June 2006, IM&M Technical Briefs Part of OSS Watch work funded by JISC.
IMS-LD, progress and prospects 8th Nov 06, IMS LD Summit Heerlen, Dai Griffiths Three big challenges for IMS LD: 1. Disaggregation of VLEs Stitching together services like mail, chat, blog, wiki etc is no longer hard, so VLEs are tending to be disaggregated But IMS LD assumes VLEs, with cohorts, design time and runtime distinction… Its role and use in a system which is built around the learner rather than the institution is an open question (PLE, TENCompetence)
IMS-LD, progress and prospects 8th Nov 06, IMS LD Summit Heerlen, Dai Griffiths Three big challenges for IMS LD: 2. Technological change We tend to hear “We don’t need interoperability specs any more, we have and Flickr…” a) Zip files are anomalous in a Web 2.0 world. There are solutions, but there is an overhead. b) XML based interoperability between large VLEs is starting to look like yesterday’s solution (whether this is right or wrong)
IMS-LD, progress and prospects 8th Nov 06, IMS LD Summit Heerlen, Dai Griffiths Three big challenges for IMS LD: 3. Institutional change Education, especially higher education, is a moving target: expansion, new institutional structures and policies, Communities of Practice and Corporate Universities. All these meet in Life Long Learning How can IMS LD meet the needs of this new environment? What additional specs and apps? TENCompetence is focused on LLL, and will provide initial answers
IMS-LD, progress and prospects 8th Nov 06, IMS LD Summit Heerlen, Dai Griffiths Good news, bad news… IMS LD has clear role in delivering interoperable flexible large scale distance education on VLEs Providers still need to be convinced by applications and courses, but the logic of the solution is clear However, there are many fewer VLEs than we might have expected, and so less need to interoperate… But as well as interoperability, IMS LD is attractive as a modelling environment, and as a means of scheduling learning activities
IMS-LD, progress and prospects 8th Nov 06, IMS LD Summit Heerlen, Dai Griffiths Web 2.0 & PLE perspective: IMS LD is good at… Coordinating learning flows and (potentially) link with enterprise systems. But this might be a service with no integrated course delivery Modelling pedagogic activities But is the institutional baggage too much to carry? We need to provide some smart applications, and/or profiles to show that this can work
IMS-LD, progress and prospects 8th Nov 06, IMS LD Summit Heerlen, Dai Griffiths TENCompetence Open Workshop GMEX conference centre, Manchester Thursday 11 th - Friday 12 th January There is a call still open leading to publication in IJLT. Deadline 17 th November (talk to me) Come and discuss these issues!
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