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Southern NM LandLink Project BCIS 350 presentation A “Greening Garden” project Las Cruces, New Mexico 2010.

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Presentation on theme: "Southern NM LandLink Project BCIS 350 presentation A “Greening Garden” project Las Cruces, New Mexico 2010."— Presentation transcript:

1 Southern NM LandLink Project BCIS 350 presentation A “Greening Garden” project Las Cruces, New Mexico 2010

2 Background Goal: to develop a database to match area growers, gardeners, agriculturalists with landowners interested in maintaining agricultural land use. Geographic Scope: Dona Ana county Potential clients: southern NM agriculturalists, CSAs, governmental agencies, schools… Demonstration date: 16 May, 2010 (Las Cruces Tour of Gardens 2010)

3 Data and database design Data: tables (refer to owner/tenet applications) – Clients: may be agriculturalists, owners, other, or any combination of these. Client attributes: contact info, agricultural experience – available land attributes: H2O source, infrastructure (i.e. buildings, equipment, electrical utilities), tillable acreage, previous land use, cost/exchange (i.e. rent, sell, share crop, trade, other…) – wanted land: acreage, previous land-use (vegetables, herbs, orchard, beekeeping, organic, pesticide use…), payment/exchange – Other… appropriate associative tables

4 Data and database design Data input: – user-friendly input forms – easy to train someone to enter data. Aesthetics: – Organized, clean user interface Questions so far?

5 Database functionality Queries: – Specific persons or selected persons (or all) wanting/looking for land, with available lands that are most suitable to their needs. How will you determine what is most suitable? – land owners and lands with potential renters/users. Reports: – of clients (by query or filter) and associated land tables (by query or filter). – Query results to be presented in a readable, presentable report format.

6 Database functionality… cont. Links to resources: A links page that provides URL for important Land Link resource contacts; for example  NM Cooperative Extension NM Cooperative Extension  NM Department of Agriculture NM Department of Agriculture  Rio Grande Agricultural Land Trust Rio Grande Agricultural Land Trust  Southern Rockies Agricultural Land Trust Southern Rockies Agricultural Land Trust  Taos Land Trust Taos Land Trust  Farm Credit of New Mexico Farm Credit of New Mexico  Farm Service Agency Farm Service Agency NRCS Land Attorneys, Las Cruces NM

7 Data base features Password login Logo on forms and reports Meaningful object naming conventions Organized relationship view Aesthetic layout of forms and reports

8 Other Land Link program links (for reference only) Land Link Vermont Urban Land Army International Farm Transition Network ml ml

9 Project timeline 12 Apr, 2010 Initial meeting w/BCIS Final product delivery date:

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